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What is DCM_PSW?

A one-stop shop of links so you can find the websites of public safety professionals in the area, and a few other links of interest.  If you are in the public safety biz for the armed forces, I find my experience to be that we get caught up in our own world, and we don't always have the kind of regular contact that we would like.  Now I'm not talking about inter-service rivalry, or guarding the rice bowl with sharpened chopsticks.   We make contact from our bases and commands with others on an as-needed basis. 


Sometimes, before I go visit another installation, I try to check out the base I'm visiting via the web, to learn about the place and the people I'm visiting.  Computer web-tag is a pain.  Yeah, I can find you, sooner or later, going from the top down, via the main pages of the armed services, on down to the rest of the installation's pages.   By our nature, we use slightly different terminology, and fall under different segments of our organization charts, and nobody teaches a class in liaison with our counterparts.  Finding each other can be difficult!  I speak from a Law Enforcement and Security perspective, so if you are in a fire department, YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary.)

I  need your help on this project! 

I know a lot of the web addresses needed for a decent start.  However, some folks put up unofficial pages about their organization, or their role in it.   Your page may be all the world may know about you organization.

My experience went something like this:  I devised some pages about my station and department, or at least my small role in it.  Knowing the love of security at my base,  I didn't dare post it without running it by my security officer and he also deferred to our public affairs officer.  I submitted printed copies of my pages, and a request for approval.

And the request was never heard from again!

My personal home page currently has a picture of where I work.  Don't hurt yourself looking at it.   I cut and cropped, and made a very lossy, high compression JPEG of it, as it could seen (without eyeglasses or nearly blind-drunk) from the street by anyone walking by, just to avoid hassles.

If sufficient response is evoked by my pages, I'll consider a starting an e-mail list for us beltway types, (and I mean Washington-Baltimore; Baltimore has a beltway of its own too, besides being a part of a special combined metropolitan area for purposes like the census).

This site is not the sanctioned or official work of the United States government.  I work for them, but I don't have a seal of approval for this site, nor am I seeking it.  I love the government, but I really don't know where a site like mine would go.  I only say that because:

I seek to include every branch of uniformed service, and intend to do so with the utmost fairness and respect, without any other agenda except promoting a personal vision: good Public Safety websites for all installations that have public safety organizations.

I want to make it easy to find military public safety websites from their somewhat "hidden" locations.

Have a look around, and enjoy your visit!


© 1998,1999, 2000, 2001 Robert E. Jensik Jr.  All Rights reserved.   Disclaimers and Terms of Acceptable Use apply.

Page modification history: 08/02/98, 11/08/98, 11/22/98, 01/02/99, 05/13/2001