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1980  It happened in 1980

It was the year we graduated from high school and headed out into the world.  But do you remember what was happening in the world that year?  Here are a few reminders....

  • Some of the headlines from 1980: Six U.S. Embassy aides escape from Iran with Canadian help (Jan. 29).... The F.B.I.'s undercover operation “Abscam” (for Arab scam) implicates public officials (Feb. 2).... The U.S. breaks diplomatic ties with Iran (April 7).... Eight U.S. servicemen are killed and five are injured as a helicopter and a cargo plane collide in an attempt to rescue the American hostages in Iran (April 25).... The Shah of Iran dies at 60 (July 27).... Anastasio Somoza Debayle, ousted Nicaragua ruler, and two aides are assassinated in Asunción, Paraguay capital (Sept. 17).... Iraq troops hold 90 square miles of Iran after invasion (Sept. 19).... Ronald Reagan is elected President in a Republican sweep (Nov. 4).... Three U.S. nuns and a worker are found shot in El Salvador (Dec. 4).... John Lennon is shot dead in New York City (Dec. 8).
  • Other events from 1980:  Inflation is running at double-digits, and gas is around $1.20/gallon.... The United States and 57 other countries boycott the Moscow summer Olympics in protest of Soviet occupation of Afghanistan....Ted Turner launches CNN, which will air news 24 hours a day on cable television....Lech Walesa leads a strike by shipyard workers.  Poland's Solidarity Party becomes an independent labor union, the first in the sphere of Soviet influence...Voyager I, a NASA probe, explores Saturn....The Philadelphia Phillies beat the Kansas City Royals in the World Series, 4 games to 2...At the Academy Awards, Ordinary People wins Best Picture, Best Director(Robert Redford), and Best Supporting Actor (Timothy Hutton).   Robert DeNiro wins Best Actor for Raging Bull, and Sissy Spacek wins Best Actress for Coal Miner's Daughter.  Fame wins Best Original Song....American speed skater Eric Heiden won 5 gold medals at the Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, NY.

For Music, TV, and Movie Hits from 1980, along with other 80's links, go to the Next Page


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