5.2 - Non-Government Organizations (NGO's)

During the last few decades, Non- Government Organizations concerned with environmental issues have been gaining considerable power, including in various United Nations forums. Some of the major international NGO's involved in the Caribbean include t he International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), which co-authored "A Global Representative System of Marine Protected Areas" (1995); Conservation International, the Nature Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society and the World Wildlife Fund.

The most prominent regional organization is the Caribbean Conservation Association (CCA), which conducted a series of pilot projects in ten Caribbean island nations and is involved in training, establishing data-bases, dissemination of information, and en hancing public awareness and education.

Other organizations concentrating on individual islands include the St. Christopher Heritage Society of St. Kitts, the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society and the Montserrat National Trust, which have been actively involved in coastal surveys and co nservation; the Dominica Conservation Association; the Stichting CARMABI (Curacao); the National Research and Development Foundation of St. Lucia; the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust; Friends of the Sea (Jamaica); the Foundation pour la Protect ion de la Biodiversite Marine (Haiti); the Antigua and Barbuda National Trust and Museum; the Caribbean Stranding Network (Puerto Rico); the National Parks Trust (Barbados); the SABA Conservation Foundation; the Asa Wright Foundation (Trinidad); and the N ational Trust as well as The Foundation for the Protection of Reefs and Islands from Degradation and Exploitation (PRIDE) of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Undoubtedly, this list is incomplete, but it will be supplemented on the CCS homepage (see section 5 .5) upon receipt of additional information.

5.3 - Emergency Preparedness, Prevention and Mitigation


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