Here's How to put Voice on your E-mail or Web page!

In order to put voice on e-mail, just copy this simple code below. Once this is done, you can change the "Blank" to any word.

Make sure that each word starts with a capital letter, and that all words have +'s between them. If you want to spell out a word, make all of the letters capital like this: HTML You can also put question marks at the end of a sentence to change the tone of the voice. Periods are placed after words that you want to be at the end of each sentence. If you want to space words out, put ... between 2 words like this: Hi+...+How+R+U? You can also change the word "man" in the code below to "woman" to make the speaker female. I find that when you want to use such words as to, or for, it's better to use the numbers 2 or 4. Also, use R instead of Are and use U instead of You.

<<>bgsound src="http://wwwtts.research.bell-labs.com/cgi-user/tts/ voicestts-nj?voice=man&text=Blank+Blank+Blank.&audio=.wav"<>>

Enter text below

If you want to put a form like the one above on your page, copy the following code:

<<>form name="text submit" method="get" action=http://www.bell-labs.com/cgi-user/tts/voicestts-nj<>>

<<>textarea name="text" bgcolor=black text="white" cursor="silver" rows="3" cols="15" growable atoactivate<>>


<<>input type="submit" usestyle borderimage="file://ROM/Borders/ButtonBorder4.bif" value="talk"<>>

<<>select name="audio"<>>

<<>option selected<>>.wav


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