Links to Cool Yoga Sights on the Web

Want to learn more about yoga? Maybe take classes or buy books and videos? Check out some of these sights for more info.

The Yoga Studio
Check out the yoga studio for cool positions and other info.

Yoga Central
Again, lots of info on yoga, as well as tapes and videos and such.

The Yoga Research Center
Again, LOTS of information.

Hindu Tantrik Home Page
Very Wordy, and a lot of reading, but LOTS of information.

Spirit WWW
Lots of stuff other than yoga, and a lot of cool yoga stuff as well.

Spirituality/Yoga/Hinduism Homepage
Lots of cool information. A lot of info about hinduism as well, which might be interesting for fans of The Way.

Yoga Centers
A lot of good general information that you don't have to surf around a lot to find.

These last two sights are really cool. You can actually take yoga classes over the web!!! So if you're interested in doing yoga and want to take a class but don't have the money or don't know where they're offered, check out these next two sights.

The Yoga Channel

The Yoga Studio

Click on Gabby and Aiden to return to the main yoga page.