This Web Ring was created for toddlers all throughout the
world wide web. It is meant to create a home for all the web pages showing off our
precious "little one's" of the world!!Joining the ring
is just need to satisfy the following requirements :
1. Have a web site or page about a toddler
or toddlers.
2. The page and/or related site MUST be kid friendly and be able to be viewed
by anyone of any age!!! (Ring management has the right to
delete anyone out of the ring at any time if this requirement is not met or is
broken...have to keep the ring safe ya know!!)
3. Save the image (by
right clicking and selecting save as) below to your computer
and upload it to your server. (Please please please do not link the image
to this page slows my server down...THANKS!)
When putting the snipit on your web page please put it on your index page or on your web ring page (if you have one) so that surfers can find the ring easy. It is frustrating to get lost in someones pages when you are surfing a ring. The Ringmaster reserves the right to change the url you submit to the ring so that the ring is not broken and that ring surfers do not loose their way...THANKS for your understanding and co-operation!!
If you have problems with the html here....
*NOTICE to AOL users....please click here to get html fragment or get the fragment when you
submit your site. AOL's email system does not like html and the fragment tends to
get messed up...sorry!!
4. Send Ringmaster an email after you have put the fragment on your page... =0)