Puccini Welcome to The Piggy Palace!Puccini

New Piggies!

I have a cute guinea pig named Puccini, (pictured above.)  The reason we named him "Puccini", is because when we first bought him, I LOVED to dance to Turandot, written by Puccini.   The name "Puccini" slowly evolved into "Pootie".  Puccini also enjoys being called "Darth Pig", although he has never seen Star Wars!   Pootie currently has eight children, five of which are dead.  He is black with a white stripe on his nose and back down his side.  He's smooth all over, except for the top of his head and part of his back, it looks almost just like a Mohawk!  My cousins (Jordy and Gray) have two piggies, Isis and Osiris.  My friend John Bouldin has one guinea pig, Queaky.  She is Puccini's third daughter, and is extremely cute!

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