These photos were all taken with the Nikon CoolPix 950 Digital Camera
and are best viewed at a monitor resolution of 1024x768.
Here's a pic of the CoolPix 950
with the 8x Kenko Monocular (available at CKC Power).
Most of the alligator, bird and spider photos were taken with the monocular.
(total magnification between 20x & 24x)
This "Old Glory" animation was created with the Nikon CoolPix 950 Digital Camera.
640x480 Pixel Photos
All Dash2 Photography photos are highly compressed JPEGs and are displayed at 320x240 pixels. photos have
been specially selected for larger viewing. Inkjet prints will NOT have the large, gray copyright symbol as seen on these images.
All of these alligator photos were taken at "Sawgrass Lake Park," St. Petersburg, Florida.
Boyd Hill Nature Trail
St. Petersburg, FL
West Central Florida nature photos.
Clam Bayou Nature Park
Located between the south side of St. Petersburg and Gulfport, FL
West Central Florida nature photos.
Gulfport, FL
Connected to the south side of St. Petersburg, FL.
West Central Florida boating, floral, historical , nature, scenic, and water photos.
Golden Silk Spiders
(Nephila Clavipes) Their name comes from the color of their web which looks like gold thread in the sunshine. Many people call them
"Banana Spiders" because of their yellow body and legs.The female is about 6 inches in diameter and has sections of hair on it's legs,
the male only about 1 inch, and they are found in the southern US from Florida to California, but mainly in Florida. They rarely bite
people. Some people have allergic reactions to spider bites. For most people, it’s the same as getting bitten by an ant or deer fly. It’s
not fun, but it won’t kill you. These photos were all taken at "Sawgrass Lake Park," St. Petersburg, Florida.
Hernando Beach, FL
Located on Florida's Gulf Coast about 45 minutes north of Tarpon Springs.
Has the same look and feel as the Everglades in southern Florida.
West Central Florida nature photos.
John's Pass
Between Madeira Beach and Treasure Island just west of St. Petersburg, FL. "Pass" is Florida lingo for "Inlet."
West Central Florida boating, scenic, and water photos.
Sawgrass Lake Park
West Central Florida nature photos.