Chapter 17: .The.Accident.

"Milk, stupid! You forgot to get milk!" Taylor told himself as he pounded his clenched fists on the steering wheel of his brand new red Volkswagon Beetle. It had seemed like he had left planet Earth for a moment. He considered going home and telling his mother he simply forgot, but quickly decided against it, because with 9 people in the house, he knew she would just force him to go out again. He decided it would be better to get it all done at once. Abruptly, he swerved out of the lane, and made an illegal U-turn to head back to the store. Several drivers honked and swore at him, but he just brushed them off and flipped them the bird. "Ahh, shut up. I'm Taylor Hanson, I can do whatever I want. I warned everyone to stay off the road while I'm driving!" he chuckled softly. He knew he had a bad attitude, but he didn't care. He was famous, and people loved him. He could get away with pretty much anything he wanted to.

After purchasing the milk, he was once again on his way home. Swiftly, he tore down a side street, anxious to return home. It had been a long day and all he wanted was a nap. He noticed the quiet street; there was not one car on the same road he was on. That made him feel powerful. Still, he knew this was an area where many children lived, so he drove very slowly. Perhaps he was reckless on the highways, but when it came to children's safety, he could never be too careful. Something inside made his stomach flutter suddenly as he gripped the wheel tightly, fighting a wave of nausea. He felt like something was going to happen, but he had no idea what it could be. He figured once again he was just paranoid. He decided he was afraid of driving along this road because he knew children darted out into the middle of the street and that always made him a bit nervous. "Stop being gay," he scolded himself, and clicked the radio on. "Ugh, Backstreet Boys again? Yuck," he said in disgust and quickly changed the station until he found something decent to listen to. "Hey, Mmmbop is on the radio!" he laughed. He checked the station and scowled. "Radio Disney. Figures. Oh, well. Atleast it's playing..." he justified and began singing along. "If anyone caught Taylor Hanson singing to his on song on the would they laugh at me..." he told himself. He had a habit of talking to himself, especially when driving. The song ended, and some stupid goofy song came on, causing Tay to shut the radio off completely. "The hell with it," he snickered.

A sudden screech of tires brought his attention to the road once more, causing him to jump. Curious, he looked ahead of him; the direction it came from. He saw a black car sticking out in the middle of the street. "God, people these days have no clue how to drive, do they?" he hypocritically stated. As he neared the intersecting streets where the black car jutted out, he heard the screech of tires once more and watched as it blindly pulled out. "What the hell is wrong with this dude?" he asked himself angrily, but when he saw it was the girl he'd had visions of, his jaw dropped. A look of fear spread wildly across his face as he saw her heading towards him with lightening speed in the wrong lane. He frantically beeped his horn and shouted "WRONG LANE!" but his efforts meant nothing. Thinking fairly quickly, he swerved into the lane next to him and let out a breath of relief. "That was a close one," he whispered as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. As he looked up once more, he felt his face drain to a ghostly white color. She had swerved also...right into his path.

Taylor knew there was nothing he could do now to avoid the collision. If he stopped, she would keep going towards him. If he swerved to the opposite lane again, so would she. She was out to get him, he realized. He checked his seatbelt, praying that he fastened it before, and thankfully he did. He knew this may be the factor that could save his life. There was no escape and he knew it. He thought of any other plan to get him out of the situation, and thought about going around the car. He could take a sharp left, but that would cause him to plunge off of the cliff. No, letting her hit him was his best bet. Adrenaline surged through his trembling body as he clutched the wheel with all his might. He looked at the girl's face. She was grinning pleasurably and he watched as she increased her speed. "Please God, don't let me die, please God, please God, please God, I'll pray to you for the rest of my life. I'll go to church every week. I promise. Don't let me die. Don't do this to my family. Or my fans. Please God, please God, please God," he prayed as he cried uncontrollably. He knew it wouldn't be much longer until he felt the impact. He clenched his eyes shut as tight as he could and gritted his teeth. The last thing he heard was the final screech of tires on the pavement, and glass shattering. He took a whiff of the burning tar and felt himself catapulting through glass. Then he felt himself go unconscious.

[I'm No Stranger To Your Dreams]