Homepage of Catholic Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Singapore

Marriage Encounter Community in Singapore

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What's happening in Singapore
Marriage Encounter Singapore Board News
Marriage Encounter Love Circles News
Encounters Newsletter
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Marriage Encounter

Latest News !!!

What's Coming Up Soon

ME Weekend - 3 - 5 March 2000 - ME House. Presenting Team: Fr Erbin Fernandez, Robert & Stella, Gerard & Julie, Joe & Mary. Vacancies are still available.

Team Formation Weekend will be held from 5 - 7 May 2000. Check details with your Group leaders.

Next Community Night will be held on Sunday, 13 February 2000 from 6.00 - 7.30 pm at ME House. As this coincides with the eve of Valentine's Day, a very special programme is arranged for Team couples and encountered couples from Love Circle(s) are also invited to attend. The theme for the night is "Power of Love". One of the highlights of the night's programme is a challenge to all small groups to come up with the "Most Romantic Dinner Setting". Love circles or any other groups who wish to, are also invited to take part. Just bring along your props and utensils. Dinner is "pot-luck", so bring along your favourite dish for all to share.

A Talk-cum-Tea Reception, organised by our EE community on Sunday, 2 April 2000 at 3.00 pm. [Venue to be confirmed] The topic of this talk by Mr Chua Kok Swee is "Presentation Skills". All ME Team couples are invited. Please make your reservations with Clifford & Susan at Tel No 2878026.

ARTIST WANTED - The Public Relations Group is STILL looking for an artist to help produce ME promotional materials. Rewards - No pay but out-of-this-world fringe benefits. Please contact John & Marie Tel: 3823279 or 2897922

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What's happening in Singapore

Welcome to the Marriage Encounter Singapore's Homepage. We are pleased that you have dropped by and hope that you will remember to add us to your 'bookmarks'. Do spare a moment to drop us a quick e-mail so we know who's been visiting us. If you need any information about Marriage Encounter in Singapore which you cannot find on these pages do send us a email and we will do all we can to answer your queries.

Brief Background of Marriage Encounter Singapore

Marriage Encounter 1st came to Singapore in April 1979. Scheut Mission priest Fr J P Benit and Sister Columba of Good Shepherd Convent were responsible for bringing the weekend experience to Singapore. The first Marriage Encounter Weekend was conducted at Fairypoint, Changi. Seventeen years ago, Marriage Encounter was introduced to Singapore through the generousity of couples and priest from Canada, Australia and India. Since then, almost 4,000 couples and many priest and religious in Singapore have benefitted from the ME Weekends. For us, and for many couples, our lives have changed after the Weekend as we strove to live our Sacrament, to live God's plan for us. It is always encouraging to know so many are sharing the same values, the same dreams for our relationship, our families and our communities.

Marriage Encounter Today

Today, Marriage Encounter is a voluntary self supporting group that operates under the umbrella of the Catholic Family Life Society, under the Archdiocese of the Catholic Church of Singapore. Its aim is to reach out to couples throughout Singapore to bring about the awareness that all marriages deserves to be enriched. Archbishop Gregory Yong had kindly permitted the use of the old seminary building and today Marriage Weekends are conducted at:

17B Marriage Encounter House
201-B Ponggol Seventeenth Avenue
Singapore 829651
Tel Number : 386-0527

ME Weekends are held monthly, on the 1st weekend of each month. Maximum intake for a weekend is 25 couples. The Weekend commences on a Friday evening at 8.00p.m and ends on a Sunday evening at 6.00p.m. It is a stay-in weekend and it is most essential that you stay on throughout the weekend.

Couples who are interested need only pay a small registration fee which would help defray a very small portion of basic expenditure on food and lodging. Beyond the registration fees, the weekends are financed by charitable contributions of couples who have been to the weekend and who aspires to help keep the weekends going in Singapore. At the close of the Weekend, couples attending the weekend make their personal voluntary contributions and pledges towards financing such weekends.

Team couples are encountered couples who are invited to serve and who, on committment are trained to help conduct the weekend programme. Today, in Singapore we have about 40 team couples who takes turn to help conduct the monthly Weekends. Those invited to serve as team couples goes through a Deeper Weekend and upon committment are trained to conduct the Weekends. Team couples makes a committment pledge on a year to year basis.

O & A couples (Open Apostolate couples) are Sunday night couples who have opened their hearts to at least one area of the many areas of work within the ME community. Sunday night couples are couples who have just completed the Marriage Encounter programme. As Marriage Encounter is a fully voluntary self supporting movement every Sunday night couple is called to be an Open & Apostalate couple. ME is however a couple ministry and we urge you to come forward as a couple. This is your opportunity to come forward and be beautitude persons doing either corporal or spiritual acts of mercy. These are some of the areas where you can serve:-

Hosting Couples

Hosting couples are a very essential part of the weekend. On a full house weekend of 25 couples at least three hosting couples are needed to help ensure that breakfast is served on time. You have a support role on the Weekend which helps the weekend function smoothly. You can register as an individual hosting couple or you can sign on as hosting couples from full love circle. Hosting is one area of growth for Love Circles. So Love Circle Co-ordinators, this is one activity area that your group can handle. To offer your service call:

Richard & Patricia Tel: 785-4689

Prayer and LoveLetters Couples

Marriage Encounter is a Catholic Expression of Marriage as a Sacrament. Though no preaching is done on the weekend, the spritual aspect of the weekend is the prayers of couples who have been to the Weekend and who desire for other couples to share the joy they themselves have discovered. So, as others had prayed for you, you too can now do a spiritual act of mercy praying for success of other weekends. Prayer Couples are needed for every weekend. We need your prayers to storm heaven. To offer your service call:

Peter & Regina Tel: 769-0379

Registration & Welcomers

Be a part of the welcoming team, offering help in porter service, registration, provide transport for couples without transport and who needs to be on the Weekend on time. If you can be angels of flight, call:

John & Susan Tel: 3455549


Be part of the group that helps prepare the rooms, see to the Stationaries, OHP etc. If you like to be part of the group call:

Fred & Ruby Tel: 581-3982

Information Night

All Love Circle Co-Ordinators and Sunday Night Couples. You can gather your own group of friends, fellow church members, colleagues etc, organisize a gathering and help spread the good news. If you need help to conduct the info night just call:

Augustine & Bernadette Tel: 7608814

Hot News !!!

ME Presenting priest Fr Edmund Dunne recently celebrated his 81st birthday on 13 Oct 98. Fr has also launched his delightful book of short stories on marriages, parenting and other pro-life issues entitled "How to Manage a Man ........ The Trouble with Women". Available from all Catholic Bookshops.

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Marriage Encounter

Marriage Encounter Singapore Board News

National Co-Ordinators and Board Members are elected and serve a term of two years. To help organise the various activities, the National Board is assisted by various groups namely, Registration, Weekend, Supplies, Prayers, Love Circle, Publicity, LoveLine, Welcome. Groups are either lead by presenting team couples, O & A couples or Love Circle Coordinators.

Introducing the Singapore Marriage Encounter Board members Aug 1998-Aug 2000.

National Co-Ordinators:
Augustine & Bernadette Tel: 7608814
Fr Joe Tan - Tel: 4536340.

Board Members:
John & Marie - Tel: 3823279
Andrew & Jenny - Tel: 4588195
Andrew & Daisy - Tel:
Bram & Bridgette - Tel:

Finance couple:
Bernard & Christine - Tel: 2832535

Registration Couple:
Michael & Lisa - Tel: 4512468

Message from the Webmaster

With the advent of Internet and its easy access worldwide, there are already many Homepages available. In starting this Homepage we hope to provide you with an easy tool to link you to the rest of the community in Singapore and Worldwide. We hope that this Homepage can reach out to all couples, priests and religious, both encountered and those yet to be encountered. We hope couples who have been encountered and who have lost touch with the ME community and who desires to have information about the community would now be updated with information through this Homepage. We also hope that Sunday Night Couples, would through this HomePage, feel encouraged to re-establish contact with other Sunday Night Couples, with Love Circles and with the ME community in general. We hope this HomePage would be the catalyst to all couples to get into the habit of being in contact with couples, supporting each other to a DIALOGUING life style.

Happy surfing on the net and we hope that you are reassured that there are so many, who like us, have experienced the Weekend and are in their own ways are helping to change the world......

We welcome your feedback by e-mail and also your submissions and suggestions to help us keep this Homepage inspiring, exciting and fresh!

God Bless You all and Your Families

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Marriage Encounter

Marriage Encounter Singapore Love Circles News

Once a couple is encountered, they are encouraged and given the opportunity to stay involved with the ME community through their Love Circle which is formed by couples who attended the same Marriage Encounter Weekends. Meetings are normally held once a month at a hosting couple's home and the venue is rotated to other couple's homes. Resource materials on enrichment programmes, ME topics and dialogue questions are provided by Marriage Encounter Singapore to help the Love Circles conduct their meetings.

Some 35 couples from various Love Circles gathered at ME House on 30 October 1999 for an evening of fun and laughter. The evening was held in conjunction with the newly formed Love Circle Link headed by Cecil & Grace. The highlight of the evening was the sharing by Andrew & Daisy on a programm called "Getting what you want and wanting what you have". In addition, feedback was gathered from all those present and they include - setting up a resource library where Love Circles can extract materials for their sharings; organise more get-togethers social events like a cruise on Valentine Day; Dinner & Dance on an annual basis, etc. The meeting ended with everyone enjoying the food and drinks and many couples staying back to learn country line-dancing taught by Cecil & Grace.

For those of you encountered couples who have lost contact with your weekend couples and would like to join a Love Circle, you can e-mail to us your names, address and contact telephone numbers and we will arrange for the Love Circle Group to contact you. Or you can make your enquiries directly with the Love Circle Group Co-Ordinating couple :

Cecil & Grace Tel: 445-0838


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Marriage Encounter

What is Marriage Encounter?
Marriage Encounter Weekend Schedule, Singapore
Marriage Encounter Weekend Registration Form
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This page is maintained by Anthony & Helen Please contact us with any suggestions or comments. This file updated on 11-February-2000

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