FUN FACT: During ancient times, "purple" could describe a whole range of colors in the red-blue range. A tiny gland in a small sea snail (Murex) was used. It took hundreds of sea snails to get a small quantity of dye. Therefore, purple became an important color. In Rome, laws were passed  that stated only emperors were allowed to wear purple. If anyone else wore it, they could be punished.


      Guernica by Pablo Picasso

Click on the picture of Guernica to discover the story behind the painting.


Click on the word "Animation" above and go an animation site which gives a detailed description, with pictures, of the various steps it takes to produce an animated cartoon.

FUN FACTS:  To produce The Lion King :

                        1.  One million drawings were needed for 83 minutes
                             of film.
                        2.  Twenty-four drawings were made
                             for every second of film.
                        3.  Eight hundred animators
                        4.  It cost $45 million to produce.
                        5.  Using the computer, it took 2-1/2
                             years to make the stampede scene.



    1.    Fifty-six Imperial Eggs were produced between 1884 - 1916.
            Forty-four eggs still exist and two are known from photographs.
     2.    Forbes Magazine owns 12 eggs, the Kremlin has 10 eggs, and
            the Queen of England owns 3 eggs. The Queen has the largest
            collection of Faberge objects in the world.
     3.    In 1985, Malcolm Forbes bought the 1900 Cuckoo Egg for
            1.76 million dollars.
     4.    In 1994, an American bought the 1913 Winter Egg for 5.5 million
     5.    Carl Faberge never actually made any of the eggs.
             He designed the eggs and supervised his talented artisans.


The following links will take you to interesting sites that give guidelines for drawing perspective.



"Still - in a way - nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small - we haven't time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time."

    photo credit

    Georgia painted over two hundred flower paintings. When Stieglitz first saw her first enormous flower painting, he responded: "I don't know how you're going to get away with anything like that - you aren't planning to show it, are you?"
    Often Georgia would paint the same subject over and over again. She said: "I don't like anyone else's paintings not even my own half the time." These "failures" didn't discourage her but prompted her to keep trying new approaches. In a letter to William Schubart in 1950 she talks about this part of her art: " . . . and for myself I am never satisfied - never really - I almost always fail - always I think - now next time I can do it - Maybe that is part of what keeps one working . . . "
    Georgia O'Keeffe had an incredible sense of color yet she only wore black or white clothes. Once she said that if she began to choose colors to wear, she would not have time to pick any to paint. Another time she said that she was so sensitive to color that if she wore a red dress, then she would feel obliged to live up to its flamboyance.

    If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please e-mail me and my class and
    we will respond. Also, if you know any "Fun Facts" about artists or artistic concepts,
    please e-mail and share them with us. We will write back and share other "Fun Facts" with

   A good source for backgrounds

web master: Ann M. Roomel