Cherry ClipArt

Basically these are pictures from my webpages but sometimes I will have pictures not found on
my other pages. I may also put something else non-Cherry Merry on this page such as Strawberry Shortcake or my many other collections. There are no rules here!
Feel free to use any of my clip-art drawings, but please don't take credit for drawing them!
Just click a name to load that JPEG and right-click your mouse on the picture and click "save picture as". It's that easy!
Cherry Border #1 (Cherry's Muffins)
Cherry Border #2 (Cherry & Chocolottie's Muffins)
Cherry Border #3 (Ice Cream Cones)
A Cherry!
Cherry Friend
Spoon Friend
Spoon Friend in Cape
Oven Timer Friend
Kitchen Sink Friend
Set of Muffins from the 1st Series Dolls
Set of Muffins from the 2nd Series Dolls
You Can E-Mail Me with Info!