Oedipus The King

Pages 82-85

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Chorus: Did the Queen leave so quickly because she was suffering, Oedipus? Something will happen because of her silence.

Oedipus: What will happen? I want to see what my origin means. She is is too proud of a woman to have a humble husband. I am a lucky child, I am her son and will not be disowned. She has been a good mother, she is my real mother. Someone watched over me and kept me safe, I will not deny my real family but be myself and prove my real past.

Chorus: Tomorrow is another day, look at Cithaeron. If I have any wisdom, tomorrow will bring King Oedipus, and he will call us his kingdom. We will all rejoice to him because he enjoys it. Apollo, you should enjoy this too. Who is your mother Oedipus? Is she from that fair family, or the family of Loxias? Did somebody up in the hills take the child for his family?

Oedipus: I will guess that I don't know the man who took me. I think that I see the person who we have been looking for. Since he has been around for a long time he can be our witness. Can you be certain that you know who this is?

(Enter Herdsman)

Chorus: Yes I know him, Laius trusted him. Even though he was only a Sheppard he was more than other men.

Oedipus: Is this the man you are talking about?

Messenger: Yes, this is him.

Oedipus: Listen to me and answer all of my questions. Did you once work for Laius?

Herdsman: I was not a bought slave

Oedipus: What did you do for work? How did you live?

Herdsman: For the most part I kept the flocks

Oedipus: Which regions did you camp in the most?

Herdsman: Cithaeron or sometimes around the country.

Oedipus: Okay, then you know the man and you saw him there.

Herdsman: I saw him? When did I see him? What man are you talking about sir?

Oedipus: Did you ever meet him?

Herdsman: No, not that I can remember.

Messenger: What a coincidence that he forgot. I will remind him sir. I am positive that he knows the man that used to tend flocks in Cithaeron's hills. We both worked for him for three summers. We worked six months from spring to autumn and when it was winter we both left. I went to my own farm and he went to Laius'. Isn't what I'm saying true.

Herdsman: Yes that is true, but it was a long time ago.

Messenger: Tell me the truth, didn't you give me a boy to raise in my family?

Herdsman: What are you talking about? Why are you asking me all of this?

Messenger: Because the child you gave me is now your king.

Herdsman: Be quiet, don't say anything else.

Oedipus: No! Do not yell at him because he is telling the truth, you should be punished.

Herdsman: No sir! What have I done to deserve that?

Oedipus: The fact that you will not answer any of my questions about the child.

Herdsman: It isn't anything, he doesn't know anything. It is all lies.

Oedipus: If you will not tell me the truth then you will be forced to.

Herdsman: No the gods will not hurt me, I am old.

Oedipus: Hurry, someone tie him up.

Herdsman: This is terrible, why would you do that.

Oedipus: Did you, or did you not, give him the child?

Herdsman: If I had given it to him, would I have died that day?

Oedipus: Today you will die if you do not tell the truth.

Herdsman: No, if I tell the truth it will be much worse.

Oedipus: Oh, he is trying to fool us.

Herdsman: No, I will confess, I did give the child to him.

Oedipus: Where did you get the child? Is it your's?

Herdsman: It is not mine, someone else gave it to me.

Oedipus: Who? Which house in Thebes do they live?

Herdsman: Stop. Do not ask me anymore.

Oedipus: If you make me repeat my question you will die.

Herdsman: The answer is: a child of Laius' house.

Oedipus: Was the child born into a slave family, or was he royal blood.

Herdsman: Ok, this is something I do not want to have to tell you.

Oedipus: I do not want to hear it either, but I have to.

Herdsman: They said it was Laius' son, but maybe Jocasta can better answer that.

Oedipus: Jocasta gave it to you?

Herdsman: Yes, she gave it to me.

Oedipus: For what?

Herdsman: She made me get rid of it.

Oedipus: How could a mother do that to her child!

Herdsman: She was in fear of the prophecies.

Oedipus: What prophecies?

Herdsman: He was said to kill his father.

Oedipus: And you still let this old man take him? Why?

Herdsman: I felt sorry for him sir. I thought I could take him to a home. The boy was saved from suffering. If you were that child, no one is more unfortunate than you.

Oedipus: Oh no! The truth is revealed. My past has been exposed. I was born in shame, I married in disgrace, and I killed in dishonor.

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