Neo-Tech Discovery



by Frank R. Wallace

Summary by Luke Setzer

[Warning: Neo-Tech material is FUNDAMENTALLY, METAPHYSICALLY INCOMPATIBLE with Objectivism!  It stars with some Objectivist-like premises, then injects the following arbitrary metaphysical assertions into its discussions: (1) Civilization of the Universe, (2) Extraterrestrial Zons, (3) Thinkons, (4) Universal Computer.  Arbitrary assertions have NO PLACE in Objectivism!  The authors have expropriated Objectivism and twisted it into something metaphysically opposed to Objectivism.  Do yourself a favor and read some of Ayn Rand's books instead.]

This is a summary of Frank R. Wallace's book The Neo-Tech Discovery. It does not necessarily represent the opinions of Frank R. Wallace or of the Neo-Tech Publishing company. It is posted by me, Luke Setzer, as a courtesy to those who want to learn more about philosophy, neocheating, and Neo-Tech.


The nature of the human organism and its relationship to the outside world dictate that it must receive and process information in a sound manner in order to prosper and live happily. Accurate integrations of concrete perceptions into higher-level abstractions called concepts are necessary for a human organism to apply Reason, its method of survival. These higher-level concepts are essentially a person's beliefs about the nature of reality. A belief can be defined simply as "any guiding principle that provides a sense of certainty about meaning and direction in life." Beliefs are a person's prearranged, organized filters to his or her perceptions of the world. The beliefs held by a human mind allow that mind to assign meanings to the events it perceives through its senses. Accurate beliefs, i.e. beliefs in agreement with objective reality, provide a person with the guidance necessary to select the optimum survival choice in a given situation. Inaccurate beliefs, or myths, misguide the believer and are always harmful long-term.


The sum total of a person's beliefs form that person's philosophy, which is that person's integrated view of existence. A philosophical system generally addresses five areas:

  1. Metaphysics: Man's relationship with the universe
  2. Epistemology: Man's relationship with his mind
  3. Ethics: Man's relationship with himself
  4. Politics: Man's relationship among each other
  5. Aesthetics: Man's relationship with beauty

Since ancient times, philosophers have taken on the task of explaining the nature of the world we observe. Some have preached beliefs that are accurate and useful, while others have generated harmful myths and disseminated them to the masses. Mysticism is the acceptance or promotion of myths, and generally creates problems where none actually exist.


A particularly hideous result of widespread mysticism is neocheating, a clever, two-step, poker-like process that allows the perpetrator to usurp money and power on a grand scale. The two-step maneuver is quite simple, yet almost always undetectable:

  1. Promote a myth
  2. Gain unearned values from those who accept the myth

The original master neocheater identified by Frank R. Wallace in his book The Neo-Tech Discovery was Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher. Plato advocated the notion of "higher causes" and "innate ideas" to explain abstractions, definitions, and other concepts that are known to exist in the mind but are not readily perceivable. These ideas of a "higher" world outside our perceived reality, as well as the ineffectiveness of our senses and of our ability to reason, have been used and abused by very notable neocheating organizations such as:

bulletThe Catholic Church (Sacrificing countless individuals for the sake of "God")
bulletCommunist Russia and China (Sacrificing countless individuals for the sake of "The State")
bulletNew Age "Environmentalists" (Sacrificing countless individuals for the sake of "Mother Gaia")

The idea systems promoted by master neocheaters share common traits when they are broken down into the five branches of philosophy. What is most notable about their common traits is not just their content, but their structure. Repeatedly, these idea systems assume a primacy of epistemology over metaphysics. In other words, "If I wish it, it's so. I can dismiss observed laws of nature, economics, human behavior, etc. out of hand." Also notable is the primacy of politics over ethics. The master neocheater will almost always default to force in order to get his way with the masses. Once that happens, the individual's ethics become secondary, since the master neocheater's philosophy is to have the masses "do it my way or else."

Here, then, is the Neocheating Hoax, presented in order of primacy:

  1. Epistemology: Mysticism with Specialized Thinking
  2. Metaphysics: Higher Causes
  3. Politics: Force-Backed Control to Enforce Higher Causes
  4. Ethics: Value Destruction through Self-Sacrifice
  5. Aesthetics: Envy Justification

To put it another way, the neocheating philosophy could be summarized by these words:

There are "Higher Causes" more important than yourself.
How do we know? "Authority" says so. Therefore, there are.
Believe it, or else.
Any chosen action that purposely benefits you is immoral.
Any source of worldly pleasure should be destroyed.

To see the Neocheating Hoax in the form of a philosophical pyramid, building in primacy from the foundation up, click here.


Ayn Rand was born in Russia in 1905. As a young girl, she saw her father's business ravaged by the Communist takeover, and her family sometimes went hungry because of the Communists' actions. She managed to leave Russia at age 20, never to return. Over the course of her lifetime, she developed and advocated a philosophy that ripped 3000 years of mysticism from philosophical inquiry. She named that philosophy Objectivism.

Objectivism restores to rational order the jumbled structure of myths promoted over the centuries by master neocheaters, and replaces the myths with sound concepts that capture the essential nature of man and the universe. Here is a summary of the philosophy of Objectivism in order of primacy. Note that the primacy of metaphysics over epistemology is recognized, as is the primacy of ethics over politics.

  1. Metaphysics: Reality
  2. Epistemology: Reason
  3. Ethics: Self-Interest
  4. Politics: Capitalism
  5. Aesthetics: Romantic Realism

This philosophy can be summarized in eight words:

Existence exists. Consciousness is self-evident. A is A.

To see the Objectivism Philosophy in the form of a philosophical pyramid, building in primacy from the foundation up, click here.


In the late 20th century, Frank R. Wallace began publishing a series of books that exposed neocheating. His precursor book, Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life Using the Advanced Concepts of Poker, uses card games as a metaphor to illustrate the concepts of neocheating. Remember, neocheating is a slick, two-step maneuver:

  1. Promote a myth
  2. Gain unearned values from those who accept the myth

In the game of cards, a small-time neocheater can identify and befriend a player of mediocre talent and low self-esteem, get him to play cards and bet loosely, then gain winnings from the player. The card-sharp neocheater can set up the situation in such a way that the player returns game after game because he feels such a warmth and respect for the neocheater. In this case, the player has fallen for the myth that the card-sharp actually "cares" for him, and thus the neocheater gains unearned money from the player.

Expand the concept of the card-sharp neocheater to include most union leaders, politicians, salemen, "environmentalists," lawyers, Don Juans, etc. and you get the idea of just how grand a scheme neocheating can be.

Over the years, Wallace has developed specific techniques for identifying and nullifying neocheaters. He called these New identification Techniques "Neo-Tech." Wallace defines Neo-Tech as "fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality." Wallace shows that to nullify a neocheater, one need simply collapse his or her own personal mysticism. Once personal mysticism is collapsed, one can move into myth-free, integrated reasoning--Neothink.

The Neo-Tech philosophy has at its core the philosophy of Objectivism. Wallace has expanded the Objectivist view of man to propose that as human technology grows, biological immortality (BI) will develop to allow humans to prosper and live happily forever. Once this hurdle is cleared, the only event that would terminate BI would be the eventual demise of our universe. Given the exponential growth of human technology, The Neo-Tech Discovery proposes that even the demise of our universe can be prevented by conscious, technology-based intervention. [Here is where the nasty arbitrary assertions take hold and ruin everything!] The book goes on to propose that the existence of much older extraterrestrial species possessing human-like consciousness is so probable that the universe may even now be controlled by such species. Frank R. Wallace calls the conscious control of existence through business principles Zonpower.

Given the integation of this proposed state of affairs--the conscious control of existence using the laws of nature--with Objectivism, a new philosophical paradigm unfolds. The structure duplicates that of Objectivism, while the content expands to subsume Objectivism:

  1. Metaphysics: Business
  2. Epistemology: Neothink
  3. Ethics: Value Production
  4. Politics: Free Competition
  5. Aesthetics: Value Reflection

Neo-Tech can be summarized as a 13-word philosophy:

What is is. Perceive it. Integrate it honestly. Act on it. Idealize it.

To see the Neo-Tech Philosophy in the form of a philosophical pyramid, building in primacy from the foundation up, click here.

To learn more about the Neo-Tech Philosophy, visit


Objectivism 101
Objectivism 101