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by Larry King

It's been quite a rocky ride in the world, and it seems like television was everywhere to bring it to you. What better source to "pay homage to" (French for "ripping off") the year in TV than with the format adopted by its bible, TV Guide. Here's a bit of info for you: TV Guide is more widely read than the Bible, gang. That's not a factoid, that's a fact.

CHEERS: For the producers of Spin City and Sports Center, two witty shows taking place inside the Beltway and behind the scenes in television. And if you want to look up the word "appeal" in the dictionary, you just might find a picture of Mr. Michael J. Fox.

JEERS: To everyone associated with Monica-gate. From the head of state on down, there isn't anyone involved with this story or investigation who hasn't soiled their reputation.

CHEERS: To Keith Olbermann for walking away from his CNBC show because the producers wanted him to do all his shows on Monica-gate. I'll be looking for you back at Fox Sports, buddy.

JEERS: To Craig Kilborn for walking away from Comedy Central's "The Daily Show". The late, great Sammy Davis, Jr. once told me, "You've got to find the one thing you know how to do best, and then stick with it, man." Craiggers should have taken Sammy's advice.

CHEERS: To Jerry Seinfeld for having the courage and confidence to go out on top. We'll miss you, Jer.

JEERS: To NBC for struggling to find a suitable replacement. Don't get me wrong, I've met Brooke Shields on a number of occassions and she's a lovely gal, but "Suddenly Susan" is not my idea of "must-see" TV.

CHEERS: For CNN's Peter Arnett, April Oliver, and Jack Smith for their gutsy segment exposing the military's Operation Tailwind in the Vietnam-era. The report detailed a Sarin-like nerve gas to be used to paralyze any humans within the target zone, whereby helicopters could come in an retrieve American soldiers to give them the antidote, leaving the enemy to convulse themselves to death.

JEERS: To CNN for responding to pressure by firing producers Oliver and Smith and refusing to stand by their story even though they admit no falsehoods in their reporting. The good thing about reaching my advanced age, gang, is that I'm not afraid to tell off my employers: Shame on you, CNN.

CHEERS: Ted Danson is terrific as "Becker." on CBS.

JEERS: Right back to "The Eye Network" for cancelling their super "Buddy Faro" private eye show. Dennis Farino is the most underrated actor around - case closed.

CHEERS: To my good friend Don Hewitt for his on-air retraction of a 60 Minutes story last month. That took guts.

JEERS: Again to Don, not retracting the 60 Minutes piece on Audi sudden acceleration problems. The report turned out to be untrue, yet the damage to Audi's reputation had been done. I used to drive an Audi, and let me tell you, gang, that was one terrific little car.

JEERS: Split equally between UPN and the WB network. Granted, it's tougher being bi-coastal as Shawn and I are, but we don't even have any idea what channels you guys are on..

CHEERS: ESPN's SportsCenter for being the most consistently entertaining programming there is. I've always said it, the stories you find in sports are the most original scripts you'll ever see on the tube.

JEERS: To the collective powers that be for not finding a prime-time vehicle for the lovely Donna Mills. Can't the stuffed-shirts downtown see that this lady is a ratings magnet!?

Larry recommends: 


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