topic:              HUMAN ENHANCEMENT OF
                                 COASTAL EROSION

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2.4. Human Enhancement of Coastal Erosion

Hurricanes, stormsurges and tsunami contribute the unknown but probably major catastrophic part of the coastal erosion process, superposed on the average daily wave attacks. The process of erosion is, however, considerably enhanced by such human activitie s as mining of sand, damming of rivers (thus cutting off the supply of terrigenous materials to the beach compartments) and destruction of such natural barriers as coral reefs and mangroves.

To see the effect of wave-erosion on a seawall which was not built with adequate 'wings':

TOBAGO, July, 1981

The ratings in our questionnaire were relatively high, with a mean of 2.84 on a scale of 5 (most serious). The highest consistent rating was for Nevis (4, i.e., 100%).

* 1995 Survey's Rating of Coastal Engineering Problems

For additional related
surveys, press:

March 1996 issue of Cerc

* 1992 Survey: Is Erosion an Act of God?

* 1992 Survey: Any Coastal Engineering Measure is Bound to Fail...

* 1992 Surveys: 'Coastal Erosion has Become more Severe During the Last Decade'

2.5 Degradation of Coastal Areas by Development


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