
Most of my recipes are taken from a book by Joyce Fernandes. In India, a paper back edition of this recipe book is available for about 30 rupees (~ US $ 1). You can contact the author the following address: Joyce Fernandes D/5 Kundaikar Nagar, Dada Vaidya Rd., Panjim, Goa. India. 403001.


1/2 kg flour
2 tablespoons ghee (hydrogenated oil)
a pinch of salt
For the filling:
1/2 kg. sugar
1/2 cup water
1 half ripe coconut grated fine
100 g. cashew nuts (chopped very fine)
100 g. raisins
2 tablespoons ghee
6 cardamons (powdered)
oil for frying
Mix flour, salt and ghee well, add just enough water to knead into a small dough. Keep aside. Heat sugar and water till a syrup is formed. Add the grated coconut, ghee and nuts. When the mixture has thickened, add raisins and cardamon powder. Remove from fire after the mixture turns quite dry. Cool and keep aside. Divide the dough into small balls, roll out into thin rounds, put a spoonful of the coconut filling on each round, wet the edges, press down to form half-moon shapes. Trim edges preferably with a cutter and deep fry in hot oil.


500 g. maida (flour)
1/2 cup coconut juice
1 tablespoon butter
2 eggs
3 or 4 cardamons (powdered)
Sugar to taste
oil for frying
Mix all the ingredients and cook over a slow fire till a soft dough is formed. Cool, knead and take small marble-like portions, roll over the back of a fork and deep fry till golden brown.


200g maida (white bleached flour)
10 egg yolks
500g sugar
1 cup coconut juice (thick)
1/4 nutmeg (powdered)
200g ghee (hydrogenated oil)

Take the coconut milk, mix it with the maida, sugar and egg yolks. Stir thoroughly till sugar has dissolved, andd nutmeg powder and keep aside. Heat a little ghee in a pan and pour in one cup of batter. Bake till brown. Add another spoonful of ghee and another cup of batter. Bake and repeat this till all the batter is used up. Turn the bebinca upside down and cool before serving. NOTE: Baking of bebinca is done over a slow fire.

Pork Vindalho

2 tsp whole cumin seeds
2 Hot, dried red chilies
1 tsp black pepper corns
1 tsp cardamom seeds
3" stick cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp black mustard seeds
1 tsp fenugreek seeds
5 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 1/2 ts salt
1 ts brown sugar
5 tb vegetable oil
2 Medium onions cut into rings
1 1/3 c water
2 lb pork cut into 1" cubes
1" cube ginger chopped
8 Cloves garlic peeled
1 tb ground coriander seeds
1/2 ts turmeric
Grind cumin seeds, red chilies, peppercorns, cardamom seeds, cinnamon, black mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds in a coffee-grinder or other spice grinder. Put the ground spices in a bowl. Add the vinegar, salt and sugar. Mix and set aside. Heat the oil in a wide, heavy pot over a medium flame. Put in the onions. Fry, stirring frequently, until the onions turn brown and crisp. Remove the onions with a slotted spoon and put them into the container of an electric blender or food processor. (Turn off the heat.) Add 2-3 tablespoons of water to the blender and puree the onions. Add this puree to the ground spices in the bowl. (This is the vindaloo paste. It may be made ahead of time and frozen.) Dry off the meat cubes with a paper towel and remove large pieces of fat, if any. Put the ginger and garlic into the container of an electric blender or food processor. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water and blend until you have a smooth paste. Heat the oil remaining in the pot once again over a medium-high flame. When hot, put in the pork cubes, a few at a time, and brown them lightly on all sides. Remove each batch with a slotted spoon and keep in a bowl. Do all the pork this way. Now put the ginger-garlic paste into the same pot. Turn down the heat to medium. Stir the paste for a few seconds. Add the coriander and turmeric. Stir for another few seconds. Add the meat, any juices that may have accumulated as well as the vindaloo paste and the water. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer gently for an hour or until port is tender. Stir a few times during this cooking period. Serve with rice.


100 Large Clams
8 tbps. grated Coconut
3 Onions (chopped Fine)
2 Green Chillies (Chopped Fine)
1/2 tsp. Ginger-garlic paste
2 tsp. Chilli Powder
1/2 tsp. Turmeric powder
1/4 tsp. Jaggery (crushed)
1/2 Cup tamarind juice
2 tsp. Oil
Wash the clams well. Slit them open keeping the meat on one shell, discarding the empty halves. Mix the clams with all the ingredients, one by one and cook the mixture over a low flame, sprinkling the Oil while the clams are being cooked. Add very little water if necessary. Cook till the preparation is quite dry.


10 large mackerels or sardines
4 large onions (sliced)
2 large tomatoes (sliced)
1 pod garlic (sliced fine)
1" piece ginger (sliced fine)
3 tablespoons salad oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
4 capcicums/greenpeppers (chopped) or green chillies
2 potatoes (sliced round)
salt to taste
Spread a few slices of onions and tomatoes in a pan. Halve mackerels and place half the quantity over the onion and tomato slices in the pan. Put another layer of onions and tomatoes and cover with the remaining mackerels. Lastly, sprinkle with ginger and garlic and the remaining onion and tomato slices. Keep the pan on the fine, pour the oil, six or seven tablespoons water and the vinegar over the fish. Add salt if desired. Close the lid of the pan and allow the fish to cook on a slow fire. Shake the pan once in a while. When the fish is half done, sprinkle the turmeric powder, add green peppers or green chillies. Serve with sliced potatoes.


1/2 Kg. of any fleshy fish
3 potatoes (boiled and minced)
1 level teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1/2 teaspoon pepper powder
1 sour lime juice
2 tablespoons fish stock
1 egg (well beaten)
fine breadcrumbs
oil for frying
Clean wash and boil the fish in a little water and salt. Save the water. Remove bones if any and mash together with the minced potatoes, turmeric, chilli and pepper powders. Add lime juice and stock. Salt may be added if necessary. Form little oval rolls, dip into beaten edd, coat with bread crumbs and deep fry until golden brown. Serve hot.

Rissois de Camarao

For the filling:
1/4 kg. prawns
1 onion (chopped fine)
1 tomato (chopped fine)
2 or 3 tbsp milk
A few drops of lemon juice
For the dough:
2 cups maida (flour)
1 cup water
1 tbsp ghee (hydrogenated oil)
1 or 2 eggs
Wash and de-shell the prawns. Boil the prawns and then mince the boiled prawns. Using a little oil, fry the onions and tomato till brown. Then add prawns and fry for a while. Add the milk and lime juice. Cook till a thick paste is formed. Remove from fire and keep aside.
Allow the water to boil, add salt and ghee. Stir in the flour continuously. Remove from fire and knead when warm, roll out and cut into rounds (for example with a wineglass). Place a little prawn filling in each round.Press down the edges, dip in beaten egg, coat with bread crumbs and deep fry till golden brown.

Prawn Curry

1 cup prawns, cleaned and deveined
4 green chillies/peppers, deseeded
1 medium onion sliced
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1/2 tsp cummin seeds
6 cloves garlic
10 dried red chillies/peppers
4 peppercorns
1/2" piece ginger
1/2 tsp tumeric powder
1 tbsp tamarind pulp
2 cups water
salt to taste Preparation
Mix the prawns with the salt, green chillies and onion and marinate for 0.5 hours. Put all the spices in the mixer and grind with coconut milk and 0.5 cups water. Strain though a sieve and put in a deep pan on medium flame along with 2 cups water. Cook till the quanity is reduced by half, then add prawns with marinade and the tamarind pulp.Stir-cook for 10 minutes and serve hot with plain steamed/boiled rice.


1 kg pork
1/2 kg pork liver and heart
1/4 bottle vinegar (approx. 300 ml)
a small amount of tamarind and salt to taste
Grind the following in vinegar:
30 dry red chillies
1 teaspoon cumminseeds
1 inch piece turmeric
4 cloves
Slice the following:
1 full pod garlic
2 inch piece of ginger
3 onions
4 green chillies
Wash and boil the pork,liver and heart in full piece. Cool and cut into small cubes, then fry in frying pan (without using any oil) till nice and brown. Using a little fat from the fried pork, fry the ginger, garlic and onions, until the onions change colour. Add the masala (the mixed spices), fry well then add the fried pieces of meat. The tamarind paste should be added to the meat together with a little vinegar (if necessary). Add two teaspoons of salt or more if desired. Cook on a slow fire till meat is tender. Finally add green chillies. Cook for another ten minutes and remove from the fire. Sarapatel tastes good on the next day, and even better after three days or more.