This page is dedicated to my pets, who have shown me that unconditional love is more than words. It's an expression, a wag of a tail, the vibration of purring or the fluffing of feathers.

They never judge me and always listen no matter what I'm talking about. Through my good times & bad, these animals stuck by me and still do.

When I'm not feeling well, they are always near by reassuring me that they care. They make me smile and fill my life with memories. They are Obedient, Faithful, Trustworthy and I love them all.


This One's For You.....

Proud winner of...


Rascal is one of the coolest cats around. He's a 15 year old gray Tabby that we've had since the day he was born. He was the biggest kitten out of a litter of eight and the one that was always getting himself into "kitten trouble", so we named him appropriatly.

He was raised with other pets (dogs, cats, hampsters, birds) and always stayed indoors. He always minds his own business where the other animals are concerned and just loves to "observe" them.

Rascal is a great traveler and has been on many road trips up & down the East coast (due to much relocating on my part), and he's always settled in quickly and comfortably.

He'll "Meow" in different tones to let you know what he wants and actually tap you with his paw to get your attention (or a treat). He spends his nights cuddled up against me and doesn't hesitate to make himself comfortable.

He's a large cat (20 lbs.) who doesn't realize his size, and it's pretty funny watching him try to squeeze his body into a shoe box to sleep. He just loves any kind of box. He'll jump in, roll around and jump out over and over. His favorite things are shrimp, catnip, anything on a string and pens (yes pens, he likes to play with them). Rascal loves gettin rubbed under his chin or or top of his head and has been a wonderful pet.

I'm glad he's a part of my life.


Maiden is a 9 year old Rotweiler/Shepard mix. She was named after the group "Iron Maiden", but her face turned out too pretty to be linked with that stereotype, so she's just Maiden with a pretty face. Her facial expressions are very verbal. I just know she understands what is going on around her and speaks with her eyes.

Although she is a muscular dog (and putting on weight the past few years) she thinks she is a "lap dog" and will try to cuddle up to you or on you. Her favorite places to "chill" are the couch, bed or recliner chair. You'd better get to them first cause you won't have the heart to tell her to get down.

Maiden is very obedient and faithful. She senses things like illness and sorrow and stays right by your side in times of need. She travels very well, a "window" dog all the way. She has to see where she's going and doesn't want to miss anything.

Her favorite things are yellow tennis balls, a big field to play "fetch" in and gettin scratched on her belly. She never had a litter of her own, but she cares for her little "step-brother, Beck, like he was her own. She'll bite his fleas (in the summertime) primp & pamper him with kisses and always keep an eye on what he's doing (which is usually whatever she is doing).

Maiden is also a "Hero"(really). She saved another dogs life by giving him a blood transfusion for emergency surgery he needed. I had no idea at the time that dogs could do that. We humans don't realize that dogs can give blood to save lives just like we can. The surgery was a success and when it was over, Maiden received a"Purple Heart"award and a " Certificate of Appreciation". I'd also like to mention that the media found out about this "Dog Save Dog" story and we were on the NBC & CBS news at 5:00 & 11:00. We also made the front page of our local Syracuse newspaper.

Since that experience, I have heard that more & more animal Blood Banks are opening across the country and because of that more animals can be saved in emergency situations.

Yes, Maiden is another truly great pet who's always eager to shower you with "doggie kisses" and be your best friend. I love ya, Faaace!


Beck is a "runt of the litter" 6 year old Cocker Spaniel. I adopted him from a pet store who declared him "imperfect" due to the tear duct in his left eye kinda protruding. A few weeks after he was home, a $60.00 surgical procedure made him "perfect" again. Apparently it's a hereditary thing, so I just won't breed him.

He was scared of everything as a puppy (still is), but after some reassurance & love, he started fitting right in.

He came home from the pet store with a squeaky loaf of "italian bread that to this day is an obsession with him.

If you think that Charlie Brown's "Linus" has insecurities with his blanket, then you haven't met Beck. The "Bread" is his life. If there's a knock at the door, he gets the bread. If he goes outside, he brings the bread. When he's laying down, the bread is next to him. If you throw the bread 100 times, he will fetch the bread 100 times. He gets a look of panic on his face if you try to keep the bread from him. Beware, the person who tries to keep him from his bread. You get the idea.

Beck is a cool little dog (not too bright) but he's got the look that attracts attention (big ears/stupid expression). Ya gotta love him.

He is truly my "shadow". Someday, someone will find me on the floor with a broken neck cause I tripped over this dog, and he'll be laying right next to me with a dumb expression on his face. He sleeps at the foot of my bed and I can barely use the bathroom without his company.

But hey, I love him...he's a great little dog. So here's to you my "Specklenut", my "Little Nut Boy", my "Beck...


Jazz is a Sun Conure (a species of parrot) that was won in a raffle at a bird show in Florida. I'm assuming she is a female, based on certain characteristics, but I've never had her surgically tested. She sells for $400.00 to $800.00 depending on what part of the country you're in. (not bad for $10.00 worth of raffle tickets)

She as her own "Birdy" personality, and although she speaks no English words, she has no trouble expressing herself. Her vocabulary consists of 1 word "AAAK" and she's not shy about speaking her mind.

Jazz can do a few tricks that are somewhat amusing. She can wave "Hello", and if you ask her if she's a pretty bird, she'll nod her head. Say the words "Tickle Tickle" and she'll flutter her wings. Say the word "Fuzzy" and she'll ruffle her feathers.

Index fingers are her favorite place to be, along with shoulders & heads. She cuddles under her own blanket at night to sleep and is up as soon as she hears the sound of anyone else getting up.

Jazz loves attention and toys "AAAK AAAK". Give her a bell and she'll ring it. Give her a baby rattle and she's content. Put her on the dinner table and she'll help herself to anything on your plate.

I had no idea I could grow so fond of a bird until she came along. To know her is to love her "AAAK" I Love Ya Jazz!

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Baby Texas prairie Chicken
Adoption Certificate

Baby's Name: Chicklet
Adoption Date: October 16, 1999
Parents Name: Linda

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