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Welcome to the X-Planets homepage about astronomy, particularly catastrophic astronomy. The goal is to gather links and news, and to generate commentary about all of it.

The name X-Planets is a play on the terms "exploding planets", "extrasolar planets", and "Planet X", the last of which has been used by astronomers to designate a hypothetical, undiscovered, or recently discovered planetary body. It isn't intended nor should it be inferred to be a play on the name of that famous TV drama about the FBI agents who investigate every paranormal phenomenon they encounter except for the fact that their cellular phones always work, even under the Antarctic icecap. It makes Gilligan's Island's Professor's coconut-based nuclear reactor look plausible.

That last sentence was just an excuse to use three possessive words in a row. It was fun. The Professor never made a nuclear reactor out of coconuts. And I can't remember if the FBI agents used their cell phones when they went to Antarctica that time.

So, look around. It won't take long, there's not that much here.
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Credit: Background image courtesy NASA/JPL. This page created March 24 1999. Updated March 30 1999 and Saturday, October 22, 2005. Last update Sunday, October 23, 2005. Copyright 1999-2005, all rights reserved, except as noted. Website design by Close To Homeless Computer Consultants.