Hi!  Welcome to Ideas, Inc.  This is an idea (heehee) that I got when I got so many fanfic ideas in my head I couldn't possibly write them all.  Well, guess what, now I'm going to share them with you.  If you're stuck for a fanfic idea, fill out the form below, e-meow it to me, and I will (probably!) give you an idea!  If you're not satisfied, I'll try another one!  Good luck!
The Form:
Your (Jellicle) name:
Your e-meow:
Anything that's happening in the story so far (if anything):
Which characters you want involved:
Do you want to introduce a new character?  If so, what is he/she like?
Do you just want a random story idea?
Anything else:
Woohoo!  I now have 3 satisfied customers:
That's all for now!  Now get to work on those fanfics!
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