Battle Creek Christian School
In 1958 the dreams of a group of Christian parents took shape as the first two classrooms of Battle Creek Christian School were built. But their dream was much more than bricks and mortar. It was for a school that would help them teach their children to know and love the Lord as they themselves did and to learn about God’s world. Today, we still help make that dream a reality in the lives of over a hundred K-8 students and over forty preschoolers every year. With God’s blessing, we hope to continue this service to Christian families in the Battle Creek area for decades to come. Our MissionBattle Creek Christian School’s mission is to provide academically sound, scripturally directed instruction to assist Christian families in teaching their children to know God and His world; to develop Godly character as Christ’s image bearers and to acquire knowledge, skills and values to fulfill their calling as His servants. Why Choose Battle Creek Christian?Teaches Biblical Precepts
"Every one when he is fully taught will be like his teacher." (Luke 6:40) Extension of the Christian Home
"Parents, . . . bring up [your children] in the training and instruction of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4) Provides Personalized Learning
Partners In EducationParentsBattle Creek Christian School is a parent-controlled, non-profit organization. A nine member board of trustees is elected from the Battle Creek Christian School Society which consists of parents as well as others who subscribe to our constitution. TeachersThe staff is made up of highly qualified, experienced, committed Christian teachers. All teachers hold Bachelor's degrees and are certified by the State of Michigan. Many of our teachers also hold Master's degrees. "I appreciate the individualized attention given to students." — Parent "The highly professional staff has a caring attitude toward all the students." — Parent StudentsBattle Creek Christian School is open to children from Christian families regardless of race, color, gender or national origin. Our students come from over thirty different churches in the Battle Creek area. Minorities make up 15-20% of the student body. "I very much appreciate the multi-cultural and multi-denominational makeup of the school." — Parent CurriculumAt Battle Creek Christian School we emphasize the basics such as phonics and math facts to give our students an excellent start on their way to higher education. Our annual Fine Arts Festival and Science Fair offer opportunities for the students to develop and exhibit their individual interests and talents. We have computers in every classroom and we are continually improving our technology curriculum. Every class receives music, art and gym instruction each week. Sports programs, such as soccer, basketball and cheerleading are available to all interested students. Battle Creek Christian School is accredited by the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools and is affiliated with Christian Schools International. "I received an excellent academic education as well as appropriate reinforcement of values and beliefs taught at home!" — Alumnus Grades1-8 A pre-entrance test may be given to students to determine grade placement. FinancesTo help make Christian education available to Christian families of various financial situations, we offer an income-based tuition plan. Over forty percent of our budget is supported by fund raising from a number of sources: Battle Creek Christian School Foundation Fund, matching gift contributions and voluntary contributions which are income-tax deductible. Monies received through fund-raising supplement tuition payments at all but the highest income levels. Tuition rates also vary with the number of students in the family. Please call for current rates, information on LaMothe grants and financial aid. FacilitiesOur facilities include nine classrooms, a gymnasium, library, fenced playground with equipment and an after-school daycare center. Daycare CenterAfter-school daycare is available Monday through Friday until 6:00 p.m., as well as on vacation days. A summer daycare program is also offered. Contact Information
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