Big Sexy Dawgs(BSD) vs Clan 420


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Names Total Kill Deaths Suicide Frags Efficiency Skill Rel. Frags Rank F. Capture F. Def. F. Return FC Def. Assist TeamScore FC Kills Mod Total
1. [420]IronLocust 156 29 12 0 29 70.732 3.462 1.221 17 15 12 13 0 1 70 16 127
2. [420]StriclyFla 150 45 16 4 41 71.93 5.212 1.726 25 15 4 8 0 0 70 12 109
3. [420]Nuggs 146 51 22 6 45 67.164 4.729 1.895 23 30 0 5 0 0 60 6 101
4. [420]Seedless 126 16 10 1 15 60 1.026 0.632 5 0 2 10 0 1 80 18 111
5. [420]FecalFreak 117 17 35 4 13 27.083 -4.323 0.547 -22 30 8 2 0 0 60 4 104
6. [420]Dr.Lectre 112 17 39 0 17 30.357 -4.568 0.716 -22 30 2 0 1 0 60 2 95
7. (BSD)Ektelon 72 31 46 0 31 40.26 -2.904 1.305 -15 0 4 4 1 0 20 12 41
8. (BSD)LordStalk 69 32 53 1 31 36.905 -4.401 1.305 -22 0 2 7 0 1 20 8 38
9. (BSD)PumpkinMan 60 20 17 4 16 48.485 -0.063 0.674 -1 0 6 6 0 0 20 12 44
10. (BSD)Paintman 59 22 21 1 21 50 0.048 0.884 0 0 8 3 1 0 20 6 38
11. (BSD)CandiASs 54 14 23 0 14 37.838 -1.769 0.589 -9 30 2 2 0 0 0 6 40
12. (BSD)ShitzumoN 50 15 15 3 12 44.444 -0.471 0.505 -3 0 8 4 0 0 20 6 38
Totals / Av. 0 309 309 24 285 48.766 -0.335 1.000 -2 150 58 64 3 3 500 108 886

Page created on 12-11-1998 at 05:03:36
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