Got a question you want to ask my little sweetie, Violet?  Then send it in!  You can ask about anything!  From how to take care of Baby Puffs, to what sites our puffs like best, to questions about Violet herself, etc, etc, etc...  Since Violet is too little to know how to use a computer, she tells me what to write, and I type it for her!  Each month or so this page will be updated with three new questions picked by Violet and I.

Dear Violet,
When is your birthday?
From Sarah
Dear Sarah,
My birthday is May 17.  Thanks for asking!  When it's
your puff's birthday, check this out!

Dear Violet,
How old are the puffs?
Dear Robin,
We're about 1-4 years old.

Dear Violet,
Do you have a sister?  There's a baby in the first Baby Puff nursery who looks a lot like you, only she doesn't hold a flower, and she doesn't have a bow in her hair or on her dress.
Dear Emily,
I know which baby you're talking about.  She's not my sister, we're just lookalikes!  We're good friends, though!

That's it for this edition of Ask Violet.  Want to send Violet your question?  Just click here are type away!  We can't post every question we receive, but we promise we'll read them all!
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