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this is Fade to Blue, the page of
Tony Testa / Blue Magus

a humanist/pacifist/atheist/mook

the artist artwork gallery updated 10/23/99
the writer inverted asylum updated 10/2/99
the blind man zzt sings the blues updated 10/16/99
#char 2 white on blue, updated 10/27/99

what's new?
art: Suburbia Triumphant
fiction: Dark Exponent part 2
rants: sketching, school

quote of the update:
"I began to like New York, the racy, adventurous feel of it at night and the sastisfaction that the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to the restless eye.  I liked to walk up Fifth Avenue and pick out romantic women from the crowd and imagine that in a few minutes I was going to enter into their lives, and no one would ever know or dissaprove."
F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby


peruse my links
newest link: Portal of Evil
Wherever there is a white supremacy for children site, a transvestite comic strip, or an unusual and generally disturbing sexual fetish, there is Portal of Evil.   Providing new links everyday to the scariest sites on the internet.  And be sure to check out their affiliate, Seanbaby.com.

you can link to me with one of these two buttons or my banner (use text below - tne banner changes every update)

<a href="https://bluemagus.tripod.com/"><img src="https://members.tripod.com/BlueMagus/bluebanner.gif" alt="enter the mystic dream... .. ." border="5" width="250" height="250"></a>


check out my Zelda Fanfic Archive, the largest collection of Legend of Zelda fan fiction on the internet, or Ness-isms, a compilation of inspirational quotes from Nintendo's EarthBound, the American Mother 2

__email me__

staff member of EarthBound.Net
featured writer at Arcana
writer for TotalRPG


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