Here's my beloved wraith, Dirt. I've played in two online games, gradually moving him from Baltimore, then to Alexandria Virginia then finally to Philadelphia. Ole Dirt was born (or is that died?) during a long car ride down to Myrtle Beach listening to the Alice in Chains album of the same title. He's a combination of a couple of the songs on the album, with twist of downright evil. He's best described as a Spectre, although the stats below do not reflect that (STs wouldn't quite allow a Spectre, so he came off as a really nasty Haunter).

"One who doesn't care is one who shouldn't be                                                                       I've tried to hide myself from what is wrong for me."

Alice In Chains, "Dirt"

Name: Dirt AKA Kaelan Lynch

Nature: Jester

Demeanor: Deviant

Life: Punk - Horror Movie Freak/Fan

Death: Suicide

Regret: Failure

Phy: Str 2, Dex 3, Stam 3

Soc: Char 2, Manip 3, App 1

Ment: Perc 3, Intell 3, Wits 4 (Sharp)

Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Empath 2, Expression 1, Subterfuge 2

Skills: Crafts 1. Firearms 1. Meditation 1, Melee 2, Performance 2, Stealth 2

Knowledges: Computer 2, Investigation 1, Occult 2

Backgrounds: Haunt 3, Memoriam 2, Eidoleon 2, Mentor 2

Passions: Love 3 (Scaring & grossing people out, spreading terror), Hope 3 (That his script will be made into a movie & his genius revealed) , Sorrow 2 (Keep his haunt a morbid, sad place), Anger 2 (All those who didn't understand his genius)

Arcanoi: Pandemonium 2, Embody 1, Outrage 2, Keening 1, Castigate 1

Fetters: Script 3, Makeup Kit 3, Autographed "Necroscope" novels 2, Old Car 2

Willpower: 7 Pathos: 7

Merit: Phobia Insight 1pt (Haunters Guildbook)

Flaws: Overconfident 2pts, Wyld Intolerance 1pt. (Haunters Guildbook)

History: Kaelan (although he preferred to be called Dirt when he even spoke at all) grew up in West Chester Pennsylvania, a rather twisted kid with a morbid fascination for horror movies. He found he could relate better with the villians than he could with anyone else. The self imposed nickname Dirt came from a belief that he was worthless, based on a lonely childhood with poor rolemodels.By the time he reached high school Dirt was just about alienated from anyone who didn't injest massive amounts of drugs, enjoyed senseless violence or other deviant acts. When not numbing his senses Dirt devoured horror movies & novels by the ton, taking in any slasher or vampire tape he could. Amazingly he had a series of girlfriends (mostly because of various substances he could acquire) who somehow put up with his sick tastes. Unknown to anyone else, Dirt had one personal joy in his life: since the age of 12 he had worked on a script that he one day hoped to sell & have made into a movie. Dirt refused to show it to anyone as he secretly feared rejection of his 'masterpiece' lovingly titled "Devoured In Darkness" Never quite finished, the script was constantly revised during Dirt's teenage years..

     His last girlfriend insisted she stayed around for more than drugs: she really loved Kaelan. But his obession with death & violence scared her to death; Melissa constantly pleaded with him to brighten up. Dirt loved the reaction his films gave her when he did bother to listen to her as most times he ignored her. At age 22 Dirt realized "Devoured In Darkness" would never be perfect much less ever made into a movie. Life held very little for him as did the feelings of others. But being a man with a dramatic flair, he decided to make his exit a memorable one. Stationing himself within Melissa's living room, Dirt went out with a copy of "Hellraiser" playing in the VCR & a loaded .38 in his mouth. With a grin he imagined Melissa's fright at his brains splattered across her walls & his dead corpse on her nice new sofa. The proof of his genius left behind,  Dirt squeezed the trigger & woke up in the Shadowlands. "Now, this is a place I can deal with."

Image: 6' 2" Shoulder length brown hair, slim build with a thin face. Pale complexion, green eyes. Dresses in flannel shirts, black metal or horror tshirts. Jeans & sneakers.

Roleplaying: Doesn't speak all that much, prefers to listen & observe. His constant smile can prove unnerving as he studies people. He can be prone to random acts of violence. Most people describe him as creepy but mostly harmless. If they only knew....


Look Back In Amusement

     Reflecting on what had happened, his situation really didn't seem all that bad. The scenery was a little different, with a lot more shades of gray than the charming pastels that had normally filled his quaint neighborhood. It was lot quieter & the neighbors seemed like his kinda people for a change. He hadn't changed much; besides the new ventilation shaft at the back of his head ,he was the same old Dirt. Running his hand along the jagged skull fragments had been a real trip; it had even made Solomon cringe. Dirt brushed his hand through his black hair, brushing his fingers ever so slightly against it. "A Masquer'll fix that for ya, kid. But you seemed kinda .... attached to it, so maybe we'll just leave it the way it is."

     Considering all the trouble it had taken him to get here, he decided it had been been worth it.

     When he was still "alive" he knew he was nothing more than a husk holding a restless spirit. The "best years of his life" AKA high school had seemed an unending hell. He didn't dress like the others, didn't talk like them. Very few understood the mumbled comments that sprung from a sense of humor raised on "Motel Hell" & the Evil Dead series. If it hadn't been for various substances & his accessibility to them, he might have had no friends at all. Along with the pot, speed & alcohol came an endless string of girls who said they really cared for him. But when the substances were gone so were the girls & his friends. To some it might have depressed their frail teenage egos to lose their friends. However, if Dirt had possessed any kind of feelings for these people in the first place, then it might have hurt. With a smile he floated along through high school feeling nothing but contempt for the beautiful people. "He's an OK guy, but what's with that dopey smile?" "Ahh, he's harmless, just stoned, that's all" Fools, the whole lot of them...

    If hadn't been for Clive Barker, Brian Lumley and Stephen King he might have taken an earlier train than he did. It was with them he had spent quality time with those he could relate to best. The vampires, the zombies, serial killers & cannibals with whom he had bonded. Mom thought it was a weird habit, being so morbid but had mercifully left him alone. The string had thought it really strange & only stayed for the drugs. The last one, Melissa, had seemed the toughest of the bunch. She hadn't wanted any drugs from Dirt, just his attention. Unfortunately she tried to change Dirt & get him to be a little more cheerful, maybe even motivate him to go to college (god forbid) "Kaelan, I love you. But you've got to love yourself. There's a real person deep inside you that you've got to let out eventually." Then it was the endless "This obsession with death isn't healthy & ,frankly, it scares me that sometime you'll hurt yourself." She had her own place & it was cool to crash there, only until the speeches began again. Then he usually picked himself up to go wander the mall.

     One night during his hundredth viewing of "Re-Animator" Dirt considered Melissa's words. Maybe it was time for a change. Besides, "Devoured" was really going nowhere anyway. So, more out of boredom & a love of practical jokes, Dirt decided to punch his own ticket.

The plan was simple. Over the course of a week the components fell into place.

An afternoon where Melissa worked & would be out for awhile.

His favorite movie, "Hellraiser" in the VCR.

A beer.

Sitting comfortably on her new white couch from Ikea.

The wall behind the couch.

A loaded .38

A grin.

The look on her face.

Her scream

An appreciation of art.


No fear.




Wake up in Paradise...

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