girl scouts day camp summer activities lawrenceville
georgia great outdoors camps
St. Edwards Episcopal Church
737 Moon Road
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Moon Rd & Hwy
124 (Scenic Highway)
Across from Nash Chevrolet
For directions direct from your house, visit Map
90 Years of Girl
Come and experience girl scouting through the years!
Hands on arts and crafts projects, cooking, songs, games, skits, nature,
new friends and more!
Age Requirements:
Girls must be ages 6 (just finishing Kindergarten this year) to 12 to
participate in camp.
Girls ages 13 and older are encouraged to work with the
younger girls and learn/practice leadership skills.
Cost: $73.00 for Registered Girl Scouts *$80.00 for Non-Scout
$70.00 for camp
$3.00 for Pizza on Friday
(please choose from Cheese, Sausage or
Pepperoni and note on the top right hand corner of your
registration form)
*$7.00 Girl Scout Membership (if not a
current registered Girl Scout)
*It is required for
insurance purposes that your daughter be a registered Girl Scout to attend this
camp. To register your daughter as a Girl Scout, please include a note when you
mail your registration form in, and I will send you a Girl Scout Registration
Form by mail
Adult volunteers are needed!
Please contact Christina if you would like to volunteer yourself and/or your
See what we've done in the past 2 years
Day Camp 2001 Scrapbook
email us for
more information