The Alphabet Sex Sessions: A

By Anna


Buffy was filled with a jumble of emotions as she entered the lobby of the beautiful Plaza Hotel just outside of Los Angeles. She had received the best news in her entire life three days ago, and now the moment of truth had come. Buffy had been separated from her beloved Angel for the last year. They had keep in touch through mail, telephone and very brief meetings over the past year but, considering how much they’d been through, it just wasn’t enough but, they were grateful that at least they had some type of communication. Buffy reflected that any type of communication with her Angel was better than the deepest communication with anyone else. The nice thing was that she knew Angel felt the same way. Of course, neither one stopped hoping that eventually some miracle would happen that would allow them to be together.

Three days ago, the miracle had happened in the form of a message from Whistler himself. Whistler had been busy taking care of other business so Angel hadn’t seen him in quite a while. Neither had Buffy. Buffy and Angel were in one of their rare meetings in LA with Cordy, Giles, and Doyle discussing the implications of a possible new breed of demon when suddenly Whistler appeared. Everyone looked up in surprise but, before anyone could say anything Whistler demanded to see Angel and Buffy alone. As usual the little demon, highhandedly just told everyone to leave, instead of just taking Buffy and Angel aside. All left quietly (with the exception of Cordy who bitched about moving) brimming with curiosity.

As soon as the others left Angel rounded on Whistler, "O.K. you disappear for a few months, come back, disrupt everyone and demand to see me and Buffy alone."

"What’s going on?"

Whistler looked at Angel grinning, "Angel, in a few minutes you’re gonna kiss me, although I’d prefer that Buffy did the kissing." Buffy grinned despite herself while Angel gave a snarl in Whistler’s direction.

"Just get on with it".

Whistler looked at the two lovers grinned and began, " Let me cut through all the magic and theoretical bullshit and get to the point. The powers that be have decided that Angel is definitely on the right path to redeeming his soul on a permanent basis. In fact if all goes well in the next three years, the two of you will be offered two options: Angel can become human and stay with Buffy, or Buffy will be allowed to become a vampire with a soul and be with Angel-no curse attached on either end." Whistler smiling proudly paused to look at the couple in front of him, tears were streaming down both faces, Angel’s blood tinged, they were clasping hands so hard that Whistler was surprised that bones weren’t broken.

Buffy sniffed and asked "I can’t believe it, thank God, I can bear anything if I know that Angel and I can really be together in three years. It’s damm sure worth the wait."

" Buffy, Angel said softly, I’d wait an eternity for you, three years is a dream come true. We’ll just have a lot of making up to do. At his words images of the two of them together swirled through Buffy’s mind, immediately she felt the wetness in her pussy and shifted her position. From the intense look Angel gave her, she knew that he could smell her arousal. Turning red from embarrassment, and excitement Buffy started to thank Whistler.

" I guess you know what this means to Angel and me. We won’t do anything to endanger Angel’s soul until the three years are up and we get "official permission". Angel was lost in daydreams of him and Buffy finally coming together in three years, although he realized that with the promise of bliss to come, his fantasies about what he and Buffy were going to do together, would have him taking many, many cold showers in the next three years. Hell, his dick was hard already.

"Hold with the thanks you two- I ain’t finished yet." Angel and Buffy both stiffened and waited for the ball to drop. Damm they should have known that they were never going to get a break with their love. Whistler sat back enjoying the twin looks of fear that appeared on both faces. "Well, let me break this to you gently. For the next three years you’re going to get the following schedule. You’re allowed to see each other on an intimate level a twice a month the first year, every week the second year, and three times a week the third year up until the day of your decision. Keep to that schedule-no problem. Break it and the penalty will be an extra year on D-day each time you go over the scheduled time. Let me state this perfectly frankly, you two can fuck your brains out and do every disgusting, kinky thing you can come up with-no curse attached. After all, with the kind of decision you guys have to make, we think that it’s a good idea if you get reacquainted."

After stunned silence Angel and Buffy immediately started kissing and groping. Whistler enjoyed the scene for a while than mischievously said "guys the schedule doesn’t begin until this Saturday."

Angel and Buffy had decided to began getting reacquainted in a completely new place for the first year. The hotel was perfect, close enough for both of them, anonymous, and romantic for two people who still had a lot of issues and concerns to work out. Not that either of them had any doubts of their love for each other. They were going to use these next three years to discuss their future, their joint decision, and of course every single act of sex between two people that was ever invented. They had decided that their first weekend together would start by first getting rid of ant past burdens or issues between the two of them so that they could start fresh. that was going to be sundown on Saturday afternoon. They both assumed that sex all night would follow, they would sleep Sunday, fuck all Sunday night (strangely enough both thought in terms of romance/love sex the first evening, wild sex the second), and sleep Monday with Angel and Buffy leaving for their respective lives Monday afternoon-Angel to his detective agency, Buffy to her Monday evening class at Sunnyvale Community College. The schedule permitted them from Saturday afternoon at 5 to Monday afternoon at 5. Sheer bliss. The first year would equal out to 26 wonderful weekends together. They had joking decided to refer to their weekends as the "Alphabet Sex" weekends. The first year they’d go from A-Z, the second year 52 weeks would be sessions A-1, A-2 , B-1, B-2, and so on, the third year they decided they’d make up the alphabet titles as they went along. Buffy was grateful that her Mom had taken the news gracefully and even happier that Giles had given his blessing. Cordy couldn’t care less, since it didn’t directly affect her, Willow was thrilled, Oz took the information in stride, and Xander was well Xander. the bottom line was that everyone was happy for Buffy and with the possible exception of maybe Xander, everyone was happy for Angel.

Buffy entered the beautiful hotel picked up her electronic key at the desk and proceeded to the suite that Angel had picked out. She quietly opened the door, and stood there astounded. the suite was huge, a picture glass weekend gave a view of the mountains and skyline. Beautiful. huge pillows were scattered around, a hot tub was in the corner and the room was filled with lovely antique furniture. In what she knew was her beloved’s touch tons of beautiful red candles were placed around the huge room. Fighting tears of happiness Buffy saw the bedroom door open and Angel step out. He was dressed in his trademark red silk shirt, with tight leather pants worn just for Buffy. He looked gorgeous, sexy, and at the same time with the underlying nervousness that Buffy also felt. For his part Angel saw the woman of his dreams standing in the room surrounded by candles. Her blonde hair was draped softly over her shoulders, her green eyes were beautiful and clear. Buffy had on Angel’s favorite color red of course. It was a short, tight dress low cut and clingy. She had on matching red high heels. Angel’s groin tightened as he imagined what he’d find under that dress. For a long moment the two simply stared at each other overcome with lust, happiness and above all love. Finally. Angel spoke "Hi, Buffy." "Hi, Angel" Buffy took his outstretched hand and they slowly walked over to the couch to sit and talk.

The "Alphabet Sex Weekends -Session A" had begun.


Chapter 1:

As Buffy sat down, she instinctively moved to pull her short red dress over her thighs as far as it could go. She reflected that that was weird since logically Angel had seen everything there was to see. Yet, in a way she felt shyer with Angel now since she knew what this weekend was going to entail, than she ever had before. The first time she and Angel had made love, it was a spur of the moment type of thing. Neither of them, had consciously prepared for the moment but, after the events of almost losing Angel, plus the horrors of the Judge, Spike, Dru and even the rain it had just happened. Now, Buffy sat next to the man that in a short time she’d be naked and making love with and to. It really did feel a little awkward even though she wanted it with every thing in her being. Yes, she and Angel had gotten hot and heavy after his return from Hell but, it was different because they knew that do to his curse it could only go but, so far. Now, all the barriers were down and the act was going to be completed. Nerves, as well as anticipation were coursing through Buffy’s system.

For his part, Angel had got an immediate erection the minute, Buffy sat and tugged on her dress. All that did was draw attention to her luscious thighs and what lay between them. Feeling like a horny teenager, instead of a world-weary, cursed vampire, Angel leaned and moved a little to at least try to hide his huge hardon. Angel knew that even though he wanted to grab Buffy, throw her to the floor and ram himself home, that it would be much better, and intimate if they cleared up some of their past issues. Than they could lay the past to rest, and concentrate on their future. There was a lot of talk that was going to go into that but, before they could start thinking about the future, they’d have to deal with the past. Secrets, thoughts, concerns, everything that mattered to him and Buffy needed to be said. It was funny but, Angel actually felt more nervous and intimidated really talking to Buffy, than when the time came for him to make love to Buffy. After all, Angel pondered, you could have sex with almost anyone. To actually talk and really share your feelings with someone was rare. He was determined that him and Buffy were going to really talk. Any feelings or concerns she had were going to be laid to rest.

Angel took a deep breath and began, "Buffy it goes without saying that I love you with all my heart, soul, body and any other essence that I have. In the over 250 years that I’ve been around, I’ve never loved anyone but you. Never. The minute I saw you, I realized that after hundreds of years on earth, I had finally found my soul mate. It was like having a huge bolt of electricity flow through me. I was thrilled, terrified, and humbled. You are the reason for my exsistance-the only reason. Not a damn thing really matters to me but you. Yes, I care about the poor tortured souls I try to help but, if I’m really honest, helping them is a means to an end. The end is getting to privilege of being with you any way I can. My real redemption is you."

When Angel finished his speech, actually the biggest speech he’d ever made to her, Buffy sat quietly for a while gathering her thoughts. Would did she really want to discuss with Angel. Deep down she knew how he thought of her, it was the same way she felt about him, but it was wonderful to hear. Because of the options they were to be offered, the aging thing wasn’t a factor nor any of they other concerns they had with him being a vampire and her being human. They just had to chose which way to go. Another nice thing was that as Giles pointed out to her, if the powers were offering options like these obviously, they somehow knew that Buffy was not going to die slaying. That alone took a huge weight off Buffy, Giles, Angel’s shoulders, as well as her mom’s and the Scooby-gangs. Buffy still slayed, but it was not with the feeling that she could possibly die that night. Buffy realized that maybe she was going to sound petty, but if they were going to start with a clean slate she was going to have to speak her mind.

"Angel, I think that you know that my feelings for you are exactly the same feelings I have for you. You are my other half, my soul mate, and I have always known that despite everything that our love is Immortal. I guess most of our past concerns aren’t really issues anymore. We can make love now, and the aging thing isn’t on the agenda. I admit that even if the curse was removed I would have felt funny aging while you didn’t even though I know our love would have remained every bit as strong. Stupid human vanity I guess. But, I do have some concerns. I guess I’m gonna sound really immature but I need to know about the following things: Dead Darla, Crazy Dru, and most of all that Bitch Kate." By the time Buffy mentioned Kate, she had turned red with annoyance and fear. Darla was dead, Dru was away (even though she was technically dead too) but, Kate was alive and well. Part of Buffy really didn’t want to know Angel’s relationship with Kate, but the biggest part did. Even though Buffy tried to rationalize that even if Angel slept with Kate it probably didn’t mean much to him, she’d still be crushed. Funny she thought, all we’ve been through, all the love we have and I’m sill worried about the Kate thing. "Oh well".

As Buffy finished speaking, Angel hid a smile. He kind of figured exactly what Buffy was concerned about. Even though Buffy didn’t understand why it mattered to her who he slept with, Angel did. He, himself as Angel and as Angelus had probably slept with thousands of women. He damn sure knew that sex didn’t equal love, and that you could fuck someone and not give a damn what they were feeling or thinking. Or you could sleep with someone that you did like and did care about but didn’t love. You hoped that they were O.K., you may have concerns for them and even share feelings. But without love you didn’t have that consuming gut wrenching feeling. And what he had with Buffy went beyond that, it was more than love. Buffy didn’t have much experience with sex, and didn’t understand the difference. Funny, he was going to ask her later if she’d slept with Scott, Riley or some guy named Parker that Cordy had mentioned. Of course his gut and primal instincts screamed she better not have. On the other hand, his thinking, loving side in a way hoped she did. He knew Buffy loved him with all of her heart, and not any of those other guys. In a way if she had slept with another man, she’d be more likely to understand the sex/love thing. In any case Angel knew that neither Darla, Dru or Kate or for that matter Scott, Riley or Parker mattered. The love Buffy and him shared made these other people a joke. But, better to clear the air, get rid of these jokes and move on.

"O.K." Angel said softly. "I guess I’ll start with Darla. I’m not going to go into the whole story of how Darla made me. You know that. You also know that we were lovers until I got my soul back. Angelus didn’t love Darla, he was intrigued by her, and of course she was the sire. For vampires as you know, that’s like family but of course not family like humans. We hunted together, killed together, and fucked together." Buffy’s eyebrows raised at the term Angel used. He rarely used profanity. Angel noticed and said "Buffy, I said fucked and meant fucked. We were like animals. We fucked each other and anyone else we felt like. Sometimes together, groups whatever. It was fucking, plain and simple. I guess I liked Darla on some level but, there was never love involved on my end. Darla told you she loved me but, what she really meant was that she loved fucking me. I don’t mean to be crass honey, but what Darla and I did was the equivalent of a feel good handshake. The hunting and killing what really kept us together and gave us the most pleasure." Angel was relieved to see that Buffy just nodded and didn’t look upset or horrified. She was just quietly listening.

Angel took a deep breath and went on. "Later on we met Drusilla. I think you know that this was one of the most horrible of my crimes. She was a good person, I drove her crazy, turned her into a vampire and viciously raped and assaulted her. Horribly enough, the first time Dru’s virginity was taken, Darla was with me. In fact, before I raped her, I held her and Darla "took her virginity" by sticking one of the church’s candles up her. By the time Darla was finished Dru was a mess. To add insult to injury I made one of the priests that happened to be near the convent rape her first. I think his name was Father Murphy or something like that. He was a big, quiet looking man who I knew to be devoutly religious as Dru was. He begged and pleaded for us to let Dru go, and not to make him do it, but you can guess that didn’t work. I kept holding Dru and Darla went to work on the Father sucking and feeling on him. Despite being a priest, the man was human. In a few minutes he was almost out of his mind with lust. Darla then placed him over Dru and nature took it’s course. When it was finished, Darla drained the priest, I raped and turned Drusilla and that was that. Years later, Spike came along and the two of them stayed together. Occasionally over the years, we’d have foursomes but, basically after Dru became a vamp and went crazy, Angelus wasn’t interested. In fact Angel was obsessed before not with Dru per se but, with the idea of turning an innocent woman. Unfortunately, Dru was just one you met, Angelus and Darla loved corrupting innocents."

Angel finally got the courage to look Buffy in the eyes. This was the first time he actually spelled out what happened the night Dru was changed. He suddenly had a horrible vision of Buffy screaming and bolting out the room in disgust. To his surprise and happiness Buffy was just watching him with tons of sympathy in her beautiful eyes. She knew how bad he felt and how horrible this all was for him to live with, and her love and concern showed in her eyes. Angel really felt it hit home that no matter what he had done in the past or who he did or didn’t sleep with, Buffy would be there. In that moment he knew that if the curse had still be in effect, his soul would have been lost.

Buffy nodded at Angel to continue. Kate was next on the agenda. Buffy marveled at the fact that if she was honest the Kate thing actually was bothering her more than the Dru or Darla thing. Angel smiled happily at Buffy. This part was a piece of cake. "Buffy, I never slept with Kate, I never wanted to sleep with Kate, she never wanted to sleep with me. We were friends but, we didn’t really talk or share our hobbies or personal time with each other. We work well together and that’s about it. In fact, I believe she has a live-in lover named Mary!"

Buffy looked stunned and to Angel’s surprise started laughing and crying with joy. Buffy stopped the waterworks and grinned at Angel. "You have my permission to work with Kate anytime. Maybe we’ll even invite her over for dinner." Angel just shook his head.

"Buffy, I’m almost finished with me but I just want to say a few more things. Important things. First the night you and I made love was the best most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. You surpassed every other woman I’ve ever had in my life, physically, mentally and emotionally. I almost died again with pleasure that night. You know, despite every horrible thing that happened afterwards, if I was given a choice between having it all happen again or never having a chance to make love to you, I’d still pick making love to you."

Buffy’s eyes filled with tears as she quietly responded, "me too Angel, me too". They sat there for a while quietly absorbing each other’s presence with the anticipation for the coming night starting to build. "Buffy, I also have to tell you something you may feel uncomfortable hearing but, we’ve got to do this."

Buffy looked up at Angel with concern but, no fear in her eyes. She now had put things in perspective and realized that even if Angel admitted to sleeping with 50 women in the past year it just didn’t matter. Not at all. "Buffy, you were the only thing in his disgusting existence that Angelus ever love or his version of loving. Angelus teased Spike, but Angelus never touched Dru, must less had sex with her after my soul went for the second time. This made him even angrier that only wanted you, so he turned even more vicious, he didn’t rape his victims he just killed a lot more of them. All for you. He admired the fact that you’d never be like Dru. Eventually, Angelus was going to turn you and keep you by his side for eternity. I just thought that you should know how Angelus thought. He was ready to destroy the world in an attempt to get over you. I was a helpless bystander. Buffy, when you plunged the sword in, Angelus last thought was of admiration for you. When I came to in Hell, I relieved all the things I’d done, and I thanked God that you had the strength to do it. All I ever felt for you regarding the Hell incident was love and admiration. Never did I blame you never. Well, that’s all I have to say regarding me. I think I pretty much covered everything. Angel chuckled wickedly, "as for the sex part I’ve fucked thousands of women, yet I’ve only made love to one-you, Buffy Anne Summers."

Buffy sat feeling happier and more at peace in her entire life. Secretly she was thrilled that Angelus also loved her. Strangely enough she thought so but, than decided that she was being crazy. All Angel told her just made her love him more, well that was impossible but, it really did make her feel better.

"All right Angel, before we get down to business," she stopped and looked as Angel groaned and shifted his legs again. this time Buffy couldn’t miss his huge dick tenting out the leather pants. A wave of moisture hit Buffy, and Angel had to literally grind his teeth in an effort to control his response to the smell. "Is there anything or anything you want to ask me about?"

Angel hesitated a moment and sheepishly said, "Buffy believe me it really doesn’t matter but, what about Scott, Riley and Parker? I guess it’s not the sex part I just want to know if you did have sex with them did you fuck or make love." Buffy marveled at his maturity. it really didn’t matter to him who she slept with, just what her emotional attachment had been to these guys. Buffy realized that even though Angel probably wouldn’t be thrilled, it wouldn’t matter to him if she slept with 100 guys as long as she just loved him.

"Angel I’ll make this short. I kissed Scott a few times, barely very barely necked and that was it. Parker was a guy I met over the summer but, didn’t even go out with. I was still crushed that you had left me so I fed a story that I was dating him to Cordy to torment you." Angel smiled, little did she know that even though the thought of Buffy in another man’s arms crushed his soul, his dead heart was thrilled at the thought of his beloved enjoying normal sex with a normal man. "As for Riley-like you and Kate we’re friends. nothing more nothing less. Although I don’t think he’s gay" she mussed.

"No dinner for him" Angel joked. They both burst out laughing. The primitive, animal part of Angel sang that Buffy was his and his only. Only he had visited that tight wet homeland. It was all his for eternity. As his cock hardened again, Angel decided that the talk time was over. "Buffy, have we discussed and cleared all of our ghosts, I want to say that as far as I’m concerned the past is gone and from now on we concentrate on the future that’s going to be me and you." He looked at Buffy anxiously.

"Angel, as far as I’m concerned the past is dead and the future is a blank page to be filled with love, loyalty and a lot of sex."

Angel grinned. "This was going to be fun." There was so much he wanted to show and teach her. He was going to open her up to every type of sex two people could share. He hoped that as their sex play progressed, it wouldn’t shock her, but at least if he did he also knew she’d enjoy it. Little did he know that Buffy was thinking the same thing. She’d been reading a lot over the past few days, and figured even if she couldn’t shock a vampire with Angel’s experience, she could damn sure surprise him!

Chapter 2:

Angel stood up and reached down and pulled Buffy into his arms. Both were almost delirious with love and lust. Angel clamped down on his emotions so that he could properly worship his beautiful Goddess. Angel cuddled Buffy into his arms and walked into the adjoining bedroom. It was huge with a fireplace and a large thick canopy over the King-sized bed. Buffy sighed happily. The drapes were thick and drawn over windows. Angel carefully laid Buffy on the bed and closed the canopy. It gave an illusion of being completely alone and closed in, plus Angel had placed special candles that weren’t really candles but, lights around the bed. Therefore they were enclosed, had plenty of safe burning lights so they could see each other clearly and best of all with the drapes closed and the canopy, Buffy and Angel could fall asleep after their love making without worry about the sunlight. It was perfect. Angel first took of Buffy’s heels. He was going to first unwrap her like a Christmas present and then devour her like a Thanksgiving dinner.

Angel next pulled Buffy’s pantyhose off and than her dress. She laid before him wearing only a tiny scrap of black lace panties, and a beautiful black lace bra that was gently cupping her rounded globes. Everything about her was tanned, firm and sleek, and she smelled so good that Angel thought he was going to die again. Angel could see her nipples pointing through the lace. Meanwhile Buffy’s heart was racing a mile a minute. She and Angel really didn’t have much time for foreplay the last time they’d made love, even though it had been beyond wonderful. Reverently Angel removed her bra and her beautiful pink tipped hard nipples sprung free. Angel wanted Buffy completely nude before he began his worship but, he couldn’t resist sucking one nipple into his cool mouth. "Oh God, Angel " Buffy squealed. She brought her hands down to hold Angel to her breast. Angel sucked and nipped and then turned his attention to Buffy’s other breast. Buffy’s cries were driving him wild, and his cock was about to literally burst through his leather pants it was so hard.

Angel stopped nursing at Buffy’s breasts and moved down to take her underwear off. As he eased them down her cunt came into view. Angel who was an art lover stared at her cunt with rapture. The dark hair and the hint of pink was easily the most exquisite piece of art that he’d ever had the privilege of seeing. He looked at Buffy’s entire body from her shining golden hair to her beautiful feet. She was gorgeous and she was totally his. Angel wanted desperately to bury his head in her beautiful slit, but if he did that, it would all be over and he couldn’t properly worship her body. As Buffy laid their panting in arousal, Angel shook his head to clear it and moved to her mouth to begin his worship. As Angel’s cool mouth crushed Buffy’s and their tongues started to duel, Angel realized to his horror that his fangs had started to lengthen. He wanted to make love to Buffy as a man, not a vampire but, it was so hard to control the demon when he was excited. And he was very excited. Buffy looked up and realized that Angel was trying desperately not to morph into his gameface. Buffy wanted him uninhibited and relaxed, enjoying their love making and being himself. And the fact was Angel was a vampire, and when he was very aroused, his gameface was his natural state. If truth be told, Buffy found his gameface erotic. Buffy reached up, turned Angel’s face so that she could look into his eyes.

"Angel, I love you all of you. Your gameface is you. I love you as much in gameface as I love you in your regular face. We’re making love remember, the gameface is you and therefore I love it. It doesn’t turn me off at all, in fact it turns me on. It means that you’re aroused and relaxed with me and completely into us.’" After her speech Angel looked into her, smiled and morphed into gameface holding her gaze the whole time. Buffy was thrilled and felt closer to Angel than ever. The fact that he looked into her eyes and morphed in full view of her without hiding or cringing touched her deeply.

Angel too, had never felt more loved or accepted. The fact that his love truly accepted him in all his forms made him ache with love. Angel went back to kissing Buffy. He was careful not to nick her tongue with his fangs. After several moments of deep kissing, Angel slid to the bottom of Buffy’s feet. He had decided to start his body worship there. Gently, Angel started licked the soles of Buffy’s feet. He heard Buffy giggle and than she tried to pull away. "Angel you can’t kiss my feet. I don’t know I just feel bad if you have my feet in your mouth." Angel looked into to Buffy’s eyes with a smoldering gaze.

"Buffy, remember what you told me about loving every part of me?" When Buffy nodded Angel continued, "there is absolutely no part and I mean no part of you that I find nasty or unappealing. That goes for your toes, your armpits, your anus." He smiled as Buffy gasped in shock but, the smell of her arousal also increased he noticed.

"I’m going to lick and suck every inch of you tonight, do you understand me. I love and lust after everything on you. Everything. Do you understand." Scared yet, turned on Buffy nodded. Angel turned his attention back to her feet. Slowly licking like a cat, Angel’s tongue glided from the top of Buffy’s soles down to the heel. Buffy was continuously whimpering. After completely coating the soles of both feet, Angel moved to Buffy’s big toe. He sensuously began sucking it and twirling his tongue around it. Buffy couldn’t believe how much she was enjoying Angel’s foot worship. What also thrilled her was that Angel was enjoying it as much. He was still in game face and also he’d begun growling. Angel systemically moved to every toe on her left foot. Between each toe, he made sure to stick his tongue between each toe as well. Just sucking Buffy’s toes turned Angel on more than any other woman. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and knew Buffy was too. After thoroughly lavishing sucking and licking attention on her left foot, Angel moved to the right and administered the same treatment.

"God even her toes are delicious’ he thought. With a last suck on her big right toe, Angel move to his next target, her legs from ankles to knees. He licked his way to Buffy’s ankles, her calves and than her knees. When he got to her knees, he nibbled and sucked taking as much of his kneecap into her mouth as he could. Buffy was whimpering and groaning the entire time. Angel moved his mouth up to Buffy’s thighs, snuggling his face from side of her silken thighs, being careful not to touch her moist center yet. He carefully nipped and licked, moving with vampire speed from the left to right thigh. It was driving Angel crazy to not immediately drive his mouth to the beautiful pussy so close to his mouth, but he was determined to draw out their lovemaking and Buffy’s first coming as long as possible. He was going to have her come the first time before he entered her, but he wanted her completely immersed in passion and love before he brought her to that point. In the meantime as he worked on her thighs, he determinedly kept his eyes closed so he wouldn’t be tempted more than he was. Her smell alone was driving him to an orgasm, much less the sight. Clamping down on his lust, Angel continued his body worship of Buffy.

Angel continued up, licking and sucking Buffy’s stomach, while paying special attention to Buffy’s navel. His cold tongue swirled and poked, causing his love to giggle. Buffy’s hands were constantly playing through his hair. Angel next revisited Buffy’s beautiful breasts. He sucked her nipples like a baby, pulling them together as close as he could switching from her left to right nipple. At one point, he quietly latched on to her right nipple and just quietly sucked. Buffy still had his hands in his hair, and for a small moment, lust abated slightly and he just allowed himself to feel the overwhelming love in his soul. In this moment out of time, he honestly wondered how making love to your other half, and having sex with someone else could even be considered the same physical act. It was so completely different. Buffy’s increased whimpering alerted him to the fact that if he kept on sucking her nipple, that Buffy was going to come. He knew Buffy’s breasts were extremely sensitive so he moved on. Angel enjoyed the luxury and torture for himself on nibbling on Buffy’s throat. He could hear and sense the blood pounding through her system and was tempted to bite. He knew that Buffy would enjoy him taking her blood as much as he enjoyed taking it. The last time Buffy had given him her blood to save his life when he was dying from poison, Buffy had orgasmed under him before she passed out, setting off his own orgasm. He decided that he prolong the wait for that intimacy until he was deep inside her.

Leaving her neck, Angel licked Buffy’s face from top to bottom. He bite at her lips gently, sucked on her chin, and licked her closed eyelids and forehead. He paid special attention to her nose, licking the top, and even gently thrusting his tongue up each nostril. Buffy started giggling nervously, "Angel, what the hell are you doing. Stop that." Angel lifted his head to look her in the eyes again.

"Buffy" he said gruffly. "What did I tell you. Every inch of you. Every inch." Looking at his golden eyes Buffy just quietly nodded and let him continue his journey. Angel’s next step was Buffy’s arms. He sucked each finger and slowly nuzzled his way up. When he got to her armpit, he started taking mouthfuls of the soft flesh, swirling his tongue around. First her left arm was attended to, than her right. Buffy was practically crying with lust by the time, he gripped her shoulders and turned her over.

For her part, Buffy was in a state beyond feeling. She felt like she was floating on air, but at the same time, every single nerve in her body felt like it was stretched tight, tingling and singing. She’d never felt such exciting sensations, she was going crazy but, going crazy in a lovely soft cocoon of feeling. He said that he was going to worship her and she felt like a goddess of old. She felt beautiful, honored, and most of all loved.

Angel started on her back. Running his tongue up and down the center, and nipping her shoulder blades. He moved down nipping the sides of her waist. He skipped over her backside for the time being, moving and licking the backsides of her thighs. Again, Angel had to close his eyes not to look at the sight of her beautiful ass. At least not yet. Moving down her body, Angel licked every inch of the back section of Buffy’s legs. He was growling and snarling as he moved along. Finally Angel decided it was time to hit the two spots he’d purposely avoided, and start the process of bringing Buffy to a mind-bending orgasm. Buffy was startled out of her dreamworld of sensation when she felt Angel move of the bed. Raising her head, she saw Angel move one of the mock candles so that the light was directly shining in her center.

"What wh-at are you doing Angel."

Angel responded with a growl "I can see you perfectly, I’m just making sure, I cover every inch. After all, I’m entering inner areas now." Buffy felt and Angel smelled the gush of wetness at his words. Buffy was still on her stomach, when Angel moved and started biting her butt cheeks gently with his fangs. Buffy assumed that Angel was going to flip her onto her back, and start licking her vagina but, he didn’t. Slowly Angel palmed her buttocks and spread the cheeks as wide apart as he could. Buffy cringed knowing that Angel could see her entire asshole-everything. She was turned on but embarrassed.

"Angel, um Angel this is really embarrassing. That’s so well so private. I don’t think you should be looking at me like that. I feel so exposed."

Not letting go of her asscheeks, Angel softly said "Buffy, this is new for you and me too. Like I said you’re the only woman that I’ve ever made love with so I’m a little nervous too. You have no idea how much I want and need this. I don’t want us ever to be embarrassed or shy with each other. I want every part of your body open to me, as mine will be to you. As I told you before I love every part of you and your gorgeous ass is part of you. I want us to experience every type of lovemaking we can, complete and uninhibited. I want you to know that just looking at your asshole is giving me more pleasure than what you’d believe. It’s so beautiful baby, it’s so beautiful. Please relax and let me experience you." Buffy listened closely to what Angel was saying. She really did want to experience every aspect of love with Angel. She wanted to fully open everything about herself and her body to him. She knew that there was nothing about her that he’d consider ugly or disgusting. It felt really good. Like most women Buffy had been conditioned that several parts or aspects of her body were nasty or distasteful. Her vagina was to be kept clean, dry and "closed up." Her feet were dirty, her armpits were dirty. No one should even go near her asshole not to look at or get close to. That was beyond nasty. You took a crap from that area. No one should get close. When she had her period Buffy felt dirty and unclean.

Funny, Buffy reflected, she practically eliminated half of her body as being off-limits. Now here was Angel, holding and looking at her asshole like it was the most beautiful, delicious thing in the world. At the moment Buffy knew, that Angel really did love and worship every part of her. He saw nothing on her as dirty or disgusting. As Angel, held her buttcheeks open gazing at what she had once considered the most dirty part of her Buffy had never felt more appealing or beautiful. She also realized that she wanted to explore every part of him. She considered every part of him beautiful too.

"Angel," Buffy said softly. "I want you to do everything and anything you want to do. We’re both beautiful and I want us to experience everything." Angel’s yellow eyes glowed brighter when he heard Buffy. She really did want to experience everything with him, like he wanted with her. He was so happy. Angel returned his attention to Buffy’s beautiful ass still gripped in his hands. With her cheeks spread he could see the beautiful pink cleft puckered and glistening in the light. Angel lowered his head, and nuzzled his face between her cheeks. He let the scent of her beautiful ass mixed with her arousal drift over him. It was the best scent he’d ever smelled in his life. Reverently, Angel stuck his tongue out and pushed it as far up Buffy’s hole as he could. Buffy screamed with pleasure as she felt Angel’s tongue push up her ass. Angel began shoving his tongue back and forth Buffy’s ass, trying to reach as far in as his tongue could go.

His entire face was pressed between her cheeks, and his mouth was going crazy with her wonderful taste. Buffy was by this point almost continuously letting at short screams. Angel pulled his tongue from up her hole, and began licking up and down her furrow, his cold tongue working like mad. He licked up and down a few times, than he would plunge his tongue as far as it could go up her passage. Buffy could not keep still any longer. She began involuntary wiggling and humping her ass. Angel gripped tighter so that he could keep his face firmly pressed in his ass. Buffy cries escalated, and Angel knew that he was pushing her past endurance.

He decided to flip her to her back, and lick pussy her until she finally came.

Buffy couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed her ass being licked. It felt tickle, cold, wet, and just plain good. She never dreamed how sensitive she was back there. That’s because even in fantasies, she didn’t imagine her ass being licked. Her pussy, yes, but, not her ass. Enjoying it so much, she realized she couldn’t wait to make Angel feel this good. She realized that for their first lovemaking session, he wanted to be the aggressor. That was fine with her. they had plenty of time. Angel without preliminaries buried his face in Buffy’s cunt. He nuzzled and rubbed his ridged face in her wetness. He carefully and methodically licked up every bit of wetness he could find. After her prolonged torture, Buffy was dripping and he considered it his honor to catch every drop.

"God, Angel. I can’t believe the way you’re making me feel. Oh shit" screamed Buffy. Angel repeated the process he’d used on her backdoor. He plunged his tongue as far in her wetness as he could, plunging and than taking licks around the beautiful hole he was going to soon bury himself in. Angel’s dick by this time was a big iron bar, and if he had have been human, he would have come some time ago. Being a vampire did have some advantages.

"Angel, I can’t take anymore, please make me come now. Please hon." "I’ll make you come baby, right now baby. Right now." With that Angel moved to her clit flicke it a few times and than sucked it into his mouth, flicking his tongue the entire time. Buffy wrapped her legs around Angel’s head, gripped his head with her hands and screamed. "Oh Angel, I can’t believe it, I’m coming, I’m coming." Buffy’s entire body convulsed in pleasure. Blackness passed before her eyes and she was positive she’d pass out in pleasure. As she came a gush of juice streamed out onto Angel’s face. He waited until she relaxed slightly from the huge high she’d been on, than released her clit moving to her wet opening. Growling, smelling and nuzzling Angel slurped up every bit of Buffy’s come. Leaving Buffy laying there, Angel stood up and began shedding his clothes. Now, the only thing on his mind was a primitive, basic male thought of I’ve got to make love to my woman. I have to reinforce my possession on what’s mine.

As Angel stood there nude, Buffy’s eyes drank in his beauty. His ridged forehead, his glowing yellow eyes. His body was hard sculpted with beautiful carved muscles. The ultimate in masculine beauty. Her slipped down to admire his huge fully erect cock. Just looking at it made Buffy’s mouth water. Angel stood there for a second, letting his love look her fill. Angel climbed on the bed with Buffy, and she reached for him. Just as Buffy thought, Angel shook his head no as she grabbed his cock. They looked at each other and unspoken communication passed between the two. Just as Buffy had surmised her lover wanted to be in charge of their first session. His masculine look said let me run the show. Buffy didn’t mind at all. In spite her slayer abilities and feminist attitude, Buffy sometimes enjoyed letting her very feminine side come out with Angel.

"Buffy, what we’re going to do is very special. We made love once before but, this is different. We were always madly in love but, this time we know that no matter what we’ll be together from now on whether as humans for the next 60 or so years, or as vampires for eternity. This is the first lovemaking of the rest of our lives. Later we can experiment and we can try anything you want. Right now, I just have to be inside of you and one with you. My love for you is overwhelming and Immortal. Whatever we decide to do, we’ll always be together, no matter where or as what. You are my life. It’s as simple as that, and I want to come home." Buffy felt tears spring to her eyes. What they were going to do was so special. They were already one emotionally and spiritually, and now it was time for it to happen physically.

"Angel, we will always be together and part of each other throughout eternity and beyond. My body was made for you and only you. It’s always been your home and always will be your home. Come home darling."

Angel moved over Buffy’s body and placed his penis at the head of her vagina.

That alone caused both lovers to growl and moan in anticipation and want. Angel could feel Buffy’s moisture creeping over the tip of his cock. Buffy felt Angel’s cold, hard cock start to enlarge her soft opening. "Buffy, I want us to be totally connected every part. Please keep your eyes open and looking into mine. I want us to see as well as feel what’s happening."

"I feel the same, Angel" Buffy moaned. "Exactly the same." Angel I want you to know right now when the time comes, I want you to bite me and take my blood." Overwhelmed with happiness and passing out with lust, Angel solemnly nodded.

"All right baby."

Angel entwined his hands with Buffy’s their fingers intertwining. Angel’s face had morphed back to human for the time being, and his dark chocolate gaze locked with Buffy’s bright green one. Slowly Angel began pushing into her wet sex. Smiling, he realized he’d come up against a partial barrier. It was the last piece of her hymen. Due to the circumstances of the night they were first together, Angel hadn’t completely eliminated it. Buffy moaned a bit. "Angel, it feels great but it’s stinging a little bit.

Their eyes still locked Angel responded, "Baby, the first time wasn’t enough to completely open you. It’s a bit of your hymen left. that’s why it’s stinging."

Buffy smiled. "So it’s really like the first time again." Never taking his eyes from her Angel nodded his agreement, still poised at the partial barrier.

"Buffy, I’m coming all the way in now, it may sting a little but, I promise it will stop." Buffy moaned her agreement. Her stomach felt like butterfly’s were in it and her senses were soaring. Slowly Angel began gliding in, his gaze never wavering from Buffy’s. They both felt the barrier give way and moaned in enjoyment and love. Never had they felt so intimate. As Angel promised the stinging immediately stopped, as Angel continued his long slow glide into her body. "Angel, Angel, Angel. It feels so good, love."

"I know baby, I know. For me too." Finally Angel’s huge member was fully and completely enclosed in her silken warmth. He paused, his gaze locked with Buff’ys his face mere inches from hers. He brought his mouth down to ravish Buffy’s mouth, their tongues playing, eyes open. Angel had wrapped his arms around Buffy, while Buffy’s arms were locked around Angel. Buffy’s legs were locked around Angel’s thighs. At this point every inch of the two lovers were touching, looking and feeling. Holding the intense feelings for a bit longer, Angel than begin to move.

Still holding Buffy’s gaze, Angel started to move in and out her body. Long, smooth strokes, going completely in and out driving them both crazy. Angel began to lose control and started moving faster and faster. "Buffy, baby watch closely, I’m going into gameface. I love you." Buffy watched entranced as Angel ‘s face swiftly shifted. It actually brought her closer to coming than she already was. Growling and snarling now, Angel continued to plunge into the tight depths of his pink wet home. Buffy felt her inner muscles began to twist and knew she was close. Angel desperately pounded away, trying to hold his orgasm in check until Buffy came.

"Angel, I’m getting ready to come." Buffy literally began screaming she felt so good. Angel looked deeply into her eyes one last time, than began to lick her neck in preparation.

"Buffy, I love you" he mummered than he bit down into her soft sweet smelling neck. The moment her delicious blood hit his mouth he, too began to come. Growling and snarling he plunged into her wet hole, the same way her blood was plunging into his hungry mouth. In her blood he tasted her orgasm, as well as her love and passion. With one last thrust, he stayed with his cock as far up her as it could go, and his fangs embedded in her neck as far as they could go. In the meantime, Buffy’s legs were clenched tightly around his waist, and her arms were squeezing him tightly, Buffy’s cunt walls were clenching and unclenching around him so tightly, he thought he’d die. Their peaks coincided completely as attune as the rest of them.

"Angel," Buffy kept screaming as she came. In the meantime Angel’s mind kept chanting one word

"Buffy". Finally exhausted with pleasure, Angel pulled his fangs from Buffy’s neck and just licked murmuring his love and pleasure. He than began to kiss Buffy deeply. Buffy sucked on Angel’s tongue, wanting to share the pleasure of her blood with him. Back in regular face, Angel just kept kissing Buffy, staring into her pleasure drenched eyes, while still buried in her pleasure drenched body. Both Angel and Buffy would have been happy to die locked together at the point, with no regrets at all.

A few moments later, Angel shifted to his back bringing Buffy’s small body to lie on him. "You O. K baby." Buffy smiled.

"Yes, I guess there’s nothing for us to say." She looked down into his loved filled eyes.

Angel responded with a chuckle, "I think we kind of said it all. Seriously Buffy, I want you to know that this was the best experience of my entire life. I think you know that.’

Buffy smiled and nodded. "Yes, I do know, and I feel the same way.’ Angel’s strong arms wrapped around Buffy as he tried to absorb her small warm body into his big cold body. Both lovers were silent for a moment thanking God for their new start.

Dawn was beginning to break as Buffy laid cuddled on Angel. Both were starting to drift off in a cocoon of happiness and contentment knowing they still had Sunday to sleep, Sunday night for fun and than Monday for sleep before they had to part. And the great thing was that they knew that after this weekend was over, in two weeks their B session could began. And they were going to be together for ever and ever. They could face anything and everything now. But, they still had the rest of the weekend to look forward to.


"Yeah baby."

"I bet you have lots to teach me." Angel chuckled. That’s right tomorrow we fuck. Trust me baby. You’ll have fun."

A devious smile appeared on Buffy’s face as she replied "So will you baby. So will you." Angel smirked. He had no doubts about that. Buffy snuggled more deeply into her Angel’s chest as his arms tightened around her waist.

Safe and contented not to mention totally exhausted and with dreams of the fun things they were going to do tomorrow, Angel and Buffy, Immortal Lovers drifted to sleep.


Chapter 3:

Buffy awoke around 4pm on Sunday afternoon. Her entire body was draped over Angel’s. His long arms were completely and tightly encasing her. Angel’s cold muscled chest instead felt absolutely wonderful.

Deep in the typical vampire’s sleep, Angel felt Buffy slightly move, and tightened his arms around her. Although he wasn’t yet completely awake, Angel instinctively wanted his little lover close to him. Holding Buffy tighter than ever, Angel let himself slip completely back into slumber. Buffy grinned as she felt Angel’s arms tighten around her body. Although she had planned to get up and refresh herself, she decided that getting up could wait. Buffy as Angel had, contentedly drifted back to sleep on top of her beloved vampire.

As soon as sundown hit, Angel awoke immediately as most vampires do. Buffy was still sprawled on top of him sound asleep. Angel took a few minutes just to look at the beautiful woman sleeping on his chest. Angel enjoyed the feeling of Buffy’s warm breath hitting his cold chest. Just holding her close, while she slept, was a dream come true for Angel. "Damn she’s beautiful," Angel thought. "Naked too." It just so happened that the warmest part of Buffy’s body, just happened to be right over Angel’s cock. Which was already hard and getting harder by the second.

Angel desperately wanted to make love to Buffy that second, but he reflected on the previous night’s events and decided that maybe Buffy would be a bit sore. She would definitely be in pain if he acted on his body’s urges before his baby had a chance to wash and soak away any pain or tension. At the thought of Buffy being sore because of making love with him, Angel couldn’t help the surge of masculine triumph that shot through him. After all, even though he was a vampire, he was still a typical male regarding his sexual prowess.Buffy woke up again about 30 minutes later. She stretched, looked into Angel’s face and grinned. "Hi honey."

"Hi yourself baby."

Buffy, after saying hi began to feel a little embarrassed. After all, this was literally the first time she was waking up in her lover’s arms. After their first time making love, Angel had lost his soul, and wasn’t there when she woke up. Buffy felt her blush beginning and working it’s way down her naked body. The fact that she suddenly realized that she was naked, on top of a man who had an erection really didn’t help her blush much either. Especially when she thought about the amazing things they’d done together the previous night.

Angel noticed Buffy blushing and realized that she was probably feeling a bit shy. He thought it was adorable, but he didn’t want her to ever feel shy with him again.

"Buffy look at me."

Buffy hesitated and than looked deep into Angel’s eyes."Don’t be embarrassed baby. Never with me."

Buffy replied "I’m not really embarrassed, I guess it’s just new. I, well, I don’t have a lot of experience with the morning after thing or in our case, the night after. I guess I’m just going to have to adjust.

"Don’t worry baby. We’ll have lots of time for you to get used to the idea of hanging around naked with your lover." As he said the words, the picture of Buffy hanging around naked with him, went straight to Angel’s groin. Not to mention the fact that Buffy was still laying right on top of him!

Buffy felt Angel’s penis getting even harder against her. Not that it had been soft, but it hardened even more. Buffy really wanted to go right back where they had left off the night before but, she realized she really needed to go to the bathroom.

"Ugh, Angel, I’d love to stay like this the whole evening but, I kind of have to go to the bathroom." Buffy still felt a little embarrassed despite what Angel had said. She could feel her skin turning warm.

"I know you’re still feeling a little shy, Angel chuckled. For a second his arms tightened around Buffy even more before he reluctantly released her. She just felt so damned good, he really didn’t want her to get off him even for the time it’d take her to go to the bathroom. For a brief moment Angel allowed himself the luxury of imagining Buffy just laying on top of him, and holding her for hours and hours on end. He wasn’t thinking in terms of having sex with her, just holding her. Angel just laid quietly on the bed, enjoying his fantasy.

Buffy entered the luxurious bathroom. It was gorgeous. Huge ceilings, a gorgeous old fashioned sunken tub. A huge modern shower in the corner. A double sink. Buffy noticed that every type of personal care product was available-shampoo, lotion, creams, and toothpaste.

"There is really something to say about living large,’ Buffy decided. After going to the bathroom, Buffy examined her body in the floor to ceiling mirror. Her skin was glowing and very slight bruises were showing on her fair skin. She looked thoroughly and completely ravished. She looked like a woman who had spent a long night in bed with her lover. Which made sense, since that was exactly what she had done the previous evening.

Buffy debated with herself for a few seconds. "Boy, I wanna go right back and get in bed with Angel, but that bathtub looks so good. Hmm, I am a little sore in those hard to reach places, maybe a nice bath will do me some good." Before she could change her mind again, Buffy decided to take a bath. Angel grinned when he heard the water running. He knew that once Buffy was in the bathroom she was going to end up in that tub. Which was fine. He’d wait. Let his girl relax for a few moments. Then he’d go see if she wanted some company.

As the water filled close to the rim of the tub, Buffy poured the bubble bath and bath oils the hotel had provided into the tub. She looked around the bathroom admiring once again the bathroom’s luxury. Buffy felt a little awkward, and wondered if it was because she was in a strange place. Suddenly she realized what the problem was. She was totally nude. Buffy always wore a robe even at home in her own bedroom.

For all practical purposes, once Buffy took off her clothes or rather once Angel took off her clothes the previous night, she had remained completely nude. Buffy looked around the bathroom and noticed two huge, fluffy bathrobes, again courtesy of the hotel. Since her bath was ready, she decided against putting the robe on and just got in the tub. In the bedroom, Angel heard the water stop running and he heard Buffy climbing in the water. He also heard her soft sigh of enjoyment as the water closed over her. That soft sigh did Angel in.

He just had to go join her!


Chapter 4:

When the door of the bathroom opened, Buffy looked up surprised and pleased.

"Angel is that you?’

"Were you expecting someone else" Angel chuckled. "Very funny. A vampire with a sense of humor". Buffy laughed outright when she realized here she was joking with her brooding, serious lover. Life was really weird sometimes, but this was a good weird. Angel stood by the large tub looking down at Buffy. Through the bubbles, he could see glimpses of pink flesh. He groaned when she shifted and he thought he caught a beautiful pink nipple peeking at him through a bubble. Again, his penis hardened even more in reaction.

For her part, Buffy was looking at Angel and really enjoying the sight that met her eyes. "After all," she thought. "Last night he looked at every inch of me. I saw him but, I didn’t have that good a view. Damn he’s beautiful. Angelic face with deep brown eyes, silky black hair. A body that Michelangelo couldn’t improve on. A huge perfectly muscled broad chest, flat muscled stomach. Long heavily muscled thighs and legs ending at beautiful feet. I’m almost drooling" Buffy realized with amusement. Buffy than turned her attention to the crowning glory of Angel’s beautiful body. A huge, firm erect penis. He was uncircumcised, and the hard tip was peeking out from beneath his foreskin. The large mushroom shaped tip was proudly displayed. It looked like a big, living bar of steel. Buffy was absolutely amazed that she had taken this huge organ completely in her body. Looking at Angel’s penis in all it’s glory, Buffy was shocked that it hadn’t literally split her in two.

Angel stood quietly and proudly as he let Buffy look her fill. It amazed Angel that despite all the women who had seen his body, just having Buffy look at him was so tremendously erotic. He surmised that while his ego had enjoyed the fact that other woman thought his body was beautiful, the fact that Buffy did aroused his soul.

Angel was so happy that Buffy found him attractive. The look on her face said it all. He was pleased because his body now belonged to Buffy for all time.

  • In fact, from the moment he came into existence his body along with his heart and soul were already preordained for his love.
  • "Turn around" Buffy told him huskily." I want to see everything". Angel quietly did as he was told. After all, he did belong to her. If she wanted to inspect her property, that was certainly her right. Buffy licked her lips as Angel’s beautiful ass came into view. It was firm, hard looking and just perfect. His back was broad, tapering down into his beautiful ass, and his long well built legs were as beautiful from the back as from the front.

    Buffy looked her full, having Angel turn back and forth for a few moments.

    She reflected that she would be happy to just observe Angel all day. "Aren’t you going to invite me in ," Angel smiled. He was close to the breaking point with the way Buffy had been eyeing him. :"Come on in, lover, come on in’."

    Angel smiled, stepped in and slowly lowered himself into the tub. The tub was big enough for them to sit up side by side.

    "Do you need help washing your back",Angel grinned.

    "Sure, I thought, we could help each other"

    Angel grabbed one of the washcloths that were hanging on the towel rack, and soaped it up. He than reached over and began to slowly and carefully wash his beloved. He paid special attention to her beautiful breasts and thighs. Buffy sat with her head back completely enjoying the attention that Angel was bestowing on her. It felt so good, erotic but relaxing at the same time. When she felt Angel move the washcloth to her vagina, she couldn’t help letting out a moan.

    Angel was thoroughly enjoying himself. He knew the effect his slow gentle washing was having on her. After all he knew the effect it was having on him.

  • He was ready to come by this alone.
  • Surprising him, Buffy grabbed the washcloth from Angel. "Last night Buffy whispered, you worshipped my body. Now I’m going to worship yours." All Angel could do was nod and groan.

    Buffy took the wash cloth and gently began washing Angel’s neck. As with most vampires, Angel’s neck was extremely sensitive. She slowly and lovingly washed him, enjoying Angel’s soft growls.

    Next Buffy, washed Angel’s chest, paying the same attention to his nipples as he had with hers. After thoroughly and gently brushing the washcloth against them, Buffy did the same to Angel’s stomach. Although he didn’t breath, Buffy felt the rock hard muscles of Angel’s stomach clench and unclench at her administrations.

    Angel let out a large snarl when Buffy purposely bypassed his rock hard dick bobbing in the water, and started on his legs, slowly washing. Buffy ginned when she heard Angel’s growl. She knew exactly where he wanted

    That washcloth to go next but, she wanted to save the best for last. She reached over and let a little of the water out of the tub. Now, she had Angel’s dick completely out of the water and exposed.

    "Buffy, Buffy, Buffy," was all Angel kept growling and moaning. He was so hard he was almost afraid that his cock was going to explode. His head was thrown back, his eyes were closed. His entire body was at his lover’s mercy. "Angel, look me" Buffy huskily said. Open your eyes and look at me now."

    Angel opened his eyes and looked deep into Buffy’s. "Buffy licked her lips smiled and said, ‘I have a special washing technique I’m going to use on your cock. I hope you don’t mind." Angel nodded, hope lingering in his eyes. He groaned again when Buffy licked her lips once more and lowered her head to his penis. Buffy opened her mouth wide and sucked the head of Angel’s cock deep into her mouth.

    "Buffy" Angel practically shouted. Angel stared at Buffy’s blond head in complete bliss. Her warm mouth had engulfed the whole tip of his cold cock in her warm mouth and he was going to die again right there. "Oh, Buffy, Buffy, Buffy" was coming out of Angel’s mouth in a loud chant. Buffy was completely happy. As she sucked on Angel’s cold hard member she reflected that this was something she’d wanted to do for quite a while. Their first time together, Angel and Buffy really didn’t have the time to indulge in a large amount of foreplay. Angel had basically used the time they had before actual penetration, to prepare Buffy. He had performed oral sex on her but, although she’d wanted to, there really wasn’t time for her to do the same to him.

    The previous evening Angel had wanted to concentrate completely on her body, so Buffy again didn’t have the time to do him. Now was her chance and she was going to make the most of it. She wanted him to totally enjoy what she was doing to him.

    Buffy had never performed oral sex on Angel or anyone else for that matter. But, she had read about it, and her Slayer’s instincts gave her an advantage. She could almost sense what felt good to her lover.She gently sucked on the head rubbing the tip of her tongue along the sensitive underside. Buffy began moving her mouth lower, taking as much of his rod into her mouth as she could. She kept her tongue constantly moving and swirling.

    Angel was going crazy. "Shit Buffy, don’t stop baby, please don’t stop. "My God, he thought, it feels so good it’s like I’m going out of my mind." Growls and snarls and Buffy’s name were the only sounds he was capable of making. Actual thoughts and sentences were beyond him. Buffy kept her loving torture of Angel up. She was enjoying it immensely. She was amazed at how much she loved doing this to him. The sense of power and control she felt were exhilarating. She had reduced her 250 or so year old lover into a mass of growling, incoherent flesh!

    Angel had thrown his head back and closed his eyes with the immense pleasure he felt. He knew that he was very close to coming and decided that he’d better warn his goddess so that she could pull away in time.

    Making a massive effort Angel actually formed words. "Buffy, I’m going to come any second, when I grab your head, move away and just use your hand.’ The effort it took him to speak, with his whole body in ecstasy, made every word sound like a growl.

    "Angel," Buffy said, "look at me and listen to what I’m going to say." In acute distress, dying to come, Angel managed to raise his head and look at Buffy.

    "Angel, I love every part of you, and I mean every part. No part of you is dirty to me. I love it all of you, do you understand"? Shocked at having his own words from the night before thrown at him Angel sputtered "O.K. Buffy, it’s just that I’m going to come and well I don’t want to upset you."

    Buffy looked at him, grinned, and again threw his own words back in his face. "Yes, I know, you’ll come in my mouth. What did I tell you? I love all of you and I want to experience all of you. I want you to come in my mouth. I want to taste and experience swallowing your semen. " The entire time Buffy was talking she was also gently stoking his erection to keep him on edge.

    Angel couldn’t believe his ears. She actually wanted him to come in her mouth and wanted to swallow his semen’! This was a completely new experience for Angel. The idea that a woman actually wanted to taste his semen. Angel had decades of experience and of course this act wasn’t new to him. The swallowing because you wanted to was though. Before he was changed, Angel had plenty of women, but in his day and times not even whores would dream of swallowing must less the average women.

    After he was changed, as Angelus he’d force his victims to do it, But they definitely weren’t willing. As for Darla, Dru and various other vampires, they did it but it was to make sure they received pleasure in return.

    Vampires were notoriously selfish when it came to sexual pleasure. Their own pleasure mattered. That was it. Everything done was to insure their own satisfaction. This was the first time as either Angel or Angelus that a woman want to swallow his semen because she loved and wanted him to enjoy the fullest pleasure possible. Purely for him. It was mind-blowing.

    And to think that person that wanted to do this was his soul-mate and love. It was amazing. Angel felt himself clenching as just the very thought of her swallowing brought him to the brink.

    "OK honey Angel groaned, if you really want to, I think any second now." Buffy shuddered with arousal and anticipation. She felt so aroused at the thought of what she was doing and what she was about to do. "Angel, I’m going to put my mouth back and finish you off now. I want you to look at me while you come. I want you to see how much I’m going to love swallowing your semen and how much I love you" Buffy moved back to Angel’s cock, took it in mouth, her right green gaze never leaving Angel’s smoldering brown eyes.

    "Buffy, Buffy, now, I’m coming, right now baby." Angel growled and transformed as his semen began spurting into Buffy’s waiting mouth. Angel’s entire world tilted as while looking into Buffy’s eyes, his body exploded. Angel’s body jerked and he growled as his body drained. Buffy felt the cold spurts on her tongue and shivered as she tasted him. This was Angel’s essence, her Angel’s, her love’s. It tasted so right. Letting her eyes tell him how much she was enjoying this, and how much she loved him, Buffy was shocked when her arousal peaked and she had a mini-orgasm along with Angel’s huge orgasm.

    Angel gradually felt his world slowly coming into focus. As his dick softened, his face transformed back to human while he was still staring at Buffy. As his body went limp with pleasure and fatigue, all he could say was "Buffy."

    Buffy moved up and laid her head on Angel’s chest as they sat in the cooling water of the tub. The intensity of what they had experienced was overwhelming. For several moments the lovers just sat quietly enjoying the afterglow of the experience.

    Finally Angel spoke" Buffy, that was beyond wonderful. Never has anyone so selflessly given me pleasure. Never. "This experience was totally unique for me."

    "I’m glad. There’s not to many new experiences you can give a 250 year old" Buffy smirked.

    Angel chuckled, "Well baby, you seem to be doing a good job so far." Suddenly serious Angel, looked at Buffy. "Buffy everything you and I do is a new experience for me because I love you. Everything. Smiling Buffy moved to Angel’s mouth and kissed him thoroughly. He kissed her back tasting himself on her tongue. That also seemed right, because his taste should always be mixed with hers. After a long lingering kiss, Buffy and Angel arouse from the tub, and went into the living room, to plan the rest of their first weekend.


    Chapter 5:

    Buffy and Angel were sitting on the couch talking. Buffy wrapped her big fluffy bathrobe tightly around her slim body.

    Angel would from time to time lean over to tend the fire in the lovely old-fashioned fireplace. The drapes were open, with a beautiful view of LA in all of it’s glory. The picture window framed the view perfectly. It was a moonlit night, with the twinkling lights of LA also providing vibrant sparks of life.

    "Chicken," Angel said.

    "I’m not a chicken. Just cause I don’t feel comfortable sitting in the nude, and choose to put on a robe doesn’t mean I’m a chicken. I’m just modest." Remembering the events from the previous hour or so ago, Angel looked at Buffy and started to laugh.

    "You’re modest enough not to want to sit in the living room nude, yet a little while ago, you gave me the best blowjob of my life or death for that matter. How do you explain that?"

    Buffy blushed. "All right but, that’s different. We were in the midst of making love. That doesn’t count. Now we’re talking. I just feel silly sitting here nude unless we’re actually making love." It’s like when actresses say they don’t mind doing a nude scene that’s not gratuitous and fits with the story, but they do mind a gratuitous nude scene." "While we’re making love, being nude is the natural state. Sitting here nude would be like gratuitous nudity."

    Angel looked at his love and hid a smile. He realized that Buffy was absolutely serious and that what she’d said made perfect sense to her. Buffy’s quirky view of life was one of the things Angel loved about her. With Buffy, you just never knew what she was thinking about or what she was going to say.

    "All right," Angel said, "you’ve explained your position on the nude thing. But to force me to wear a robe! How could you?" I wanted to parade around in all my naked glory."

    Buffy began to sputter, "I did so not make you wear a robe. When I insisted on wearing mine, you decided to put yours on. I didn’t mean you had to wear one if you didn’t want to."

    Angel started to chuckle. "I know my little chicken, I know. I just didn’t want to upset you by going nude. It may have been to much for your delicate sensibilities."

    After that statement both Buffy and Angel cracked up laughing. It felt so good just to hang out, talk and play around like a normal couple. Never would they take simple actions like joking and laughing together for granted. "Enough robe talk, Angel. What do you want to do tonight.’

    Angel smirked and raised his eyebrow.

    "Aside from that Mister. We can’t do that all night."

    Angel smirked again.

    "You are so bad. You know what I mean. Maybe we can do that all night, but we need to spend some quality time together. You know, talking, going to dinner, looking at TV. Things like that. Hanging around together.’" "Buffy, it sounds great. But instead of going out, can we just stay inside?

    Going out is great but, I’d like to hang around inside you"

    "Angel what did you just say,’" Buffy shouted, mock outrage on her face. "Oh, no I meant I’d like to hang around inside the room, not inside you.’" Angel looked at Buffy with a look of complete innocence on his face. You know what I mean" Buffy looked at him suspiciously, "I know exactly what you mean. That’s the problem."

    "Oh Buffy," Angel grinned. He’d put on his thickest Irish brogue. "Is it my fault that I find you completely irresistible. Your beautiful blonde hair, gorgeous green eyes, winning smile, great tits..." Buffy laughed and pounded on Angel’s arm. You were going great. That sounded so romantic until you blew it with the tits comment." "Couldn’t help myself ‘Angel chuckled. A true poet goes with his thoughts at the time he composes. Those were mine."

    "You win," Buffy grinned. Let’s stay inside tonight. We’ll go out another time. As she said that, Buffy felt a surge of happiness. To think that she’d actually have a future with her beloved Angel. To do normal things, to make love, and go to dinner together. Well, of course they couldn’t actually eat tougher since Angel drank his meals but, at least they could sit together during dinner.

    Thinking of dinner made Buffy realize that she was hungry. "Angel. I’m hungry. I’m going to order dinner from room service. Did you bring your blood?"

    Angel was surprised at how normal and natural it seemed for Buffy to ask him about his dinner. His dinner was not normal, at least by human standards. "Yeah, I put it in the back of the mini-fridge. Do you want me to drink it now, before you order your dinner."

    Buffy sat quietly for a moment thinking. If they were going to be together on a regular basis, this was something they were going to have to face. Angel drank blood for his meals. Buffy ate regular food. But, if they were going to be a couple they’d have to work around that.

    Buffy realized that she wanted to enjoy her meal, while Angel enjoyed his. She knew Angel was still shy about having his blood in front of her, but things were different now. They were going to have to start learning how to live with each other. This was a good start.

    Angel started to feel a little uncomfortable. Buffy had not responded to his question. He mentally berated himself. Of course Buffy would want him to get his blood drinking out of the way. She’d probably feel sick just thinking about him drinking blood while she tried to eat.

    Just before Angel was going to tell Buffy that he would go and drink his blood before her meal came-Buffy spoke.

    "Angel listen to me. I want you to wait until I order my dinner before you drink. Let’s eat together."

    Angel started in surprise.

    "But Buffy, well won’t you feel sick watching me, while you eat. Plus I really don’t feel comfortable having my blood in front of anybody."

    "Angel, I’m not anybody. We’re going to be together. I want us to eat together. It’s not going to make me sick. Not at all." "Are you sure Buffy?" Angel’s emotions were in a turmoil. He was glad Buffy wasn’t repulsed by his meal, but he still was unsure about having his blood in front of her. In a way it was very intimate. He was also surprised that the fact that Buffy wanted to be with him while he drank his blood aroused him. He didn’t know why but it did.

    He was shocked to suddenly smell Buffy’s arousal. Apparently the thought of them eating together aroused her too. Angel figured that after all the sexual frustration that Buffy and him had been through, taking out the garbage together would be erotic.

    Angel looked and Buffy, and simply said, "Order." Buffy placed an order for a chicken salad, a slice of chocolate cake and a can of Pepsi. Room service promised that they’d be there in 30 minutes or less.

    While Buffy waited for her meal, Angel took his blood bags out of the refrigerator. Exactly 20 minutes later Buffy’s meal arrived on a pretty silver tray with a red rose.

    Angel answered the door, because even though Buffy was fully covered up, he didn’t want her to be seen in her robe.

    Buffy’s meal soon set in front of her, while Angel arranged his blood bags in front of him. After a few moments Buffy uncovered her meal and began to eat. Angel followed suit, grabbing his first bloodbag, he transformed and began to drink.

    As they began to eat or in Angel’s case drink, Buffy noticed that Angel began looking at her directly, instead of shooting shy glances and turning away. He was in game face, drinking blood and directly looking at her. Buffy was thrilled.

    Angel kept his eyes on Buffy as he was drinking. At first he was ashamed, but after a bit, he realized that he felt great. This was him. He was a vampire. He drank blood. These were the facts. Buffy was looking at him with love and acceptance. It made him feel great. It also made him feel extremely horny. "I never realized how erotic it was to have my meal in front of Buffy ," Angel mussed. His cock was already hard as a rock. "I guess it makes sense, looking at Buffy is an erotic experience and drinking blood is an erotic experience for me. Put the two together, well it’s no wonder I’m horny." Buffy was looking at Angel as she ate her salad. She grinned when she noticed that his robe was tented up in front. "He is getting excited"she thought. "Well,’ why not so am I." Buffy wondered what was going to happen. She had finished most of her salad and was no longer hungry. She was excited as hell. She wanted Angel to grab her and fuck her right there. "I wonder if I’m some sort of pervert? What type of woman gets horny when a vampire in game face drinks blood. Oh God, even looking at his fangs is enough to drive me crazy.’

    Buffy remembered those fangs well. Angel’s fangs alone, had driven her into orgasm when she had fed him her blood to save his life. Looking at them now, she wanted him to bite her all over. To use her as his plate, and than to rip her in two with his huge cock. Thinking about what she wanted, a light blush covered Buffy’s face.

    Angel could smell Buffy’s arousal. The intoxicating smell alone was enough to drive him into a mindless state of ecstasy. It smelled like vanilla, musk, flowers and a special blend of all Buffy. It was fucking great. She was watching him and waiting. What was going to happen next? Would they finish their meal quietly? What?

    All of a sudden Angel’s iron control broke. He was going to fuck his woman now. He had waited centuries to hold this woman in his arms. He was going to take.

    Angel leaned over and grabbed a startled, but excited Buffy. He laid her back on the sofa and took her robe off. His blood bag was thrown to the side for the time being.

    With vampiric speed, Angel shed his robe, snarling and growling. He was unleashed.

    Buffy was so excited and aroused, her mind had ceased to function. Never had she seen Angel behave like this. It was like the layers of civility had been removed.

    Both Angel and Buffy were like two mating, primitive animals. Sexual satisfaction was all that mattered at this point. Angel’s cock was rock hard and Buffy’s cunt was dripping succulent honey onto the sofa cushions. Still deep in game face, Angel looked at his woman, dripping and spread open for his taking. "This is the way it was meant to be, all mine’" he thought. She belongs to me and only me. I own her. Primitive, possessive feelings, ancient feelings swamped Angel. The demon that was intertwined with him rejoiced. For once the body, the demon and the soul had the same agenda-fuck Buffy Summers.

    Angel reached over and grabbed his blood bag. Ripping it open with his fangs, he moved over Buffy and dripped the blood over her upper torso, from her face to her breasts.

    Buffy just laid there in anticipation and a semi-state of shock. Not to mention the fact that she was ready to orgasm just at the fact of Angel doing something so uninhibited.

    "Buffy" Angel growled, "you look beautiful."

    Buffy’s eye’s were shining, and she was breathing hard.

    Her face and torso were smeared with blood. Blood was dripping into her hair. With a growl that was almost a scream Angel shoved his ice cold cock completely into her with one hard thrust.

    "Angel" Buffy screamed. She felt her cunt expand and react to completely enclose the huge cock that had driven into her. She felt the tip bump erotically against the mouth of her uterus. In her primitive aroused state, all Buffy could do was scream in ecstasy.

    Angel snarled as he felt his cock rip into Buffy’s tight, wet sheath. He felt like he was enveloped in living, breathing silk. Silk that was covering clenching velvet lined walls.

    Angel began to sensuously lick the blood from Buffy’s face and neck. It tasted unbelievably good coming off Buffy. Not as good as her life’s blood but, close to it. The blood blended with the taste of Buffy’s skin. Angel next moved down and began sucking and licking the blood on Buffy’s breasts. He made sure that her blood smeared nipples were given special attention. Licking, sucking and growling, Angel worked on lapping up every bit of blood he could find off Buffy.

    "Angel, Angel, Angel" was the constant scream/chant that came out of Buffy’s mouth. The cold lapping tongue, the ice cold penis pounding constantly into her had completely overwhelmed her.

    "I’m coming Angel, I’m coming." Buffy’s eyes rolled back and her cries became louder. Her silken walls began gripping and undulating over and around the ice cold cock thrusting in to her.

    Buffy couldn’t believe how good she felt. She was floating on a cloud and for a few seconds her world went black. When she again became aware of her surroundings, Angel was still thrusting and lapping at her. To her surprise, she felt herself climbing to ecstasy once again.

    Angel was euphoric. He was ramming into his woman. She had already come once beneath him, plus he was lapping his meal directly off his woman. He looked down at the two of them joined together and snarled at the erotic sight. Blood was completely smeared over their two bodies. Blood had dripped into Buffy’s hair, and had also moved to Angel’s body. Angel could see his huge cock rapidly entering and leaving a pink looking, wet pocket. That pink hole gaped and opened as he rammed into it. The smell was wonderful. The blood, Buffy’s orgasm which had left her pussy drenched, their sweat. It was the smell of sex and lust. Angel couldn’t hold back anymore. He could feel Buffy ready to come around his cock again, and he wanted to join her in bliss. Two voices respectively screamed and growled in pleasure.

    "Bite me baby, bite me,’ Buffy screamed as she came. Angel sank his fangs deep into the vein in Buffy’s neck. He rammed his cock into the hilt and stayed. To his shock, Angel felt Buffy’s teeth biting his neck. In a haze of blood and lust Angel growled and came. Like Buffy, he too actually blacked out for several seconds.

    Angel morphed back into his human face, as Buffy finally began to stir. The two lovers had been so sated and relaxed they had just lain there enjoying the afterglow for several moments.

    Both Angel and Buffy were sweaty and bloody. They were also still intimately joined.

    Angel smiled down at Buffy as he pulled his penis out of her. He than flipped to his back, bringing Buffy to lie on top of him.

    Buffy giggled.

    "What’s so funny" a very contented Angel murmured.

    "I guess we fucked.’

    Angel chuckled "I guess we did."

    Angel didn’t feel in the least bit embarrassed or upset about their wild lusty sex. Neither did Buffy.

    "You want to go wash up now, sweetheart?"

    Buffy’s response made him very happy. Sweaty, bloody and wet Buffy grinned and said’ No, let’s just relax and stay like this for a while. It may be a little messy but, it sure feels good."

    "My thoughts exactly baby. By the way, this has been the best weekend of my entire life. I can’t believe we’re going to get to see each other in two weeks. I can’t wait though. I know I’m going to spend every second reliving this weekend and thinking about the next one.’

    "Me too" Buffy happily said.

    Happy beyond belief, the Slayer and her Vampire drifted off into a contented sleep, already planning what they were going to do for their B session.

    More to come…..

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