Big Sexy Dawgs(BSD) vs Hey Moe (MOE)


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Names Total Kill Deaths Suicide Frags Efficiency Skill Rel. Frags Rank F. Capture F. Def. F. Return FC Def. Assist FC Kills TeamScore Mod Total
1. Rapid[MOE] 190 31 17 2 29 63.043 3.075 1.388 12 0 22 14 2 7 26 90 161
2. treewolf[MOE] 154 33 29 2 31 51.667 0.489 1.483 2 0 18 3 3 3 6 90 123
3. Mashie[MOE] 151 10 19 1 9 32.143 -2.48 0.431 -10 90 4 9 0 1 8 30 142
4. DreamKing[MOE] 140 21 29 1 20 40.816 -2.217 0.957 -9 45 6 3 2 0 4 60 120
5. Jordan[MOE] 126 14 21 1 13 38.235 -1.969 0.622 -8 0 10 5 0 0 8 90 113
6. (BSD)LordStalk 71 35 40 4 31 43.662 -2.223 1.483 -9 0 0 6 0 0 14 20 40
7. (BSD)Ektelon 69 30 27 1 29 51.786 0.49 1.388 2 0 2 4 1 3 10 20 40
8. (BSD)PumpkinMan 60 24 12 1 23 65.714 2.791 1.1 11 30 0 1 2 0 4 0 37
9. (BSD)Paintman 59 21 21 1 20 48.78 -0.169 0.957 -1 0 2 7 0 0 10 20 39
10. (BSD)addiction 32 5 9 1 4 30.769 -1.241 0.191 -5 0 2 2 0 0 4 20 28
Totals / Av. 0 224 224 15 209 46.662 -0.345 1.000 -2 165 66 54 10 14 94 440 843

Page created on 01-14-1999 at 22:24:10
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