Chapter 9: .Ghostly.Chill.

"Ike, something freaky is going on, and I don't like it," Zac whispered.

"It's probably nothing..." Ike trailed off. He had returned home a few hors ago and found Zac waiting for him with an urgent conversation topic.

"Oh, come on! That's a load of crap, and you know it." He lifted himself onto his sturdy legs and ambled over to Isaac. With a firm grip like the claw of a vulture, he grasped his brother's shoulders. "Isaac! Stop trying to justify everything with logic. You know it as well as i do. He dreamt of the girl he killed!"

"You don't know that!" Ike argued.

"He described her right down to the alst insignifigant detail; it's her!"

"I Doubt it..." Ike said, and as Zac began to interrupt, he continued "but for the sake of argument, lets say it is her. Don't you think that this is a good thing?? Maybe his subconscious remembers. This means he could be getting his memory back shortly. I don't see why you're upset."

"Because she threatened him!!! I told you how he snapped at me, and then remembered nothing! I told you everything that happened in his dreams! She's evil, Ike! I told you that when she was dying in the hospital. There was something cold about her." Zac wasn't going to give up.

"Shhhhh!!! Taylor might hear you! You're yelling!" Ike whispered in a raspy voice.

"So you do see truth in it, don't you!!" Zac accused.

"Of course not," he lied. "I just don't want him hearing anything that could worry him."

"Fine! Whatever. I'm getting out of here. It is absolutely no use talking to you, so I'll protect him myself," he declared, bitterly.

Just then, a cold gust of invisible smoke floated through the room. "So, he's catching on. I must hurry my plans," Drew said with a cackling laugh that was not known to the two boys. If only Ike and Zac could hear it, maybe they could save their brother.

Zac stopped cold in his tracks. Seconds earlier, he had been walking towards the door. A tingling sensation chilled his spine with fear. The little hairs on the back of his neck shot up like the fur on the back of a black Halloween cat. "She's here, Ike. Can't you feel it? Can't you feel the cold?" Zac asked somberly.

Ike hesitated, and finally admitted "Yeah...I feel her."

[Chapter 10]
[I'm No Stranger To Your Dreams]