
By Marie


Buffy stared with fascination at the large box currently taking up most of the main room in the mansion. Angelus stood protectively behind her, one arm around her stomach, holding her to him. "Do you like it, baby?" he asked, leaning close to her ear.

Buffy nodded, intrigued by the power that radiated from the demon within. Spike and Drusilla were nearby.

"It’s a big rock. Can’t wait to tell my friends, they don’t have a rock this big," Spike said sarcastically, leaning up against the wall.

Angelus ignored him and watched the expressions on Buffy’s face. She was all that was important to him. "What will it do?" Buffy asked, craning her neck to look into her lover’s eyes.

"Acathla the demon came forth to swallow the world. He was killed by a virtuous knight who pierced the demon’s heart before he could draw a breath to perform the act. Acathla turned to stone, as demons sometimes do, and was buried where neither man nor demon would want to look. Unless of course they’re putting up low-rent housing. Boys," two young vamps opened the concrete box and the front panel fell to the ground with an echoing bang.

"It’s breathtaking," Buffy breathed with childlike glee, stepping out of Angelus’s embrace and walking towards it.

"Isn’t it?" Angelus agreed, glad that his slayer was enjoying this. He did so love to please her.

"He will swallow the world," Dru commented, also in awe.

"And every living creature on this planet, will go to Hell," Angelus said.

"What about us?" Buffy asked Angelus, returning to his side.

Angelus drew Buffy against him, and lowered his head for a searing hot kiss. "We’ll reign in our hell on earth. The four of us will be gods."

"I like that idea," Buffy said, grinning.

"Don’t we all?" Spike spoke up, not letting his sarcasm drop. Buffy looked over at him, and slowly stepped away from Angelus. She moved towards Spike.

"You seem upset," she stated quietly. "You don’t want this to happen, do you?"

Spike shifted uncomfortably under Buffy’s gaze. Since her demon was in complete control now and her soul nonexistent, she had become chillingly evil. Spike could feel her demonic tendencies just by standing next to her.

"Not bloody likely," Spike answered.

Buffy smiled innocently. "And why is that?"

"Because I don’t fancy starving to death, slayer. This world has humans, and in case you didn’t know, humans equal food. If we go throwing them into hell, how are we going to eat?" he finished his little speech.

"The blood will flow like wine," Buffy told him matter-of-factly. "And it doesn’t matter to me, I don’t feed from humans. They’re icky," she wrinkled her nose and Spike was reminded of her young age.

Drusilla came to stand next to Spike, giving a warning glance to Buffy that she was too close. "Don’t worry, Dru, I would never try to take Spike from you." She sauntered back over to Angelus. "But it’d be pretty damn easy," she murmured to herself.

Angelus growled with that thought and held her tightly to him. "And I wouldn’t want to," she added for his sake.

Buffy looked up at Angelus and pouted. "When do I get to kill my bitchy mother and my goody-goody friends?"

Angelus grinned. "Soon, baby, soon."


The preparations were made, a body was found, and it was time to resurrect Acathla.

Angelus stood directly across the room from him. Spike and Dru were to his left, and Buffy was on his right. He bent down to give her a kiss before he started. Buffy finished the kiss and nodded her head towards Acathla. "It’s time."

Angel approached the human that was sprawled before him on the ground. "I will drink...the blood will wash in me, over me, and I will be cleansed. I will be worthy to free Acathla." He paused to look at Buffy. His love, his passion, the whole meaning of his unlife was with her. "Bear witness..." He paused again to look at Spike & Drusilla. His...his...well, his annoyance was with them. "As I ascend..." He looked towards Acathla again and morphed into his true demonic nature. "As I become."

He grabbed the man by the hair and lifted him up, exposing his neck. Buffy waited with barely contained excitement. His whole body screamed master to her. Angelus snarled and bit the boy quickly in his jugular. He drank deeply, and brought his hand up to brush it against the wound of the sacrifice, catching the remaining blood. He dropped the now dead body and examined the blood on his hand. Pure. Not as pure as his lover’s, but he would never even think of sacrificing her, not even for the world, or lack thereof. Angelus started walking slowly towards Acathla.

"Everything that I am, everything that I have done, has led me here," he said, briefly remembering the time when he first saw Buffy, a vision of beauty. Even the demon inside of him had been raging when he’d first laid eyes on her. His savior. His hell.

Buffy closed her eyes and listened to his words. "I have strayed, I have been lost. But Acathla redeems me. With this act, we will be free."

She reopened them in time to see him reaching for the sword. She leaned forward, breathing hard, even though she need not breathe at all. The tension in the room was growing, making her antsy and impatient. She glanced over at Spike and Dru. Spike was looking as bored as usual, but Drusilla was just as excited as she was.

A blinding white light emanated from the sword which Angelus was firmly grasping. Something was wrong. It wouldn’t budge. All of a sudden, a bright red flame emerged also, and threw Angelus back onto the floor with its power.

Buffy moved to help him up, but he shook her off, climbing to his feet.

"Someone wasn’t worthy," Spike said in a singsong voice, clearly enjoying the moment.

"Damn it!" Angelus screamed.

Drusilla moaned and shook slightly. "This is so....disappointing!"

"There must be something I missed. The incantations, the blood... I don’t know!" Angelus yelled again, pacing.

"Shhhhhh, calm down," Buffy said, trying to soothe him. "We’ll figure it out."

She glared at Spike when she caught him suppressing a laugh.

"What are we going to do?" Drusilla said, practically whining. Buffy rolled her eyes. The loony was getting on her last nerve.

Angelus snarled and turned to her. "What we always do in a time of trouble: turn to an old friend. We’ll have our Armageddon. I swear!"

Buffy barely had time to move out of the way when a vase came hurtling towards her head. She jumped as it smashed against the wall. She stared wide-eyed at Angelus, who immediately regretted nearly harming her. He took her in his arms and kissed the top of his head. "It seems you get to visit a friend sooner than I had planned."

Buffy’s eyes lit up and all was forgiven. "Who?"

"Watcher," Angelus told her. "Dru! How do you feel about a little trip?"


"So you haven’t seen ‘er in monts?" Kendra asked.

Giles shook his head. His eyes had dark circles underneath and his suit was rumpled from a few nights of sleeping at the library. "We have found no evidence that she is...deceased."

"We don’t have any evidence that she’s alive, either," Xander said. His tone held only deep grief and worry. He had dropped his sarcastic and rude comments months ago, when Buffy had never returned home.

"When was da last time she was seen?" Kendra took control of the situation, staying calm and casual, though inside she was screaming. Buffy had been the only person to show her true kindness and friendship, and now that she was missing....

Willow spoke up. "I saw her last. She was going slaying. But she wasn’t dressed for slaying, if you know what I mean."

Kendra clearly didn’t know what she meant. Before she had a chance to ask, however, the library doors flew open in full force as several vampires rushed in. They all stood up, surprised. Kendra rushed forward and started to fight. Giles tried to help as best as he could, but was immediately knocked unconscious.

"The stacks!" Xander yelled. Cordy, Willow, and Xander all headed to the stacks. The vampires caught up. A bookshelf was pushed on top of Willow. Xander was engaged in a fight, but was disabled when his arm was broken. He fell tot he floor unconscious. Cordy shrieked and ran as fast as she could, the only one to escape.

Kendra was cornered between two vamps. She heard footsteps approaching and turned to see the vampire known as Drusilla.

She clapped her hands together. "Enough." The two vamps backed off. Kendra faced Dru, ready to fight to the death.

Drusilla walked around her, taunting her with a look. Kendra kicked out at her, but Drusilla easily blocked it, as well as two follow-up swings. She punched Kendra and sent her spinning to the floor. Kendra got up, and kicked at Dru. Drusilla ducked the kick and grabbed her by the arms. She swung her around and shoved her away. Kendra came back at her again with a kick to the gut hoping to gain control. A triumphant look crossed her face as Dru doubled over for an instant. Kendra lunged at her, but she grabbed her by the throat and forced her back against the counter, gripping her hard by the neck and choking her.

"Look at me, Dearie," Drusilla commanded, knowing she had won the fight. She waved two of her fingers in front of Kendra’s eyes, hypnotizing her. " my eyes. me."

She let go, knowing Kendra would have to obey. She stared at her eyes, in awe. She never saw the extended finger coming at her throat. With a gasp, she reached up and felt the blood flowing from the wound. She fell to the floor, instantly dead.

Dru smiled and turned to the vamps. "Let’s get what we came for." She had had her fun.


Giles woke up with a gasp. The cold floor was hard beneath him, as he struggled to get up. He stopped when he saw the pale face in front of him.

"Hi, Rupert. I wasn’t sure you were gonna wake up. You had me worried," Angelus said sincerely.

Buffy watched with anticipation in the dark corners of the room. Angelus was perfect, everything about him was beautiful as well as terrifying. His whole aura amazed her. He had told her that she was to observe him working, for her own experience. She watched him continue.

Giles stood up slowly, unsure of himself. "What do you want?"

Angelus looked at him and said in a cheerful voice, "I wanna torture you. I used to love it, and it’s been a long time. I mean, the last time I tortured somebody, they didn’t even have chainsaws."

The way he went about things made Buffy shiver with delight. He strolled past Giles and made his way over to Acathla.

"Oh, yeah. Acathla. He’s an even harder guy to wake up than you are. I mean, I performed the rituals, said all the right phrases...blood on my hand. Got nothing. Big doughnut hole for my troubles. I figure you know the ritual. You’re pretty up on these things. You could probably...tell me what I’m doing wrong."

He approached Giles again. "But honestly, I sorta hope you don’t..." His voice dropped, all cheerfulness gone. "’Cause I really wanna torture you."

Giles backed up. "Don’t touch me, vampire."

Angelus smirked, time to bring out the big guns. "And after I waited all that time for you to wake up? I had to wait even longer for you than for Buffy."

Buffy grinned from where she hid, her eyes never leaving Angelus’s leather-clad body.

Rupert’s head snapped up. "What did you do with her?

Where is she?" He screamed, anger making him shake.

Angelus laughed. "You’ll find out soon enough. And if you give me the information I need, I’ll let you see her." Angelus walked around him, pacing in circles. "But not for long, of course. A man always knows for how long to display his most prized possession. I wouldn’t her to get taken, now would I?"

In the shadows, Buffy suppressed a giggle. It wasn’t time to announce her presence, not yet.

For the next few hours, Buffy watched in silent delight as Angelus did what he did best. Besides sex, of course.

Giles sat in a chair with his hands bound behind his back. He was bleeding from rope burns. Angelus was sitting in a chair, watching Giles and cleaning his glasses. He breathed on the lenses, polished them clean and inspected his work.

Angelus chuckled. "Rupert, buddy...I’m here to tell you, I’m impressed." He dropped the cleaning cloth and wandered over to Giles.

"Hey. Uh..." He paused to slide on Giles’s glasses. He winced in pain. "How you holdin’ up?"

"Never...better," Giles gasped out.

Buffy would have been impatient, if she hadn’t been watching her master work.

"Glad to hear it." Angelus kneeled down next to him. "Now...tell me when it hurts." He smirked and began another session of torture.

An hour later, Giles hung his head weakly.

"You know, I can stop the pain. You’ve been very brave...but it’s over. You’ve given enough. Now let me make it stop," Angelus told him, pacing slightly. Buffy could practically feel his agitation. So far, what she’d seen had made her squirm with contentment.

"Please!" Giles gasped.

Angelus kneeled to face him. "Just tell me what I need to know."

"In be worthy..." Giles started. Buffy leaned forward. Giles would never give it up, she knew.

Angelus whispered. "Yeah?"

Giles, "You must perform the a tutu."

Angelus glared at him, holding back a snarl of rage.

"Pillock!" Giles swore.

"All right. Someone get the chainsaw," Angelus said, loudly, standing up.

Spike entered the room upon hearing the commotion.

"Now, now, don’t let’s lose our temper."

"Keep out of it."

"Look, you cut him up, you’ll never get your answers," he said smartly. He secretly had a deal going with Buffy’s ex-friends on the side. He hated Angelus and Buffy for taking up the reign in his town, and he wanted them dead. He had to keep the watcher alive, or Dru would be killed.

"Since when did you become so levelheaded?" Angelus asked, annoyed.

Spike explained. "Right about the time you became so pigheaded. You have your way with him, you’ll never get to destroy the world. And I don’t fancy spending the next month trying to get librarian out of the carpet. There are other ways."

"Enlighten me," Angelus said, a dark look on his face.

Spike stepped closer so Giles couldn’t hear. "He won’t tell us but he might tell that whore of yours."

Angelus whipped his head up and slammed his fist into Spike’s face, sending him sprawling unconscious on the floor. No one talked about his slayer like that, not even his childe. Butt he concept of the plan was a good idea.

Angelus had two of his servants remove Giles from the room and lock him up in a temporary cage.

Buffy came out of her hiding place and went directly to Angelus’s arms. He kissed her roughly, his anger still lingering. Buffy ran a finger along his cheek and down to his chest. He closed his eyes and savored the feel of her cold hands. "Baby, do me a favor, huh?"

Buffy looked up at him. "Anything."

Angelus smiled sincerely, feeling himself calm down.

"I need you to pretend that you’re still a human. Buffy pouted. She hated the idea, but she would do anything for him, like she said.

"Why?" she asked.

Angelus kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms tighter around her. "We need some information from Giles. If you pretend that you’ve been held here captive for the months that you’ve been missing, you can persuade him to tell you the information."

Buffy’s pout turned to a twisted grin. "I like that plan. Do I pretend to be your sex slave or your investment?"

Angelus nipped at her neck. "They both hold appeal to me."


In his cage, Giles heard footsteps approaching. Two vamps came in and chained him up, preparing to move him to a different cell. Giles tried to struggle, but it was no use. He was tied up too tightly.

He was pulled and pushed down the steps to a dungeon-like area. Finally, they reached their destination. He was shoved into a dark cell and the door was slammed closed behind him. He hung his head as a tear escaped from beneath his eyelid, sliding down his cheek.

"Giles?" a tiny whisper came from behind him. Giles snapped his head up and looked in that direction.

"Oh, dear God," he murmured, seeing Buffy curled up in the corner. She was covered in a black cloak and her hair was a dark brown, slightly messy but still gorgeous in it’s own way. "Buffy!" he crawled over to her.

"I thought I’d never see you again," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. She would have hugged him, but she didn’t want the stench of humanity lingering on her skin.

"Has he done anything to you?" Giles spat. They both knew who he was talking about.

The ‘he’ in question was standing silently in the darkness outside of the cell.

Buffy shook her head. "No, he feeds me and keeps me alive."

"That bloody bastard," Giles said vehemently. "I’ll kill him!"

Buffy sat up, feigning pain. "He’s going to raise a demon to swallow the world. He tried once already, but it didn’t work," Buffy looked straight into his eyes. "He made me watch. We can’t let him know what to do."

Giles shook his head. "I would never tell him."

"What is it that he was doing wrong, the secret? He’ll probably take me up to watch again, and I have to make sure he doesn’t do it correctly."

"It’s better that you don’t know," Giles told her.

Buffy let a few more tears slip down her cheek onto her dirty cloak. "Giles, please! If I don’t know how it’s supposed to happen, I won’t know if I’m going to suddenly die or not. That’s the worst feeling in the world. Last time, I was so scared," her voice broke as she sobbed.

Giles swallowed hard and nodded. "His blood, is the key. He’s the one who can open Acathla, don’t let him near it."

Angelus stepped out of the shadows, his footsteps hollowed emptily as he approached. Giles turned around, his eyes wide.

Buffy stood up behind him, letting her cloak fall to the ground. Underneath, she was wearing a body length black leather cat suit and black heels. It was very low cut and form fitting. Giles gasped at the sight. "Oh, no..."

Buffy looked at him and sneered, going to meet Angelus at the entrance to the cell.

He opened the door and pulled her out, slamming it before Giles could react. Buffy leaned up against Angelus, his dark duster nearly covering them both up. He leaned down and kissed her roughly, his tongue seeking hers to play. Buffy pulled back after a long and passionate moment. "Your blood," she said.

Angelus smiled. "The blood on my hand must be my own."

"Mmmmm," Buffy closed her eyes. "Your sweet blood..."

Angelus could feel her hunger growing. He hadn’t fed her in two days, with the excitement of Acathla and all. He pulled her head up against his neck, offering himself to her right there.

Buffy relaxed and vamped out. She kissed the pale flesh and gave a tentative lick, before purring in his ear and biting down hard. His blood was indeed strong enough to open Acathla, it had to be. Just a drop had made her crazy that day when he turned her, and it still did. Her senses were overloaded, and the taste of it was sweet and pure.

Giles watched with his cell with mixed fascination and horror. Buffy was already a vampire, and for some reason, Angelus was feeding her his blood. Although it was heard of, it was very uncommon. Another strange matter was that she was feeding from his neck. Vampires never let they’re own creations feed from their neck, it was a sign of weakness and defeat.

Buffy pulled away eventually, and Angelus leaned in to kiss her again. He could taste himself on her teeth and tongue. He grew hard with the knowledge that she was his, and he could do whatever he pleased with her. "Let’s go have fun, huh?" Angelus asked.

Buffy nodded and they finally broke apart. "Bye-bye!" she said cheerfully to Giles. Angelus took her hand and she was guided out of the room.

Giles hung his head and broke down sobbing. He was a complete failure.


They were all over each other, their clothing was immediately discarded. Since she had fed off of him, she had had an itchy feeling under her skin, a need to be touched and to touch him in return. Buffy lay back on their bed and Angelus crawled over her, growling possessively.

He laid himself on top of her body, closing all the gaps between them. "Didn’t I do a good job?" Buffy asked playfully, stroking the smooth skin on his back.

Angelus lowered his head to kiss along her neck. "The best," his reply was muffled against her skin.

Buffy trailed her right leg up along the length of his, her toes making his flesh crawl and his cock harden. He reached his left hand down to catch her thigh and hook it around his waist, grinding into her in the process. Buffy arched her back, her breasts pressing fully against him.

Angelus continued to run his hands up and down her sides, memorizing every curve, every crevice.

His lips trailed down to her breasts. He took one nipple in his mouth, laving it with his tongue. He rolled the other expertly in his fingers. She gasped. His sweet torture was almost unbearable. A smile touched her lips and she rolled over, flipping him on his back.

"What are you..." his question trailed off as Buffy inched down his body, coming to a stop at his fully hardened cock. She took it gently in her hands, stroking and lightly squeezing. Angelus sighed and leaned back his head, closing his eyes. Buffy licked her lips before giving it a tentative lick.

Angelus hissed as his eyes shot open. He couldn’t help but shiver with ecstasy. Buffy encircled the head with her pale, pink lips and took him into her mouth, slightly sucking. He leaned back again, letting his eyes close and trying to relax with the tension inside him growing.

Buffy took as much of him in as she could, then gently swallowed. Angelus gripped the bed sheets with his hands, pulling so hard, he created tears int he sheet with his fingernails. He was about to come in her mouth. If Angel would have been in his position, he would have pushed her head away. Angelus smirked to himself. What a wimp. With the next swallow he felt himself lose control.

Buffy felt him pulse in her mouth, and swallowed his dead seed as it poured down her throat. Almost as sweet as his blood. Buffy crawled up to lay across his chest and waited for him to snap into the real world. The world that was about to end.


"Acathla...Mundatus te necavi. Sanguinem te effundam...quo me dignum...esse demonstrem."

Buffy shivered with delight at the words her lover spoke. She knew the true meaning: "Acathla...I am before you. My blood...flowing before you...makes me I demonstrate."

"Now Acathla," Angelus spoke, as Buffy handed him a knife. He let his eyes roam over her body before he continued. "You will be free." With a slight grimace he drew the blade over his palm, the blood bubbling up to the surface of the wound.

Buffy breathed his scent in deeply. "And so will we all," Angelus added. He stepped forward and grasped the protruding sword in both hands. The blinding white light appeared again, but this time, the sword came free.

Angelus smiled and stepped back. It would take a few minutes, that he was sure of.

"Oh, he’s coming," Drusilla said.

Angelus stepped back to encircle Buffy in his arms. Before he realized what was happening, something hit him hard on the back of the head. Buffy jumped away in surprise and watched unbelieving as Spike beat him with a fire poker. Buffy snarled with rage and threw Spike to the ground. Drusilla, who’d only seen Buffy attacking her Spike, grabbed her from behind.

The two vampiress’ locked eyes. With a loud bang, the door to the mansion flew open and all of Buffy’s former friends, minus Willow, rushed in. Amy, Xander, Larry, Jonathan, Oz, Cordy, & Harmony, were there.

They must’ve picked up some extra friends to replace me, Buffy thought.

They rushed into battle, Harmony was the first to die, her being weak and naive. A few younger vampires sacrificed themselves for their masters. Angelus staggered to his feet, seeing Buffy nearly get staked by Drusilla herself. He grabbed Dru by her hair and slammed her head into a wall, effectively taking her down for the moment. Spike was trapped between too many of the little pip-squeaks with their crosses and holy water.

Angelus held Buffy tightly in his arms, looking for an escape. "What the fuck are the white hats doing here?" Buffy asked. Angelus growled in response.

Xander had the sword that Kendra had brought from her watcher. He saw Angelus and Buffy together in a corner, looking away from him. His stomach lurched. Well, it was worth a try. He raised the sword and approached quietly. They didn’t even see him coming. He used the tip to cut along Angelus’s arm.

He spun around with a roar and saw Xander standing there with a bloody sword. His blood.

"No!" he yelled, but Xander spun around and thrust the sword into Acathla. The small spiraling vortex that was there shimmered, and then faded away. The world would not end on this day. Xander felt the two large hands on either side of his head before the world went black.

Angelus dropped him with disgust to the ground. Breaking his neck had given him little comfort. He saw out of the corner of his eyes dust settle on the ground. He realized with grim satisfaction that it was Spike. Drusilla followed soon after. He turned around furiously looking for Buffy. He paused and his cold dead hurt wrenched in his chest. Cordelia had her at stake-point.

All eyes were on Angelus. "Let her go, and I’ll tell you where the watcher is," he said, breathing hard.

"We can find him on our own," Cordy sneered. Buffy was extremely pissed off, yet there was fear in her eyes.

"Angelus," she called, whimpering.

"Not without him dying first. He’s being guarded, and if I’m not back in two minutes, they’ll kill him," he lied.

Cordy swallowed and looked to Oz for help. Oz nodded. She pushed Buffy towards Angelus. Angelus checked her over to make sure she wasn’t hurt. He noticed a long, bloody scratch on her right arm. They would pay!

With a roar, he leaped onto Oz and Cordy together, ripping out the May Queen’s throat and smashing Oz’s head into the ground.

Buffy advanced on Jonathan, impaling him with the sword Angelus had pulled out of Acathla, she did the same to the others, and soon the two lovers were left together in a room littered with dead bodies and the sweet aroma of cooling blood.

Now considerably calm, Angelus took Buffy’s hand and pulled her to the garage. They both jumped into the old beat up car and he sped through the garage door, leaving Sunnyhell far behind.

The End

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