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Disclaimer: The tactics in this file are not manuals on how to fight, they are suggestions and hints on how the fight should be done. If you have a better tactic, that fits your needs, use it. Here I list things that might help you fight better.

General ideas
  • When you go into a fight, choose a leader of your group. The person you will follow, and person who will lead you through the fight. Leader will make assignments on who does what, will have to make quick decisions in a process of fight, etc.
  • Mages and clerics should not tank. Mages can do so after reaching 10th level and having Inertial Barrier, but they still take 50% more damage then all the other classes. Cleric's job is to keep others alive, not him/herself.
  • However, there are situations when mage/cleric will be a target of a monster. In that case group's tank(s) should get monster's attention by either parrying, circling or bashing the monster.
  • All missile weapon users should stand one square behind the group. This will ensure that if a missle user is being attacked, he/she can come up to the front quick enough to let tanks get attention of the monster. Do not run around the room. By doing so you put yourself and other members of your group in danger.
  • There is no room-positioning that will fit to every fight. You have to adapt to new situations.
  • If you get not yell on top of your lungs "Curepoison!!" You will not die, and there will be less noise and problems in the fight. Either whisper to someone for curepoison, or wait until the end of fight.
  • I have noticed a rule that in a hunt, if you get smashed very bad, you should leave the room. I think that is a mistake. If you get hurt bad constantly, ask a tank or anyone stronger than you, to get the monster's attention. If you just got vitaled, or not worry. Do not leave the room, By leaving you put others in danger, because monster will look for another victim. That might be a cleric of the party.
  • Special note to clerics: Please do not be scared of taking hits. Unlike mages, clerics can wear a full set of armor, therefor, take less damage. If something turned to you, be brave and take a hit or two, until a tank has enough time to circle/bash/parry.

Other fights are more or less alike. Just find a strategy that fits you. Quests are totally different, and it is up to the leader to choose the strategy. So be wise, or your group dies.

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