[Chrysalis Foundation]

CONVERSATION TWO—"Beyond Crucifixion and Death"

Barry, you are coming to discover that the crucifixion is over. It is done—finished. It needed to happen only once, 2,000 years ago. And even then, it was not about my sacrifice and suffering. The message was eternal life—not death.

You see, Barry, the ego sees everything backwards. It sees life as death and death as life, when in truth they are One, the never-ending experience of love in my kingdom. Even as you watched the leaves float gently down onto the stream the other day, you saw at first death. You felt the sadness and grief of life dying. Then, in the next moment, you saw beyond the veil of form and there revealed was the never-ending process of God moving, dancing, changing her form of experience and expression.

That which you are is eternal. You rest in that which is beyond the comings and goings, beyond the cycle of life and death. In truth there is only Life. But in your realm, you see the changing pattern of life as death. All forms of divine expression change. Nothing is static, for God is always new, always seeking new experience and expression. It is all play, divine play. Every form must always give way to a new, emerging form. Patterns change eternally. But nothing is lost, nothing dies except patterns of experience and expression. Always, what you are lies beyond it all, untouched by everything.

Your only pain is that you believe you are the form, and as the form dies, so do you. In the world of matter, this is particularly pronounced. Forms decay and break down into a seeming nothing. This, too, is appearance, for there is only coming and going. The leaves fall from the tree only to magically reappear anew in the spring. Does the tree weep in autumn? No, it revels in the magnificent splendor of its golden hues. For the tree, there is no death, only a changing expression of Being.

You cannot find this unchanging core of being anywhere but within yourself. It alone is eternal. As you discover it, you find that it holds and embraces all changes. It is a continuity unbroken, always sure, always safe. Rest in this, my brother.

The swirling vortex of change in your life seems to spin outward, quickly taking many things away that you know and are familiar with. There is another movement, a spiral in. This spiral leads you to your core, the undying divinity which you truly are. The faster the forms spiral away, the faster the spiral carries you inward.

You have asked to be free. You have asked to live in the truth of your being. You have created the spiral of becoming. To become what one is, there must be an unbecoming or undoing of what one is not. Thus, the forms that spiral away from you are those that you are not—those that your soul no longer chooses to experience. Let them go. Surrender into the inward spiral to Self. As I have said before:

What is real cannot be threatened.

What is unreal does not exist.

Herein lies the peace of God.

You are getting closer. The truth is only a step away. It awaits you always in the boundless, unchanging ground of your being. When all else is relinquished, you find what always has been, is, and shall ever be.

I AM. I AM that I AM.

—The Christ