
By Zorya



"Leave it alone, Kate," Angel growled as he stalked through the dim alleyway in search of his partners. Cordelia and Doyle were an hour late for their rendezvous.

"Why should I? You can’t even look at me, Angel!" The tall woman stood with her arms akimbo as her eyes flashed furiously. "I’ve stood by you for the past three years! Don’t you think you at least owe me an explanation?"

"Not right now, I don’t," Angel shoved her aside. It wasn’t like those two to be late. Even if they’d had to fight—or more likely, if they’d found an isolated spot to go at it for a while—they were never late. And not being able to find head or tail of them was beginning to drive Angel crazy. Not to mention his and Kate’s recent incessant bickering.

Not to say that he didn’t like the woman. He’d met her shortly after he’d come to Los Angeles; Angel had always believe Whistler had sent her to him. She was an odd mixture of witch, human and demon. But she was a definite aid to their team. Doyle had practically jumped on her offer to lend a hand -- she was an ex-FBI agent after all. She was strong and capable, and she rather reminded him of Buffy. Of course, thinking about Buffy sent his thoughts on a downward spiral. Kate had made no mistake in declaring her interest in pursuing a relationship with Angel. And he’d actually considered it once or twice. He grimaced as he remembered the few times they’d "gone out". That was nothing compared to the way he’d messed everything up now. It was the whole reason behind her anger and confusion towards him. It was also the reason why he now knew nothing could come of their being together.

Angel slammed back to reality as Cordelia and Doyle ran up to him, both out of breath and looking haunted.

"Where have you two been?" he asked, his discontent stemming from his concern.

"Looks like someone’s got their boxers in a bunch, laddie," Doyle snorted. "So sorry we’re late, but we had a hell of a time getting the damned book away from those crones." He closed his eyes and slumped back against the brick wall, trying to catch his breath.

If Doyle was out of sorts, Cordelia was ten times worse. Her chest heaved and her dark eyes glinted with barely contained anger. "If you wanted a book so bad, couldn’t the library have sufficed?" She thrust the spell book into Kate’s hands. As she stepped backwards, Cordy felt her shoes sink into something squishy and sticky. "Ewwww," she cried, carefully moving out of the way, not daring to look down and discover what the mysterious substance was. "I swear, if these heels are ruined, you two are going to pay. This would be the perfect topping on my night."

"What happened? What took you two so long?" Angel asked, relaxing now that he was positive his two friends were safe.

Doyle looked up at him and straightened his jacket. "Well, we had an unanticipated encounter with a few old ladies who weren’t exactly non-spry. And obviously they didn’t want us to have their little bible, so they put up quite the fight."

"The Sisters of Djinn," Kate murmured as her fingertips traced lightly over the old book. In the center of the cover was a small, circular stone that seemed to shimmer with its own light. It was held in the fangs of a golden serpent that twined itself around the stone in a scrolling manner. Her fingertips lingered over the stone before she clasped the book tightly to her chest. "It’s rumored that this book is bound in human flesh," she told them as she cradled it to her bosom like a baby. "Legend has it that it holds the secrets of the Universe as we know it."

Cordelia shot her a look. "Okayyy. Is anyone else not loving this? And to think, I’m the one who carried it all the way here. As if we know who’s flesh that was." She shivered delicately.

"I’m sure it’s been cured," Kate said wryly. "Besides, it’s hundreds of centuries old. We’re lucky you didn’t ruin it with your rough handling. Do you have any idea what kind of magic one page of this book alone holds?"

"No, and I can’t exactly say that I care," Cordelia told her. It was no secret that the two women didn’t get along.

"Look, I should hold on to this. I on translations and just keep it...relatively safe," Kate told them with a distrustful glance directed towards Cordelia.

"I agree," Doyle said, disregarding his lover’s glare. "I’m sure if you bring it with you to the office tomorrow, Angel and I can try to help. As for now, it’s almost sunrise and time for all good little vampire boys to be in bed."

Angel shot his friend a withering look. "I do need to get back to my apartment. I’m working on a case with D.J. and I told him I’d fax him whatever information I was able to glean from the vampire community." D.J. Jackson was a detective with the LAPD who had become a "silent partner" with the agency. He’d discovered how "different" Angel and his partners were when he was investigating a mass number of homicides in the area of their office. In fact, Angel had been his number one suspect for a long time. But the team had pitched in to help solve the crimes and Jackson and Angel had become fast friends. "I’ll see you all tonight," he said as he turned to leave. "Remember, keep that safe and don’t let anyone near it," he told Kate.

"What about -" she started.

"We’ll talk about it later," Angel said with a firm finality. His footsteps echoed in the dark alley as he made his way back to the office to pick up his car.

Kate hated the pitying look she received from Doyle, and she wanted to smack the triumphant one off of Cordelia’s beautiful face. "Well, I don’t think I’ll be getting any sleep tonight. I guess I’ll just go and brush up on my ancient linguistics."

"Are you sure you don’t need any help?" Doyle asked. "If not with the translations, perhaps just to make sure those crones don’t hunt you down."

Cordelia elbowed him in the stomach. "Kate’s a big girl. I’m sure she can handle it herself." Cordy never let an opportunity to make a dig about Kate’s height—and broad shoulders—pass her by.

"I’m sure I can," she murmured. Kate watched as the two bickering lovebirds joined arms and walked towards Doyle’s apartment. She didn’t really know how anyone could put up with Cordelia, but Doyle seemed to love her all the same—in a weird, freakish way.

The book in her arms was warm to the touch and she held it close to her as she walked to her car. For some odd reason, she was loathe to let it out of her grasp. Having it in her arms was comforting, like a sense of hope. Of course, Kate knew exactly what she was hoping for. She was hoping that tomorrow Angel would come in and they would talk and he’d tell her he was in love with her, and not his precious little Slayer down in No Man’s Land. Angel deserved better than Buffy. He deserved her, Kate. She was the only one who could love him like he should be loved. She was half demon after all; she wouldn’t be dying any time soon. Yes, she and Angel were destined to be together.

Kate pulled into her drive and parked the car. Her house was a small two story place—cozy, but comfortable. She flipped on the lights as she walked into her kitchen and set the book on her island. It was going to be a long night, and Kate knew that if she wanted to stay awake she was going to need a very large pot of coffee. As she set up the coffee pot, her gaze kept wandering to the spell book. It was dark and leathery and she grinned as she remembered the look on Cordelia’s face when she’d said it was bound in human skin. The coffee started to drip into the pot, and with a weary sigh, Kate trudged upstairs. She might as well get comfortable. When she entered her bedroom, she hesitated. Just looking at her bed brought back memories of Angel. Since that night two weeks ago, Kate had barely been able to sleep in her bed. She was plagued by memories of his touch—the way his mouth was cold all over her body, the way he was hard and icy and seemed to burn her from the inside. And then the fury would all come back when she thought of the way he’d treated her since then. Angel had been withdrawn and cool, yet not rudely so. It was only as if he...regretted what had happened. And Kate refused to believe he could regret such an intimate thing.

She kicked off her heels and stripped out of her navy blue slacks and white blouse. Without even looking, Kate pulled out an old pair of gray sweats and pulled on a pair of white tube socks and padded back downstairs. Her gaze fell on the book immediately—it seemed oddly out of place, as if it had been moved. With a shrug she walked over to the counter and retrieved a clean mug from the dishwasher. Modern times were so much easier. After pouring a cup of steaming hot coffee she picked up the book, along with a notepad and a pen, and settled into her living room sofa.

Hours flew by as she began translating the spell book. Kate was surprised to find that it held more than just spells, but also legends, history, detailed descriptions for ceremonial conduct, prophecies and what appeared to be a completely mapped out timeline of the Universe—from beginning to...end. Unfortunately, she couldn’t translate much. She caught words and phrases—even ideas—but trying to fully uncover the meanings of the passages was like beating her head against a brick wall.

After thirteen cups of coffee—and six hours—Kate had endured just about as much perusal as she could take. But as she set the book onto her coffee table, she noticed that the stone was again glowing, as if it had it’s own inner light. It glimmered in the relatively dark room and cast a light over the dim burgundy walls. Her fingers felt compelled to reach out and touch it. As she did so, the book flew open and settled to a page near the middle. Her breath came hard and she had to force herself to examine what the pages said. What she saw made her heart race. The fact that the words were completely intelligible to her didn’t cross her mind.

"’To Recall A Straying Lover’," she mused aloud.

Chapter 1:

His sleek torso glinted in the artificial light. He arched and turned and twisted his body in graceful patterns that made the muscles in his body dance and ripple. The soothing movements and restraint of Tai Chi usually helped settle his wandering spirit, but not today. As Angel moved, his thoughts were on the two women most predominant in his unlife.

He sincerely regretted using Kate the way he had. Not that their tryst had be nonconsensual. It was just that they both had ulterior motives, and those motives didn’t match up in the end. Angel knew quite well that Kate wanted a commitment. She felt that since she would live forever just as he would, it was a sign. He didn’t know how to tell her that lifespan wasn’t a factor. From the moment he’d met Kate, he’d felt warmly towards her. She was a friend and she could be trusted. But the fact remained that when he’d had sex with her, it was part attraction, part mindless wish to get Buffy out of his head. Which hadn’t happened. Now he felt guilty for betraying Buffy’s memory and love, not to mention the love he held for her.

When Angel had woken up beside Kate, he’d felt a tingling sensation in the back of his mind. And then it hit him. There he was, lying naked in bed with one of his best friends...and he still had a soul. At first he’d wondered if perhaps Willow had nullified the happiness clause. Then he realized that he felt no different at all—except for the gut wrenching guilt. He hadn’t lost his soul because he hadn’t found a moment of true happiness.

And Angel realized that he wouldn’t ever feel that again. Not without Buffy.

Which only strengthened his resistance to seeing her again. But that did not mean he had to deny his love for her. His only problem was trying to figure out just how to tell Kate that there could never be anything between them. Not when his heart—when his soul—belonged to another woman. He didn’t want to hurt her any more than he already had. She’d been plaguing him for the past two weeks, but he just couldn’t face her. Angel knew the time had come. He had to let her know that there was no chance of a future between them.

As soon as he’d made his decision, a bolt of bright white light flashed behind his eyes and he fell backwards into an unconscious oblivion.


Kate gathered the implements that the spell/curse called for and sat down to read through the instructions once more. Had anyone been watching her, they would have noticed that she was a woman possessed—her every action was calculated and formal. It was as if she wasn’t in control of her own body.

  • ~*~To draw your lover home once more

    Entrance the goddess of the stars

    Bring forth the sigh of true love’s kiss

    In doing so, you’ll have your wish~*~

  • Kate set up the alter adorned with sacred herbs and flowers, and lit a candle as she whispered to the Goddess.

    "I wish...that Angel and Buffy had never met."

    The candle on her alter grew into a bright white flame, then extinguished itself, leaving her living room as dark as night.

    Chapter 2:

    Angel sat up and rubbed his head. Something wasn’t right. He couldn’t place it; it was just a feeling he had. As he opened his eyes he saw that he was in bed. Well, not his bed. It was a massive thing with carved mahogany posts and a dark crimson velvet canopy. His fingers roamed over the sheets, only to ascertain that they were of a silken black satin. As he gazed over the room he realized it was very large and almost garishly ostentatious. When he swung his legs over the side of the mattress, Angel discovered another surprise. He was naked.

    There was something extraordinarily wrong with this picture. The last thing he remembered was being in his apartment practicing Tai Chi. And before that...there was nothing. It was as if his mind had gone totally blank. Wait. He had an apartment? Where? Angel sat on the edge of the bed and held his head in his hands. So many things were blurry. It seemed as if years had passed him by overnight. Yet he was beginning to know this place. He lived here. With...with....

    "Evening, lover," he heard a woman’s voice call out cheerily. "Evening, Kate," he said as he looked up. His mind rebelled at his voice. Kate? Why was she here? Well, of course she was here. He lived with Kate. They were lovers. Memories superimposed themselves over each other.

    "Is something wrong?" she asked him with concern. Her fingers played over the belt of her silk robe hesitantly. She smiled at her love and walked towards him, settling on his lap easily. "Tell me what’s on your mind this morning. We’ll see if I can make all the bad things go away," she said as she wiggled suggestively on his lap.

    Angel’s body responded to her immediately, whereas his mind revolted. Not Kate! What about Buffy? Who? He closed his eyes tight as images swam though his head. Kate’s long limbs wrapped around him as they rode each other hard, a tangled mass in the black satin. A smiling, blonde goddess peering up at him impishly as they danced. Whistler introducing him to Kate. An unbelievable aching sensation as he watched the small blonde woman walk away from him, her shoulders sagging in defeat. The first night he and Kate had spent together, losing themselves in each other after a particularly hard night of slaying. Placing a silver claddagh ring on the girl’s finger. Moving in with Kate. A sword. A sword? Watching the young girl in Los Angeles as she was called. As she was called.

    "Slayer!" he yelled, standing up and tumbling Kate to the ground.

    "Angel!" she yelped angrily. "What is wrong with you?" Kate hopped to her feet and dusted herself off. "And what about a Slayer? You know there isn’t one around here. That’s why we go out and hunt every night—to try to keep the place safe for all those unsuspecting mortals."

    Angel paced around the large room, trying desperately to sort out his thoughts. "No, no, no, no, no," he chanted. They were so elusive. If he could just reach out and grasp one of them, he would be able to recall everything. But he couldn’t. And they were receding more and more at every passing second, while new memories replaced them quickly.

    "Where are we?" he growled lowly.

    Kate watched her lover with distress. "We’re at home, honey. In California. Sunnydale? Close to Los Angeles? Hellmouth?"

    The fact that he was familiar with the place only served to annoy him more. He didn’t know why he knew the place. He could see a mansion and an apartment, but this place was obviously neither of the above. And yet he knew this place to be home. So if this was home, what were those two places? How did he know them? Why did he know them? Did they even exist?

    Without even thinking, Angel walked to the armoire and pulled out a pair of black leather pants. He looked down at them distastefully before slipping them on. Why didn’t he like the leather? And how did he know where to get his clothes? Suddenly a name came to him, but he was afraid to utter it, not knowing if it was from this time or...a dream?

    "Giles?" Angel asked. His face was a mask of confusion and rage. Kate half expected him to vamp out and attack her.

    "H-he’s at the University, I assume. Just like....always. Angel, please, talk to me," she pleaded with him. "I don’t understand what’s going on." She walked over to him and rested her palm on his shoulder, shocked when he shrugged it off.

    "Not half as confused as I am," he muttered darkly as he put on his boots. He pulled out a black shirt and his black leather jacket, some forgotten memory making him smile wistfully at it, and walked towards the bedroom door. "Look, I need to see Giles. Don’t ask me why. I just do."

    Kate watched in bemusement as Angel stalked out of the room.


    "Giles!" Angel barked out as he entered the Watcher’s office. He didn’t know how he’d known to come here, but he had.

    Giles looked up from his books and saw the vampire looming in his doorway. " What are..are you doing here? I thought you and Kate would be patrolling right now. Willow and Xander were supposed to meet you an hour ago."

    "No patrol," he said as he slumped into the chair across from the professor’s desk. "I’m having a problem."

    Giles waited a moment before slipping off his glasses and cleaning them with a handkerchief. "Which would be...?" he prompted.

    "I’m not sure," Angel said shortly, watching as the familiar man placed the glasses back on. "How long have you known me?" he asked curiously.

    "Well, ahhh, I’d say for about six years now."

    Angel nodded. That sounded right. But did it sound right because it was right? Or because.... Hell! This was never going to get him anywhere. He didn’t even know what he didn’t remember! "How did we meet?"

    Giles peered at his friend. "Angel, tell me. Did something happen between you and Kate?"

    "No! Well, I’m not sure," he amended.


    "I woke up feeling extremely disoriented. I wasn’t where I was supposed to be. And I was...having all of these inexplicable memories. At least, I think they were memories. But now I can barely remember them. I just know something’s wrong with me."

    "I see. And you’re...ah...sure this wasn’t a dream?"

    "This was completely undreamlike. Very real. Very frightening. I feel like I’m losing my mind. It was like...I was forgetting one life and stepping into another. And the new memories were taking over the old ones before I could even grasp what was happening." He sighed and slouched down in the chair, kicking his feet up on the desk. The vague thought that he would never have done that before flew through his head.

    "Well, is there one thing that stands out more than the others?" Giles asked. He wasn’t sure what to make of the story Angel was telling. At first he’d thought it was one of his usual jokes, but this seemed all too serious and real. And if he wasn’t going crazy, then where was he getting these feelings from?

    "No...well, actually, yes. There’s one thing I can’t get out of my head.

    A...a girl."

    "A girl? Any particular girl?"

    "I...I think she’s a Slayer." The words sounded false even to his own ears. Yet, if he was not mistaken, the girl in his "memories" was the girl Whistler had shown to him all those many years ago. The Slayer.

    "The only Slayer is -"

    "Faith," Angel continued. Again, he didn’t know why that thought unsettled him. "But this isn’t Faith. She’s...she’s.... Dammit! I don’t know her name!"

    "I’ve had the pleasure of knowing the last three Slayers. Perhaps you could describe her to me?"

    "I know she was a Slayer. Is a Slayer." For some odd reason, Angel didn’t want to believe that this girl was dead. "Whistler showed her to me. I was supposed to help her. But then, I got called away. She tiny. And beautiful. And her hair was like the sun -"

    "I think I know of whom you speak." Giles opened his desk drawer and pulled out a framed photograph. "Is this the girl?" he asked.

    Angel touched the picture gently, cherishing it. A feeling of peace washed over him as he saw the golden haired girl sitting with his two friends—

    Willow and Xander. "Where is she? Who is she?" he asked softly, the awe and appreciation evident in his voice. He remembered the feelings he’d had as he watched her. If he hadn’t known better, Angel would have said he’d fallen in love with her the minute he set eyes on her. She was so warm and fragile; she wore her heart on her sleeve for everyone to see.

    "Her name was Buffy Summers. She had great potential as a vampire slayer, but alas she was no match for the Master. She was able to defeat him, but died in the process. You came here shortly after that—and we all dealt with the aftermath. Don’t you remember?"

    He did. Well, he remembered different things. He remembered coming back and hearing that a Slayer had died. And yet, he also remembered seeing...Buffy...laid out, apparently dead.

    "I just...I’m having so many vague memories of her, of being with her, I don’t understand." Angel’s voice was hoarse and he was on the verge of breaking down. Plus, he couldn’t accept that this girl was dead. It seemed inconceivable to him.

    "I don’t know what to tell you. I suppose Willow and I could research...though I have to admit, I’m...I’m not sure what I would be researching."

    "Just...anything would be better than nothing, Giles. I’d really appreciate it." Angel stood up. "I guess I should go patrol. No use in letting Will and Xander walk around without any protection," he grinned.

    "Ah, yes. I’ll start now, in fact. Have fun," he called out, his nose already stuck in another book.


    "Angel!" Willow cried out as she saw him approach the playground. "How are you? Kate was just telling us that..." she trailed off as she observed the dark look Angel shot Kate. "That, ummm, you were with Giles and you’d be late." It was obviously better if she didn’t bring back up everything Kate had been saying.

    "I’m fine, Willow," he said deliberately, driving the words home for Kate.

    "Well, Lover Boy, it’s about time you got your butt in gear. I’ve been looking for you for the past five hours. I wanted to talk to you about something," Xander said, jumping down from the monkey bars.

    Angel was a bit unsure how to react. The foremost part of his brain told him that this was Xander, his best friend. Yet the nagging part in the back of his head whispered that Xander was a threat. "What about?"

    Xander walked up to him and slapped him on the back. "What else do us guys talk about?" he said in his annoyingly loud voice. Then he whispered, "I need some advice on what to give Willow for her birthday."

    Angel nodded. "Uhhhh, ok. Well, if these two ladies can hold down the fort, I’m sure we can figure something out."

    With a grateful nod to Willow and Kate, Xander threw his arms around Angel’s shoulders and they walked off into the park. "Look," he started. "You’re like, my best friend. You’re the only guy I can talk to. I’d say it’s ‘cause Giles is too old, but that wouldn’t make much sense, now would it? And I’m pretty much pointless right now, so I’ll get to it. Willow’s been my best buddy since before I can remember. How do you tell someone like love ‘em? She knows everything about me. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that is?"

    "Don’t worry about it, Xander. Willow loves you. No matter what you give her, she’ll love it. ‘Cause it’s from you."

    "Maybe. What about you and Kate? I mean, you two love each other. What would you give her?"

    Angel listened to his friend. He and Kate in love. Were they in love? If they were, what were the feelings he was having over this mysterious...dead...girl? Love. "Well, I’m not sure. It would depend on the level we were on. I don’t know if you and Will are at that same, you know, stage."

    "Meaning, have we had sex? No. Not that I’m not all, pumped and ready to go. Well, not ‘pumped’ in the sense of the.... No. We haven’t," Xander sighed.

    "Listen, Xander. I’d say your best bet is to think of something special that the two of you share. Go from there. I don’t know what else to tell you. I remember, I gave Buf-" Angel paused. He’d given Buffy what? He hadn’t even known the Slayer.

    "What?" Xander questioned. He almost thought that Angel was about to speak Buffy’s name—something no one did in Xander’s presence—but Angel hadn’t even known her.

    Angel cleared his throat. "Nothing," he said. They started walking back to the women. "Oh, have you heard from Faith lately?"

    "No," Xander told him. "Last I heard she was gallivanting around Europe with Wesley, fighting off baddies in Paris and Milan. God forbid she come back to the Hellmouth. I guess she figures we can take care of it ourselves."

    "She’s probably right. I think she’s a few cards short of a deck anyway."

    Xander shot him an odd look. "Okayyy. I don’t know her that well, but I’ll take your word for it."

    "So fill me in on the activity tonight," Angel said, trying to get his mind off of things he was unsure of.

    "Well, we encountered more fledglings. Still don’t know who’s creating them, though. If you think about it, most of the vampire activity for the last few years has been risings. No end-of-the-world plans except from demons. Since the Master, well, it’s almost like someone’s trying to raise a vampire army."

    "I’m thinking we don’t kill the next one," Angel said as they walked up to the girls. "I think the next fledgling we see, I follow. I want to find out who’s behind this mass manufacturing deal."

    "No, Angel," Kate said. "It’s dangerous. I mean, that’s why we haven’t done that before. None of us knows what could be going on. Following a newly risen vampire could just lead us into the lion’s den. I won’t have you risking it."

    Angel looked at his lover in disbelief. "It’s a chance I’ve got to take. How are we ever going to know if we don’t try to find out, Kate? We at least have to find out what we’re up against, and I, for one, am not willing to sit back and wait anymore. And if I die, I die. In fact, it’s best if no one else comes with me. That way the rest of you will stay safe, and you’ll know something bad is going down if I don’t come back. If I do come back, I’ll be able to tell you what’s going on."

    Willow and Xander looked at each other, thinking the same thing. They hadn’t heard anyone speak like that since...well, since Buffy. She’d always been so brave and foolhardy, wanting to head off danger before anyone else could feel the effects. But she’d gone too far one night and she and the Master had killed each other in the process. It was something Xander would never forget, because he’d been the one to find them. He’d tried everything he could think of to resuscitate her, but nothing worked. It had been a deep and painful loss for him because he’d been drawn into Buffy’s golden aura the minute he’d laid eyes on her. Years had passed and now Buffy was only a memory in their minds, but that didn’t mean she had touched their lives any less. They were warriors in a nightly battle against evil because of her. And they wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Willow nodded to Xander, "I agree with Angel," she said softly. "It’s time we stopped ignoring the bigger picture here. We stake vamps night after night, but they never stop rising. There’s got to be a stronger force behind it, and we’ve got to put an end to it. Kate, I know you don’t want Angel to get hurt, but he’s the only one with enough skill to pull it off."

    Kate looked around at her friends. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. "Of course you think it’s a good idea, Will! It’s not your boyfriend going out there to risk his life!"

    Willow’s green eyes sparked. "Excuse me? I’m not a demon or a vampire, and neither is Xander. So I think it’s safe to say we both risk our lives every night we come out here to fight!"

    "Hey," Xander interrupted. "We’ve all taken our fair amount of risks. But the fact remains that Angel’s a vampire and I’m not. If I get caught, I’m vamp food. If he does, well, he has a greater chance that I do. Willow and you too, for that matter, Kate. It’s our only choice."

    Kate grudgingly agreed. "Fine. I don’t have to like it, but fine. When exactly do we put this little plan into motion?"

    "Tonight," Angel answered immediately. "I’ll head over to the cemetery and see if I can scrounge up any new arrivals. The rest of you should just go home. Except Willow." Willow looked up, confused. "Giles. He, uhhhhhh, he wanted to see you about something. Research, I think."

    Willow nodded sagely. "Of course. I swear, that Brit would be lost without me," she quipped with a smile. She leaned up and kissed Xander on the cheek. "I’ll see you tomorrow, right?" At his nod, she waved to Angel and Kate. "Don't forget about the party this Saturday," she said. "I only turn twenty-one once." With that she headed off to the University.

    Kate gripped Angels neck in a tight hug. "Be careful, ok? I want you to come back to me in one piece."

    Angel looked down into his lover's bright eyes and tried to muster a smile.

    "I will. Don't worry about me."

    "Good luck," Xander told him as he clapped him on the back. "Try not to get into too much trouble. I don't wanna have to come save your ass again."

    Angel laughed. "No problem. I have this completely under control."


    Chapter 3:

    I have this completely under control* he thought as he followed the idiot minion through the sewers. Angel had no way of telling if the vampire knew he was being followed or not, but something about the situation didn’t sit right with him. It almost seemed too easy. But he knew he couldn’t be heading into a trap. He’d watched the vampire rise with his own two eyes. So, the vampire couldn’t be acting on orders from his Master. It would only be Angel’s bad luck if he got caught.

    Which, by Murphy’s Law, invariably meant that everything would go wrong. As Angel ran silently into a small chamber, he hesitated, unsure of which direction the vampire had gone. Left? Right? Straight? It didn’t really matter. The choice was taken out of his hands when he was attacked from behind. It could have been any number of large, metal objects that struck him in the head. In the end, the outcome was the same. Angel was out cold.


    His surroundings were blurry when Angel opened his eyes. He was chained to a wall in a chamber much like the one he’d been ambushed in. It was unsettling to think that he’d been caught. He’d been so sure that no one was aware of him.

    As he came to, a female and a male vampire came forth and unchained him, though they kept a tight grip on his wrists. His head felt like it was throbbing and about to explode, but he lifted it and saw the dim outline of the lanky, pale vampire walking towards him.

    "Spike!" Angel snarled. He would have pounced on his childe if the stupid minions had not been restraining him.

    "Mmmm. Yes, Angelus. You wouldn’t forget me, now would you, peaches?" He waved his hand in front of his face. "Cor! You reek of humanity! Where did we go wrong?"

    "What are you doing in Sunnydale?" he barked out, wary of the situation. "Where’s Drusilla?" If he wasn’t mistake, Spike’s eyes burned with an inner fire at the mention of his sister/lover’s name.

    "I’m afraid Dru isn’t with us any longer, ‘Daddy’," Spike said smoothly, his mocking voice caressing Dru’s pet name for Angel. "As for what I’m doing in Sunnydale, it’s the bloody Hellmouth, mate. It’s a veritable cornucopia of evil. The better question is, why wouldn’t I be here? I’m actually surprised you didn’t find my lair earlier."

    "What do you mean? How long have you been here?" Angel couldn’t fight off the memories of Spike and Dru. He could almost swear he could see Spike in a wheelchair.

    Spike laughed mirthlessly. "Only about six years. It’s been such a laugh watching you kids run around with your heads up your arses."

    "Never," Angel said. "You would never have the patience to hide out for six years."

    Spike walked forwards and trailed his hand over his Sire’s cheek. "You’d be surprised what losing Dru did for me. Opened up a whole new world, you might say. I’ve learned...that patience truly is a virtue."

    "Really?" Angel’s voice dripped with sarcasm. "How noble. So losing the crazy twit was really a blessing in disguise?"

    "Mmmmm. Let’s just say, I wouldn’t have lost—either way. I won the spoils of the victor."

    "What do you mean? Either way?" A feeling of dread spread over Angel.

    Spike grinned maliciously. "Our poor love was killed by a Slayer. Well, I did love Dru so very much—my only choice was to kill the Slayer myself. However, when I saw her...I decided to turn her. She’s been a source of endless enjoyment, believe me, peaches. She’s my Queen," Spike told him conspiratorially.

    Thoughts flew through Angel’s mind. Kendra? No, he’d seen Kendra die right before his eyes. Had Faith been killed, then?

    Spike watched the confusion move over his Sire’s handsome features.

    "Slayer!" he called out, knowing she was never too far from him.

    Angel watched with grim fascination as a woman emerged from the shadows.

    She was barely a woman at all, he saw, as she drifted into the dim light. She was dressed in a soft black leather catsuit that zipped up the front—well, it should have zipped up the front. It was undone almost to the middle of her torso, exposing the shadow of her cleavage and full, soft curves of her breasts. Angel itched to reach forward and zip it up. His gaze traveled over her from her feet up. The leather was like a second skin, revealing every luscious curve and line, yet hiding what drove his imagination insane. Her skin was pale and virtually luminescent. She glowed with an unearthly light that seemed to draw him to her like a moth to a flame. Her golden tresses were piled atop her head in a careless, yet beautiful, crown of ringlets. Her dark eyes seemed to be forest green in the shady lighting, but he knew them to be a deep and transient hazel. In fact, when he stared at the girl, Angel knew everything about her. Memories swam back to him in a tidal wave, bringing every emotion, every joy, every pain back to him with a startling clarity.

    "Buffy," Angel cried out in a tormented whisper. He could see her, knew it to be her, but it was just a shell. Her physical beauty was where the similarities between his soulmate and this demon ended.

    Buffy watched the stranger curiously as she sidled up next to Spike and wrapped one arm around his waist. She never even blinked as her cold, vacant gaze roamed over him. There was something about the stranger that called out to her. As if a part of her recognized him. And she didn’t like the feeling. He seemed to be feeling the same thing—it was evident in his harsh tone as he called out her name.

    She wanted to hurt him, Buffy realized. She wanted to make him cry. With a chilling smile, she turned to Spike and licked a wet trail over the icy skin of his neck. Unfazed, Spike kept his glare on his Sire while his mistress played. Buffy placed light, tantalizing kisses over the area of skin before sinking her fangs into his jugular, the sweet, thick blood flowing from her Sire and filling her mouth. She could taste his excitement, pride, and hate as she fed off of him. The blood pulsed it’s way into her system, building an exquisite tension that seemed to burst as she writhed against his side. Carefully, Buffy withdrew her fangs and licked at the wound before turning back to Angel and licking her lips. Though the smile was still on her blood red lips, the look in her eyes was emotionless.

    Angel didn’t know what bothered him most about watching his true love feed from his childe—knowing that she was a demon, knowing that she was Spike’s, or knowing that the erotic scene that had just unfurled before him had had more of an effect on him than he wanted to admit. "How?" he asked Spike.

    "Don’t you like her?" Spike asked triumphantly. "She’s absolutely exquisite. And," he added confidentially, "she’s got all her marbles, if you know what I mean."

    "How," Angel asked again, his tone firm.

    "How what, peaches? How’d I get her? It was quite easy, actually. After I killed the Annoying One, I found her locked in a cage, weak from feedings." Spike grinned down at his lover. "I suppose I wanted her from the first, otherwise I would have killed her without a thought. But she was so tempting, even when weak and helpless. There was a glow about her, an inner strength. Her sense of humor didn’t hurt either. So I helped her get strong, and like women usually do, she turned on me. Killed Dru, she did. After that, I didn’t really have any choice. It was either kill her or make her mine. I doubt anyone could fault me for my decision, right, pet?" he asked her as he leaned down and kissed her brutally.

    "You turned her into a mindless drone?"

    "Hardly," Spike barked out a laugh. "I wouldn’t admit it to anyone but you, lad, but the Slayer’s got me whipped." He smiled with satisfaction as Buffy pulled him back down to her, her fingers lacing through his bleached blonde hair as she rubbed her body against his. "Mmmmm, luv, not right now. We have company."

    "Bah!" Buffy pouted. She pushed away from Spike and walked up to Angel. "Let him go," she told Spike’s minions, not even bothering to look at them.

    Angel was surprised when they obeyed her. Obviously she did have some pull.

    They dropped him to his knees and left him there, kneeling before her. Angel felt his love’s hands lightly caress his body. But they weren’t his Buffy’s hands—so full of life and warmth. They were cold and dead and so like his own. Though his body reacted to her touch immediately, his heart tried to reject her. This wasn’t the woman he loved more than life. And yet it was. Angel wondered if Buffy had ever felt so repulsed by, yet drawn to, his own lifeless touch.

    She gently tilted his head up and stared him in the eyes. His dark gaze marked her, and Buffy felt as if she’d been burned. She was surprised to see the heat and emotion in his eyes, but she hid it well beneath her dispassionate veneer. Her fingertips trailed over the hard planes of his face, the soft—yet unmoving—curve of his lips, the arrogant arch of his brows. Without a word she spun around. "I don’t like him," Buffy told Spike before leaving the chamber.

    Spike chuckled. "Now look what you’ve done. You ran off my lovely. I’m afraid you’ll have to pay for that," he told Angel as his voice remained deceptively calm. Inside he wanted to tear the wanker apart. With a nod to his slaves he ordered them to lock Angel up in the "Old Quarters". As he watched them drag his Sire away, Spike mulled over the unspoken exchange he’d witnessed between his lover and Angel. There was something between the two, however impossible it might seem. Spike knew for a fact that the Slayer, as he called her, and Angelus had never met. So what was this "spark" between them? He’d have to watch her extra carefully. There was no way he was going to let her slip out of his grasp.


    "Do you understand me? I want to know everything. You report to me and only me, or else," Buffy snarled menacingly.

    The young female vampire nodded and scurried off to the cells in search of her mistress’s quarry. Madeleine knew better than to disobey her mistress. Buffy’s carefree cruelty was renowned in the vampire subculture. She harbored no remorse and wasn’t afraid to raise hell when necessary—well, most often even when it wasn’t necessary. If she didn’t do as Buffy bid, she may well find herself pinned to a wall and greeting the sunrise intimately.

    Madeleine didn’t know what was so special about Spike’s new prisoner. These type of people came and went and the mistress never deigned to show them so much as an ounce of attention. Now she was sending minions to check up on him and find out everything about him. It was possible that their Queen was looking for a new lover. The thought made Madeleine smile. Perhaps she could try him out first. However, if Buffy ever found out, she’d kill her. So maybe once Buffy was through with Spike, she could move in on him. Though no one ever said anything, it was common knowledge to the minions and fledglings who was in charge. Spike might be the Master vampire, but Buffy ruled the Hellmouth. There were no ifs, ands or buts about it.

    The keys rattled in her hands as she unlocked the cage door and stepped inside the cell. It was dark and dank and it smelled bad, even to her.

    "What do you want?" he growled.

    "My mistress sent me to see to you, sir." Her eyes roamed hungrily over his muscular form. No wonder Buffy wanted him.

    "Your mistress?"

    "The Queen," Madeleine clarified. "Buffy. The Slayer." There were so many names that the golden woman went by, and those were just the polite ones. "She sent me to find out what you know."

    "What I know," scoffed Angel. He looked up at the slip of a girl who was lounging seductively against the steel bars. "And what exactly is it that she wishes to find out?" he asked warily.

    "She wishes to know how you know her."

    Her answer stunned Angel. So Buffy had felt the electricity between them also, had she? He smiled slightly. "She’d never believe it."

    Madeleine walked forwards and crouched down in front of the handsome captive. "Try her. By the way," she extended her small, pale, slender hand. "I’m Madeleine."

    Angel took her hand in his. "Not quite a pleasure, but I’m Angel."

    "Mmmm. You certainly are," he heard her murmur. "So. Are you willing to give my mistress a chance?"

    "What choice do I have?" he asked as he leaned back against the slimy brick wall that formed the back of the cell. "It started about six years ago, when I saw Buffy called as a Slayer. I should have known then that I would never be able to leave her. She was everything that I was not, everything that was denied to me. We met face to face shortly after she first moved to Sunnydale...."

    Chapter 4:

    "Oh don’t look so sour, dear. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were acting jealous," Buffy teased as she reclined on the chaise lounge in his bedroom. Spike had stalked into the room only moments after she’d sent Madeleine back down into the sewers.

    "I’m not jealous," Spike mumbled. "I have nothing to be jealous of, luv, now do I?"

    Buffy slid her leather encased legs off of the lounge and walked up behind him. She slipped her arms around his waist and ran her hands over his chest. "No reason at all," she whispered huskily before nipping lightly at his neck. "I wanna play," Buffy told him.

    Spike grinned. "Play what?" he inquired.

    "Mmmmm. It’s a surprise," she told him as she led him over to the fireplace. Buffy pushed him roughly against the wall and pressed her body into his, her leg sliding between his as her thigh pressed into his groin. "Ooooh...happy to see me?" she asked wryly. She leaned down and quickly scooped up her chains. With a swift movement, Buffy threaded the chains through the wrought iron trimming on the mantle and closed the manacles over Spike’s wrists. She stepped back and admired her work as she saw Spike’s arms held his above his head. "Baby likes to play?"

    Spike groaned hoarsely. "Slayer...."

    Buffy only smiled and moved farther away from him. With a flick of her wrist she released her hair, letting it tumble over her shoulders in a wild array of curls. The ends brushed lightly against the upper swell of her breasts, and Spike moaned with need. She laughed softly and swiped at his chest, tearing the black and red shirts right down the middle and baring his chiseled, pale chest to her view and touch. Her nails scraped over his icy skin as her fingers worked their way down to the waistband of his black jeans. Buffy pulled herself close to him, the velvety softness of the leather tantalizing his bare flesh as she rubbed against him. Her hazel eyes entranced him as she stared into his eyes. She moved closer to him and he swallowed thickly when he saw her small pink tongue run over her red lips.

    "Who do you belong to?" she asked, her lips hovering right below his.

    "You, Slayer. And you belong to me." Spike’s eyes began to glow yellow as his demon stated its possession of her.

    Buffy smiled cruelly, though there was a glint of satisfaction in her cool gaze. "Body and...well, can’t exactly pledge my soul, now can I?" They laughed together before she flicked her tongue over his lips, begging to be let inside the cool depths of his mouth. Spike instantly reacted, enjoying the feel of her coolness against his. Their tongues sparred and twined together as they kissed. One of her small hands cupped him through his jeans while the other unfastened the buttons.

    "Oh God," Spike moaned against her lips.

    Buffy smirked. "He can’t help you now," she said as her body slid down the length of his until she was kneeling in front of him. With a hard tug she yanked off his jeans and threw them over her shoulder. "Mmmmm. Much better," she murmured as she leaned forward and placed a kiss on the head of his erect cock. She heard him suck in a low breath and leaned back. Her fingers encompassed his thick shaft and she never ceased to marvel at its soft texture surrounding a core of steel. As her hand pumped his cock, Buffy leaned forward once more and licked gently at his sacs before drawing each one in turn into her mouth and bathing them with her tongue.

    Spike could barely hold back a gasp as he felt the Slayer’s mouth engulf him. "Cor, Slayer! Don’t ever think of stopping!" Buffy chuckled and he felt the soft vibrations travel through him like lightning. Her grasp on him tightened and Spike yelped, feeling like an untried adolescent. When her mouth left him, he almost cried out until he looked down and saw her lips surrounding his rigid member. The sight of the little goddess at his feet was almost enough to undo him, but he held on, not wanting the moment to be over. Her head bobbed up and down over his cock and her tongue laved the sensitive vein on the underside. Spike gave in to the suction, but at the tight sensation he realized with a modicum of surprise that she was deep throating him with no problems at all. The knowledge was just too much. He felt his sacs tightening as his climax neared.

    Obviously Buffy understood his nearness as well. She withdrew her lips from his swollen cock and held it lightly in her hand while she places a soft kiss on the tender flesh of his inner thigh. Spike was rather surprised at her gesture. She held his shaft almost flush against the arch of her neck and he could feel his tip caress the top of her breast. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, but he still had a sense of wanting.

    "Slay -" he started, but was cut off by his own growl of ecstasy.

    Buffy pressed another kiss into the sensitive skin before sinking her fangs deep into his thigh. As his blood flooded her mouth, she tasted his orgasm. Waves of pleasure rolled over both of them, and in his heightened awareness, Spike yanked the chains right through the iron. She drank from him and did not notice when her captive was set free or when he spilled his cold seed over the soft, bare flesh of her throat and the valley between her breasts.

    Spike buried his hands in her soft hair and pulled her gently away from him.

    As he lifted her, he noticed a thin trail of blood running over her lips. The sight enflamed him and he crushed her violently to him, his tongue divesting her of the excess blood. Without a though, he picked her up and threw her onto his bed. His growl was purely animalistic as he pounced on her, tearing right through the thick leather of her catsuit. When he’d relieved her of her clothes, Spike pried the manacles off of his wrists and tossed them aside. Buffy chuckled as she ran her palms over the hard planes of his chest and back over the smooth curve of his shoulders as she pushed his shirts off of him.

    Spike’s hands roamed over her as well. He decided he liked the sight of his seed glistening on her body. Spike spread her legs without hesitation and moved to kneel between her thighs. He was in no mood to take his time. His hands trailed over the indentation of her waist and the soft swell of her hips before her gripped the firm cheeks of her ass and pulled her up to him so that most of her weight rested on her shoulders and head. With an arrogant smile he let his hands lightly caress the outside of her thighs and calves until he reached her ankles. Spike’s long fingers curled around her slender ankles and he jerked them upwards, spreading her thighs even wider as he accommodated himself between them. He draped her legs over his arms and placed a hand firmly on her abdomen, holding her down as he slid his still hard cock into her waiting channel.

    Buffy arched upwards as he entered her, drawing him deeper into her tight, wet depths. Her hands made fists in the sheets as Spike withdrew slowly before slamming into her violently. Her dark eyes burned with fire as she gazed up at him. "Harder," she commanded him.

    "My pleasure," Spike bit out before ramming into her deeper. He leaned forward and pinned her upper arms to the bed, using the force as leverage as he drove into her. Their combined scents mingled in the air as he pumped in and out of her. Each thrust was harder than the last, and Spike could feel himself banging into her cervix. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were closed, exposing the pale length of her neck to him. He watched, fascinatedly, as her full breasts bounced each time he plunged into her. He could feel her wetness sliding over and between them.

    Buffy moaned deep within her throat as he pounded into her. Her body bucked against his as her muscles began to contract against him, milking his cock. When his fingers slipped between their bodies to tease her clit, Buffy screamed. She gripped him tightly form the inside, squeezing him as he continued to drive into her.

    Spike emptied himself into her as Buffy convulsed around him. In the blink of an eye he’d morphed into his game face and had his face buried in the soft flesh of her neck. At the same time his fangs pierced her skin, hers buried themselves in his own neck, creating a powerful, orgasmic cycle of blood that only increased the climax each was experiencing.

    As they came down from their high, Spike rolled over, bringing her with him, and crooned soft nothings into her ear. When she was sure he was asleep, Buffy extricated herself from his grasp and rolled off of the bed, mindless of her nudity. She made her way quietly to the door of their adjoining bedrooms.

    "Enjoy yourself?" she asked the small girl, knowing full well that Madeleine had been watching from the shadows for the past forty minutes. As she brushed passed her and entered her own room, Buffy felt the girl’s small hand caress her shoulder. "Not right now, Madeleine. Why don’t you draw me a bath, and while I’m relaxing, you can tell me everything you learned?

    Chapter 5:

    "...told me that what the Mayor said made sense to him. Coupled with the fact that your mother went to have a talk to him—basically telling him to leave—it made him see that it was the right thing to do. He knew that he could never make you happy, never give you the life you needed and wanted. So after you fought the Mayor and stopped the Ascension, he left town. Moved to L.A. Hasn’t really seen you in three years," Madeleine narrated the stranger’s story.

    Buffy reclined in the large tub filled with warm water and bubbles, with the faint scent of roses. "Hmmmm. If that was me, I’d kill my mother all over again for having done that. Too bad I already did."

    "I think it’s romantic. You’re his true love."

    "Wake up, Maddy. It’s not real. This...*vampire* obviously a nut. I swear to you, before last night, I’d never met him before in my life. My unlife either."

    "Well...he seems to know pretty much about you, mistress," Madeleine said as she washed Buffy’s hair. "Even if it is only from when you were called."

    A strange tingling sensation nagged the back of her brain, but Buffy disregarded that. "Oh really? Like what?"

    "Like how you were sitting on the steps of your old high school when your first Watcher approached you. And how your first kill was almost your last. And how when you got home that night your mother and father had a very big fight about you, and he watched you cry in your bathroom. He says he was supposed to be your partner, supposed to help and protect you."

    "Yeah, well, if he’s even telling the truth—and the man sounds rather delusional to me—then he obviously wasn’t very good at his job, now was he?" Buffy said briskly, not dwelling on the memories of her past. She stood up in the bathtub. "Hand me a towel." She wrapped her hair up and slipped into the plush robe Madeleine held out for her. "You may go now. But remember, you breathe a word of this to anyone, and I will kill you. Gladly." She waited until the girl left before getting dressed.

    Buffy walked to her closet and switched on the light. She walked through the large area, searching for something "appropriate" to wear. A small smile played over her lips as she found what she was searching for. The filmy white material was silky and sheer and called for nothing beneath it. Well, that’s the way she wore it anyway. The top part of the "dress" was halter-like. It came down in a deep "V" and tied behind her neck, leaving her entire back bare. The "skirt" part was little more than a few scarves looped together to form an open, flowing effect. When she walked, the light fabric seemed to float around her like a cloud. Buffy brushed her hair out so that it was completely straight—with none of its usually body or wave. She pulled back the front part and left a few tendrils to frame her face. When she was finished, she smiled. She hoped that she was the picture of seductive innocence. But there was something missing.

    Buffy walked to her vanity and rummaged around in her jewelry box. Spike had bought—and stolen—many pieces for her over the years, but there was something she’d kept from her previous life. For some odd reason it was beyond her now how she’d gotten it or what it was. Actually, it was a small silver locket on a long silver chain. But for the life, or unlife as it was, of her, Buffy could not figure out how to open it, and she was loathe to break it. She slipped it on over her head and straightened her hair. For shoes, she picked out a pair of white "strappy" sandals that laced around her ankles. Perfect.

    Making sure that Spike was still asleep, Buffy breezed out of the house and made her way to her prey.


    Angel sensed, rather than heard, her approach. He knew it was her because that tightening in his stomach and that nervous flutter that he always got when she was around began with a maelstrom.

    "I hear you know me," he heard her soft voice say. It pained him that he could not see her. But she rectified that quickly, and he had to suck in a useless breath.

    Her skin was luminescent in the dark shadows of the cell. Her hair was so straight compared to earlier; it was like spun gold. There was no air in the dank prison—which attributed to the horrible stench of death that surrounded him—and yet she seemed to float towards him, a breeze blowing through her silken locks and the shimmery, sheer fabric of her "dress". It left nothing and everything to the imagination.

    "I do," was Angel’s hoarse reply.

    "And I beg to differ. I don’t know you at all."

    "I think you do," Angel said, gaining a bit of his power of speech back. "I know you felt it before. Maybe you don’t know me by sight, but our souls would recognize each other no matter what."

    Buffy laughed as she moved closer to him. Again she was struck by his physical beauty. Spike was alluring and had more than his share of sexual prowess, but the man before her was...well, beautiful. "In case you’ve forgotten, I’m a vampire. Vampires don’t have souls." Her gaze raked over him scathingly. "Though it would seem that you have been denied that privilege. What an odd one you are," she said mockingly, pacing in front of him.

    "I think you do," he said quietly. "You’re different, Buffy. Different from all of the others. You were once, and always will be, a Slayer. There’s a part of you still in there. I won’t believe otherwise."

    "Poor you then. So sorry to have to crush your hopes and dreams." Buffy paused in front of him and held out a hand. "I hear you like to dance with me?"

    Angel looked up suspiciously, noting the other hand that was still behind her back. She grinned down at him and brought forth the other hand. In it was a Walkman. "No. I loved dancing with Buffy. But, as you say, you’re not Buffy."

    She shrugged. "Perhaps. But I can feel you. You can’t deny me, can you? Your brave, righteous soul may be your "redemption", but it still won’t save you from me." Angel tried to reject her words, but he knew she was right. It occurred to him that this must have been how Buffy felt when he was Angelus. The thought sickened him.

    But as she switched on the music—soft through the earphones so as to not draw unwanted attention, yet loud enough to be heard by their sensitive ears -- he was powerless. "Dance with me," she entreated him. The undulations of her body beneath the flowing robe was his undoing. Angel stood up and pulled her into his embrace, satisfied just to be holding her body once again.

  • I gave you all the love I got

    I gave you more than I could give

    Gave you love

    I gave you all that I have inside

    And you took my love, you took my love

    Didn’t I tell you, what I believe

    Did somebody say that

    A love like that won’t last

    Didn’t I give you, all that I got to, give baby

  • "You know, I can’t help but think that if your story holds any truth at all, this is a song that my alter-ego would take to heart," Buffy told him as she held him close, her body writhing provocatively against his. "I mean, you have to admit, the fact that I would still love you is amazing. You treated me pretty bad." Her voice held a slightly chastising tone, but he knew she was mocking him.

    His hands caressed the smooth skin of her back, and once again Angel was stunned at the icy feeling. How could the real Buffy love him if this was the way he felt to the touch? Yet, he also had to admit it was rather erotic. "You’re right," he said aloud. "I wasn’t the best thing for Buffy, and that’s the reason I left her. I could never give her the life she needed. She didn’t need me."

    Vampire Buffy laughed again, the brittle sound scraping to the ears. "Riiiight," she said harshly. "And I suppose you know what I need in my life, vampire or not? That’s the thing about men—whether they’re dead or alive, they always think they know what’s best."

    Angel chuckled. "Maybe. But I did know—do know—that I couldn’t make her happy."

    Buffy ran her hands over his chest, secretly delighting in the way the muscles jumped and tensed at her softest touch. "And are you sure that was the problem? That you felt you couldn’t make her happy? Or was it more selfish than that?" she whispered. "Did you know that she couldn’t make you happy?"

  • I gave you all the love I got

    I gave you more than I could give

    Gave you love

    I gave you all that I have inside

    And you took my love, you took my love

  • "I couldn’t risk it," Angel said through clenched teeth, recalling the damned curse. "And I love Buffy so much that every moment I spend with her, I risk being truly happy."

    "Mmmmm. Sounds like I did a lot of giving, and you did a lot of taking."

    "Well maybe I did," Angel said, becoming annoyed. "And that’s yet another reason I couldn’t stay with her."

    "I still think you’re a deranged nut—and not just in the vampire sense of the word. You speak so nobly of your love for me. For Buffy. And yet you don’t seem to care how much you hurt "us". That’s a sure way of showing you care—right up there with FTD."

  • I keep crying, I keep crying

    I keep trying, for you

    There’s nothing like, you and I, baby

    This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love

    This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love

  • "I left because I do care. I couldn’t put Buffy in any more danger.

    Especially not if my demon took control again. That would have killed her."

    "Has this whole experience taught you nothing? You say she doesn’t need you...." Buffy pushed away from him. There were feelings rushing through her that she didn’t want to examine. She felt...soft. Emotions were thrumming through her and she hadn’t felt that in almost six years. When she turned around, she couldn’t hold back the glimmer of tears in her eyes. "Don’t you see that this is how your true love would end up without you?"

  • You brightened everyday

    With your sweet smile

    Didn’t I tell you, what I believe

    Did somebody say that

    A love like that won’t last

    Didn’t I give you, all that I got to, give baby

  • Angel faltered at her words. Could she be right? Was this the way Buffy would end up if he left her alone? But this Buffy wasn’t finished.

    "Your love for me is so bright and pure, is it? Then tell me, how are you here? And furthermore, why didn’t show up here earlier? Obviously things didn’t go to plan. Why? With your righteous and just causes, what could have kept you away from me?" Her words stabbed him like knives.

    "I...I don’t know." Angel searched the memory of this existence. "I think was...." his eyes opened wide as he thought about it. "Kate," he murmured.

    Buffy crossed her arms over her chest. "Another true love?" she queried.

    Angel shook his head, confused. It was odd that he would have met Kate so early on in this "dimension". How had it happened? Why?

    Buffy sidled up to him once again, her body causing his to react without reason. "Not exactly the prince you thought you were, huh, luv?"

  • This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love

    This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love

    I keep crying, keep crying

    I keep trying, for you

    There’s nothing like, you and I, baby

  • "There has to be an explanation," he said wearily.

    "Sure there is," she whispered. "You’re just like the rest of us. You just don’t want to admit it." She raised her arms above her head and swayed against him. Buffy grinned when she heard his low snarl, his eyes trained on the way her breasts strained against the thin fabric.

    "I don’t think so," Angel said, grabbing her wrists and pulling them around his neck. He saw the shock in her hazel gaze as he rocked his pelvis against hers. "I think it’s that something terribly wrong happened where I’m from and caused this whole mess here. Simple as that."

    Buffy rolled her eyes. "Yeah, real simple, babe."

  • This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love

    This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love

    Keep trying for you, keep crying for you

    Keep flying for, keep flyin’, And I’m fallin’

    And I’m fallin’

    Keep trying for you, keep crying for you

    Keep flying for, keep flyin’, And I’m fallin’

    And I’m fallin’

  • "Well, I’m afraid I’ve got to figure it out. And though the accommodations here are swell, I’ll have to be leaving." Angel smiled slightly.

    "I’m sorry. I don’t think I can let you do that."

    "And I don’t think you have a choice in the matter," he told her.

    "Excuse me? You really are crazy. If you haven’t noticed, I’m the one in charge here. One word from me and you’re dust. And I have no qualms about that," she lied. Well, she was in charge, and if she wanted him to fit into an ashtray it would happen. The thing was, she didn’t want him gone.

    Angel smiled. "That’s fine with me. We’ll just have to do this the hard way." He nodded almost imperceptibly, but Buffy caught the movement. She spun around, ready to attack, but Angel captured her hands behind her back.

    Her eyes widened as Madeleine emerged from the shadows with a pair of shackles.

    "You wouldn’t," Buffy hissed. Obviously they would, because moments later her hands were securely restrained. "I will kill you both, mark my words," she said calmly.

    Madeleine shot a worried glance to Angel, but he shook his head. "Don’t worry. It’s all hot air. By this time tomorrow, she’ll have forgotten all about it."

    "By this time tomorrow," she ground out, "I’ll be dancing on your ashes."

    Angel smiled at her and she cursed herself for being attracted to the seductive twitch of his lips. "Here," he said, draping his leather jacket over her. It gave him a perverse sense of satisfaction to see it in its "rightful place" again.

    "Ready?" he asked Madeleine. It had been easy to persuade her to help him.

    Too easy. Angel wondered again if she was working for Spike. It had appeared that his story had caught her sense of romance, but you could never tell. For now, they were headed to Giles.

    Chapter 6:

    "Come out, come out, wherever you are," Angel called out into the abandoned building. Almost abandoned. Giles was sure to still be in his office. Angel had swiftly gotten used to the camaraderie between himself and Giles and Xander. If he got back—when he got back—it would be hard to let go.

    "Angel? Is that you?" Willow cried out, running from the Watcher’s office. Kate, Xander and Giles were not far behind him.

    "Oh God, you’re safe!" Kate cried, launching herself into his arms. "I was so worried about you!"

    Angel heard a snicker behind his back and winced. Chalk another one up for the new and improved, cynical and undead Buffy.

    "Where were you?" the tall woman continued her tirade. "Dammit Angel, why didn’t you come back?"

    "I’m sorry, Kate," he said as he reached behind his neck and loosened her grip on him. "I was a bit...tied up," he told the rest of the group.

    "Not in a good way, I’m guessing," Xander said.

    "Yeah, well...."

    "What’s that behind your back, dare I ask?" Giles spoke up.

    Angel turned his head slightly and nodded to Madeleine. "This is Madeleine, she helped me escape."

    "Escape?!?!" Kate began again.

    "Yes. Needless to say, I found out who’s behind all of the vampire risings, though I’m still clueless about why he’s raising an army. But..." Angel contemplated not springing Buffy on them. It would be hard for them to accept. He sighed. It was something that had to be done. "I brought back something that’s of importance to him. Also to me."

    Willow and Xander looked at him. "What’s up with the cryptic, dude?"

    Angel threw Giles an apologetic glance and stepped aside, revealing a very pissed off Buffy cloaked in Angel’s leather jacket.

    "Who -"

    "What -"

    "NO -"

    "I, uhhh, I see -"

    "I’m thinking this isn’t the best time for me to be here," Buffy said. "I’ll just go. It’s probably for the best." She turned, but Angel picked her up effortlessly and heaved her over his shoulder. "Put. Me. Down!"

    Angel grinned and slapped her bottom. "Not until you promise to behave." He hadn’t known it would be so much fun to do this to Buffy. He might have to try it when he returned home...not that that was possible.

    "Excuse me? Is anyone else here not getting the whole picture? Or not loving the way you’re acting around her, Angel?" Kate said icily.

    "I’m just his love slave, nothing to worry about," came Buffy’s muffled voice. "I’ve had him tied up for the past few nights. We enjoyed wild, kinky, nasty sex. But really, there’s nothing to be jealous of, pet." Kate screeched with fury, barely listening as Angel tried to calm her down.

    All in all, Angel had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

    Giles stepped forward, a worried frown on his face. "Am I to assume that an...a...err....a vampire?"

    Angel nodded. "Sorry to say it, but yes."

    "No," Xander said simply. It was hard for the boy to accept that this was the same wonderful girl that had been in his life.

    "Oh, but yes," she said. "And it’s so much fun. Don’t you want to join me, Xander? We could do all those things you used to dream about...."

    Willow listened to her best friend and wanted to cry. But no, this wasn’t her best friend. It was a demon in her best friend’s body. She watched as Xander stalked out of the building. "I should -"

    "No!" Angel said. "I...I think we might need your help."

    "Is she safe?" asked Giles.

    "Yeah, I’ve got her restrained," Angel answered. "I think we all need to talk. And I’ve got some more information for you, Giles, about that problem I told you about." He set Buffy down in a chair and told Kate and Willow to watch her while he talked to Giles.

    After they sat down in Giles’ office, Angel proceeded to tell him the same story he’d told Madeleine. Giles listened with interest, and a bit of horror, as he listened to Angel’s tale. When he mentioned Jenny’s name, the poor man looked as if he had tears in his eyes.

    "Giles?" Angel asked cautiously. "I’m sorry. I forgot for a moment that Jenny was killed here also."

    Giles nodded and removed his glasses, wiping them off. Angel continued, telling him how Buffy had sent him to Hell—and how he’d returned. He spoke of the Ascension and of his and Buffy’s relationship.

    "That’s quite a story," Giles said when he finished.

    "It’s the truth," Angel told him simply.

    "Well, whether it is or isn’t, tell me of the last things you can remember."

    "I was with Kate, looking for Cordelia and Doyle. Speaking of Cordelia, where is she?"

    Giles cleared his throat. "She was killed not long after Buffy."

    "Oh. Hmmm. Well, I was with Kate and Cordelia and Doyle had just joined us after retrieving a book. They were rabid about some old crones fighting them for their "Bible". Then Kate took the book -"

    "The book," Giles interjected. "What was it?"

    "It was a book, I don’t know the name, but it belonged to the Sisters of Djinn."Giles paled. "Th-th-the Sisters of Djinn? Do you know the repercussions for taking that book from it’s rightful owners?"

    "It’s not like I was doing it to piss them off, Giles," Angel said irritatedly. "We took it because we do not think those were the rightful owners."

    Giles sighed. "So it was in Kate’s possession, correct?"


    "Do you know if she had any...ahhhh...wishes or desires that she wanted to be met, but say, weren’t realistic?"

    Angel squirmed in his seat as Giles stared at him. "Actually, I can think of one. She’s really been wanting...a...a relationship with me."

    "Enough to be willing to do anything for it?"

    "I don’t know about that," Angel started.

    "But?" Giles prompted.

    "But I can’t give you a definite no," Angel conceded.

    "That’s not good," Giles said. "Legend has it that if the Book of Djinn lands in the wrong hands, it has a...a...protective mechanism, if you will. It is a very powerful book, containing the secrets of the Universe. The Sisters of Djinn have been compared to the Fates of Greek mythology. The book can sense it’s owners’ weaknesses. Upon that, it will conjure up a spell that appeals to the said owner—a spell that seemingly is the answer to the owner’s prayers. However, most times—if not all—the spell backfires. When that happens, the book becomes dormant until the spell is which time the book itself reverts back to its rightful place."

    "So you’re telling me that Kate made some wish...and now I’m here. Well, how do we reverse the spell?"

    Giles pinched the bridge of his nose. "We have to know the spell—and what it was for—in order to reverse it."

    "So you’re telling me I’m stuck here?"

    "No," Giles said. "No. I’m merely saying that we’ll have to do a copious amount of research, as well as spending time with Kate to try to find out what would most appeal to her...if you weren’t around."

    Angel sighed. "Well, I guess it’s the only choice. While I’m here I might as well make myself useful and put an end to Spike’s—AKA: William the Bloody’s—business. But...what should we do about Buffy?"

    "What can we do?" Giles asked. "If she’s useful for information, try to get it from her. If she can be used as bait, do it. Otherwise I see no choice but to stake her."

    Angel gaped at Giles, trying to remind himself that this was not the same man who’d been so much like a father to Buffy. "I’ll do what I can," he mumbled as he walked out of the room.

    Chapter 7:

    "I don’t know what you’re talking about," Buffy said stubbornly for the fifteenth time. "Spike’s not raising an army for anything, as far as I know. Maybe he just likes to eat a lot."

    "You forget," Angel told her smoothly, "that I am the one who made Spike who he is. And I know he’s up to something. So why don’t you just tell me what it is?"

    *Because I don’t want to betray my lover, and I don’t want you to get involved and possibly hurt, that’s why, Mr. Smarty Pants.* "Because. I. Don’t. Know. Anything," she said again.

    Angel stood up and paced around his bedroom. Giles had insisted he take her away. He’d also required that Kate stay with him so that he could talk to her. Kate had not been happy at all. When he’d led Buffy into the bedroom, she’d fallen into a fit of giggles.

    "Even Spike isn’t this bad," she’d told him after her convulsions had slowed.

    Angel had to admit, the room was a bit much. He certainly hoped that he had not been in on the decorating. He just couldn’t remember everything this Angel had experienced. Which didn’t bother him all that much.

    So he’d been questioning Buffy for the last three hours, with virtually nothing to show for it. She either didn’t know anything or was doing a very fine job of covering for her lover. Her lover. The thought sickened him.


    "Look, I don’t know how much more of this I can take without making any headway at all," he paused as Buffy began to smirk. "So I think we should go to bed. Now, if I trusted you as far as I could throw you—which I don’t—then I would say you could take the bed. But since I don’t," he stood up and raised her hands, undoing one of the shackles, "I’m going to have to insist we do this the old fashioned way." He snapped it closed over his own wrist.

    "This is dumb," Buffy began. "You can trust me. Do you really think I’d run?"

    Angel shot her a glance and she quieted down for a moment. He took the opportunity to slip the jacket off of her. Angel grinned as she began to resist him again when he picked her up.

    "What do you think you’re doing?" she screeched. "Oh-ho, Mr. High-And-Mighty has to resort to force to get his women, does he? Well let me tell you something, Buster, I’m not having sex with you!" Her voice was so haughty and commanding that Angel couldn’t help but chuckle. He plopped her down on the bed and climbed in after her, leaving his pants on. Since his right wrist was connected to hers, the only way they could sleep comfortably was on their right sides, with Buffy using his arm as a pillow. Or she could have slept on top of him, but Angel figured she wouldn’t take him up on that offer. His only concern was that she might cut his hand off during the night. However, it was a risk he had to take.

    Angel rubbed his face against the soft strands of her hair. It felt right to be sleeping next to her again, even if it wasn’t really her. As he slipped into oblivion, his left arm wrapped protectively around her small body, and he was only slightly aware of Buffy nestling her body close to his.


    "What the bloody hell are you telling me?" Spike yelled. "What do you mean Buffy and Angel are missing? I thought I told you to keep watch over him 24/7! I should kill you! No, I should do worse than kill you..." he strode forward and lifted his henchman by the lapels of his jacket. "If one hair on her head is harmed, you will endure a thousand years of torture before I let you die!" Spike dropped the boy to the floor and paced around his room.

    Where would he go if he were Angel? Most likely back to his chums. Red and the Boy Wonder, not to mention the Watcher.Fine. Angelus wanted to play, did he? Well Spike was Master of the Game.


    "Coming!" Kate sang out. She’d just gotten out of the shower and found the apartment Giles-free. ‘Please be Angel’ she thought as she answered the door. Of course, it wasn’t.

    "Hi. Can I help you?"

    "Mmmmm. I hope you can. I’m looking for a Mr. Rupert Giles. Is this his apartment?"

    "Yes. I think he just stepped out for a moment, if you’d like to come in and wait."

    Spike grinned. "That would be lovely, pet."


    "No, I don’t blame you, Giles. It’s my own fault for not realizing that Spike would lash out."

    The group, including Buffy, was seated in Giles’ living room.


    "I...I don’t know how it happened so fast," Giles said. "I just went out to pick up some dinner. I was barely gone fifteen minutes. I...I don’t know...."

    "It’s okay, Giles," Angel repeated. "We’ll get her back safe and sound. He won’t do anything to harm her, I know that."

    "How?" Xander asked, eyeing Buffy warily. He hadn’t been comfortable at all since she’d returned. "He could turn her."

    "Look," Angel said gruffly. "He won’t harm her as long as he knows we have Buffy."

    "So you’re suggesting a trade?" Willow asked.

    "Not...exactly. I’m suggesting I go in and get her."

    "No," Buffy said.

    "I’d have to say I’m with Living Dead Girl on this one. Why don’t we just give her back?" Xander shot. Buffy snarled at him.

    "Look, we still need her for information. The only choice is for me to get Kate out myself."

    "No," Buffy repeated.

    "What do you mean, ‘No’?" he whirled on her.

    Buffy glared at him, her eyes dark green and shooting sparks at him. She didn’t want to care about this vampire who was so concerned with humanity. But there was a part of her that would do anything to keep him safe.

    "Look," she said. "I’ll tell you as much as I can and then you can trade. It’ll be the best of both worlds."Angel stared at her before shaking his head.

    "What do you mean, ‘No’?" she repeated his comment.

    "I’m not letting you go back there. It’s not where you belong."

    "Not where I belong?" Buffy scoffed. "And where exactly do I belong, hmmm, Angel? With my Slayerettes? Sorry, no. We’re kinda on opposite sides of the fence now. With my family? Nope, killed ‘em. With you? Sorry, you’re taken. So...I think Spike is the only person that I actually do belong with."

    "If I may repeat my earlier -" Xander began.

    "No, you may not!" Angel, Willow and Giles cut him off.

    "Fine!" Xander said. "I’m hungry. Everyone who doesn’t suck blood for dinner, would you like me to pick something up for you? I’m feeling like a BigMac," he paused. "Oh, sorry Angel."

    "Mmmm. And you look like a -" Buffy started sweetly.

    "Cool it, kids," Angel interrupted. He watched Xander leave. "Okay. Now that we have that settled, why don’t we just continue trying to come up with a plan -"

    "Wait a minute! I don’t think we have anything settled. Why can’t you just take me up on my offer? Everything would work out fine if you would just stop being so stubborn!"

    Angel gazed at her, his dark eyes conveying just how serious he was. "You and I both know that if you tell me what Spike has planned, and you return to him, he’ll most likely kill you."

    "Perhaps," Buffy admitted. "Then again, he might not. He truly cares about me, Angel. And as much as I can, I care about him also. We belong together, we’re the same. You talk so much about me having a normal life...well, here, that is a normal life. Face it, Angel. You don’t know what’s best for me. And this one time, you have to look at what’s the best for everyone else—not just what you want or what will make you feel noble."

    He stared at her, his gaze unreadable. Volumes were spoken in the silence coming from Willow and Giles. They agreed with her. "Fine," he said in a clipped tone. "We’ll swap. But first, you tell us everything you can."

    Buffy nodded. "All right." But she couldn’t shake the feeling that her agreement had changed her life irrevocably.


    "Damn," Angel muttered as Buffy finished her story. "I would never have imagined."

    "No, not many would," Buffy agreed.

    "It’s rather ironic, if you think about it," Willow said. "A Master vampire raising a legion of vampires to act as Slayers...all because he can’t stand the thought of losing his wonderful world. Manchester United should feel proud."

    "Now that I’ve told you the deal, don’t you think should get in touch with Spike about the trade?" Buffy asked pointedly.

    Angel clenched his fists. He didn’t want to let her go. Especially since they had yet to figure out how to get him back home. Especially since she was going back to Spike. Willingly.

    "Yeah," he said. She gave him the number and he dialed. It rang five times before a very irate Spike answered.


    "I think you have something of mine, and I have something of yours. What do you say to a switch?"

    "Ahhhh. Peaches. How nice of you to call. Yes, the weather’s fine here and the family’s great. How about you?"

    "Cut the crap, Spike. Do you want to trade or not?"

    "How do I know it’s not a trick?" Spike asked sullenly.

    Angel snickered. "I’m not stupid enough to risk my lover’s life.... Are you?"

    Spike was silent for a long moment. "When and where?"

    Angel nodded to the group. "Tonight. Eleven. Playground in the park. Good for you?"

    "I’ll be there, mate."

    "Fine." Angel hung up the phone. "It’s all set. All we have to do now is wait."

    "Where’s Xander?" Willow asked. "I’m starved." As the gang walked into the kitchen, the phone rang. "I’ve got it," Willow called after them. "Hello?"

    When she didn’t join them after fifteen minutes, Angel went back in to see what was up. He found her curled up in a ball on the floor, staring straight ahead with unseeing eyes.

    "Willow," he shook her. "Willow, come on, what’s going on? What happened?" He sighed with relief as she focused her gaze on him.

    "Xander," she whispered.

    "What about Xander? Willow, tell me what happened." By this time, Giles and Buffy had wandered back into the room.

    She looked at each of them. "He...he was walking to McDonald’s...right down the road...and...he...he got sidetracked a mime who tried to take his money. B-but since he c-couldn’t speak, Xander d-didn’t know what he...w-w-wanted. So the mime shot him. But it was only in the foot. So Xander was able to run away...well, h-hobble away really...and...and then, a little k-k-kid on a bicycle ch-chased him down a....a hill. A-and Xander tripped because of his f-f-foot. But he twisted his other ankle the process. When he tried to get b-back up...he was in...the....m-m-m-middle of the road, and he got h-h-hit...." Willow sobbed. "B-b-b-by a McDon-Don-Donald’s eighteen wheeler!!!"

    The trio sat in stunned silence as Willow cried.

    "Is he...?" Giles asked.

    Willow nodded.

    "Damn!" Buffy exclaimed. "Another good meal becomes roadkill. I hate it when that happens!"


    Buffy, Angel, Willow and Giles sat in silence on the swings. It was eleven o’clock on the dot.

    "Hello, cuties," Spike said as he sauntered up to them, three minions and Kate in tow.

    "Spike," Angel greeted, standing up as they approached.

    Spike’s gaze was preoccupied as he glanced over Buffy, making sure she was all right. "They didn’t hurt you, did they, luv?"

    Buffy smiled slightly, though it didn’t reach her eyes. The only real reason she was doing this is so that Spike wouldn’t hurt anyone—most importantly Angel. She hadn’t forgotten, though she wanted to, what it felt like to be held in his arms all night. It had felt

    "Not at all. A few chains, maybe a whip or two. Nothing I’m not used to," she said sardonically. "What about you? I hope you took care of your guest properly?"

    Spike grimaced. "Unfortunately, yes. Though I would have loved to -"

    "Okay. Ready to switch?" Angel interjected. Kate glared at him, itching for a fight. It crossed his mind that there was a slim possibility of escape if he grabbed Buffy’s hand right now and began running.

    Angel extended his hand to Buffy and helped her to stand. "Ready?" he asked her softly.

    Buffy swallowed. It wasn’t like her to be all choked up. Why was leaving this man so hard for her to do? She didn’t even know him. "As I’ll ever be," she said.

    Angel bowed his head and grinned. "Well, I hope you won’t hurt me for doing this, but it may be my last chance...ever. So...." Without any further ado, Angel lowered his head and captured her lips in an achingly sweet kiss. His tongue plundered her mouth as if seeking to remember every texture and taste. His large hands framed her small face, his fingertips brushing against her satiny skin. He tasted her slow, salty tears and felt as if their souls were merging into one. Angel felt complete.

    Buffy backed up and quickly wiped the tears away. She could practically feel Spike’s glare burning a hole through her back. Oh yes, she was in for some serious punishment. "Here," she told Angel, unclasping the silver locket and placing it in his palm. "Keep this." Without thinking she rose up on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you," she whispered.

    It seemed as if time stood still. A small breeze blew around them and a soft voice whispered and wound its way through the air.

    ~*~To draw your lover home once more

    Entrance the goddess of the stars

    Bring forth the sigh of true love’s kiss

    In doing so, you’ll have your wish~*~

    A bright burst of white light flashed between them and everyone fell back.


    Chapter 8:

    Angel woke up in his living room. He had an extreme headache and felt as if he would throw up, though that was impossible. It felt as if his head had been cracked open, but nothing seemed to be broken. He stood up and surveyed his surroundings, perplexed. The last time he remembered being in his apartment seemed to be years ago. In fact, the last thing he remembered period was kissing Buffy.

    Well, that certainly put things in perspective. It was a dream. He hadn’t been near Buffy in three years. Now he remembered. He’d been exercising when something had cause him to lose balance and fall backwards. He must have been unconscious for a while. The sun was just beginning to set.

    He needed to get dressed and head to the office. Doyle and Kate needed him to help translate that book. Angel didn’t know why, but the though of Kate unsettled him even more than usual.

    He trudged upstairs to get a shower. It was only when he was about to undress that his puzzlement returned.

    Clasped tightly in his fist was a dainty silver locket.


    "What do you mean you don’t know where the book is?!?!" Angel heard Doyle yelling as he strolled into the office. Cordelia was perched on top of her desk as usual, but looking like the Cheshire cat. Kate was practically in tears.

    "I don’t know where it is. I...I was translating it, and I could barely make out anything. I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I knew, it late evening and the book was gone. I swear, I didn’t do anything to it and no one could have gotten into my house!"

    "Do you have any idea what kind of magic one page of that book alone holds? How could you be so irresponsible as to lose the book, Kate?" Cordelia gloated.

    "People, calm down," Angel said as the loud noise of their arguing and the ringing phones escalated to a cacophony. "Now what exactly happened?" Kate recounted her story once more for Angel. "Well, it’s no use crying over. If somebody else has it, we’ll just have to hunt it down again. That’s all we can do."

    "Ummmm, Angel, I think you should take this," Cordelia told him, having answered the phone.

    Angel reached out and grabbed the phone. "Hello? Yes. Oh. Oh? Really. Well, it was no problem. We’re glad we were able to help.... Excuse me? No. Yes. Yes. I think you’re mistak.... Yes. I see. Well, I’ll check it out, and thank you. Goodbye."

    "What was that all about?" Doyle asked tightly.

    Angel stared off into the distance until Cordy snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Earth to the undead. Anybody home?"

    "Huh?" he said, waking from his reverie. "Oh. Well, that was our source about the Book of Djinn. She says that the book was returned to its rightful owners early this morning."

    Doyle looked accusingly at Kate. "What? I swear I didn’t do it."

    The two continued to fight as a dazed Angel made his way to the front doors.

    "Where are you going, Angel?" Kate demanded. "You said we -"

    "I know. I know, Kate. But...something’s come up. I’ve...I’ve got to go. I’ll be back later."


    The music was loud in the Bronze. Buffy, Oz, Xander, Spike, Joyce and Giles had all pitched in to rent the club for a night and to throw Willow a huge twenty-first birthday party. Angel walked in and looked around. He smiled, it was almost as if nothing had changed.

    He saw Xander and Willow jumping up and down on inflatable alligators and laughing as they fell all a few other party guests. Oz was on stage with Dingoes, setting up to play. Angel was slightly surprised to see Joyce sitting on Giles lap in a darkened corner of the Bronze...enjoying a pretty hot and heavy make-out session. But most of his attention was focused on the blonde duo in the middle of the dance floor. They were a striking pair.

  • Haven’t we met

    You’re some kind of beautiful stranger

    You could be good for me

    I’ve had the taste for danger

    If I’m smart then I’ll run away

    But I’m not so I guess I’ll stay

    Heaven forbid

    I’ll take my chance on a beautiful stranger

  • Their bodies moved fluidly against each other, making even the fast beat erotic. Angel could see Buffy’s ten thousand watt smile even from where he stood. She seemed to be extremely happy. Without him. With Spike. Seeing them brought back a familiar, yet unusual sense of jealousy.

  • To know you is to love you

    You’re everywhere I go

    And everybody knows

    To love you is to be part of you

    I’ve paid for you with tears

    And swallowed all my pride

  • As Spike twirled her out, Buffy caught sight of him. She seemed to stand still in time. He could see Spike ask her if she was okay, but she merely nodded. She patted his arm and left the dance floor, heading straight towards Angel.

  • I looked into your face

    My heart was dancing all over the place

    I’d like to change my point of view

    If I could just forget about you

  • "What are you doing here?" Buffy’s voice was both accusatory and hesitant.

    "It’s Willow’s birthday," he said stupidly. *Good one. ‘It’s Willow’s birthday.’ Like you showed up for the rest of her birthdays. Like her birthdays are more important than Buffy’s.*

    Buffy nodded. "I see. Well, she’s right over there if you want to say hi. I’m sure she’ll be...surprised."

    "I seem to have that effect on birthdays," both he and Buffy winced as the words came out of his mouth. *What are you trying to do? Ruin any possibility of a moment?*

    "Well, well, well. If it isn’t the Great Poofini. What possessed you to come here?" Spike asked as he threw his arm carelessly over Buffy’s shoulders.So that was the deal. She’d moved on. To Spike. "None of your business, Spike." Very suave. Very original.

  • I looked into your eyes

    And my world came tumbling down

    You’re the devil in disguise

    That’s why I’m singing this song to you

  • "I was just telling Angel that Willow would be most surprised to hear a Happy Birthday from him."

    "Actually, I didn’t come just for Willow," he said.

    "Oh really?" The look in Buffy’s eyes was a mixture of hope and condescension. It pained Angel to see how much he’d hurt her.

    "Yes. I...I have something I think belongs to you."

    "I can’t imagine what that would be," she said coolly.

    "This," he said as he handed her the silver locket.

    "It’s beautiful," she breathed. Her fingers tenderly slid over the intricate engravings before she looked up. "But it’s not mine," she tried to give it back to him.

    "No, it’s yours. Believe me. I know."

    "No, it’s not. I think I would remember if I owned something this beautiful."

    "Fine, then just keep it. Please, Buffy."

    She softened at the anguish in his voice. " do you open it?"

    "I’m not sure."

    Spike watched the two with poorly feigned interest. "Well somebody better bloody well figure it out. Standing here yapping with you two isn’t in my definition of fun."

    "Why don’t you go see if Oz needs anything, Spike? I know how much you’ve been wanting to get a hold of his guitar."

    Spike arched a brow. "Not too subtle, Slayer. But fine. I’ll leave you with your lap dog. Some things never change," he muttered as he walked off.

    "So, are you and Spike -"

    "How are Cordy and Doyle -"

    They smiled slightly at each other.

    "No -"

    "Fine -"

    Buffy laughed and held out her hand. "Why don’t you let me bring you over to Willow?" she asked softly. "I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you."

    Angel couldn’t resist. He had to ask. "Is she the only one?"

    Buffy stopped. "" Angel’s dark eyes lit up with a hope that hadn’t been seen in years. Buffy grinned impishly up at him. "Xander’s been known to refer to Spike as ‘Dead Boy’ a time or two, just because he misses you."

    Angel growled and Buffy felt herself go weak in the knees. "I missed you. Terribly. But you never came back. And it hurt so much, Angel. I don’t think I could go through that again." Her fingers rubbed the locket and it suddenly popped open. She raised it slowly so that they could look at it.

    "Wow. What would you say this is?" she asked.

    Angel stared down at the two small, old oil portraits inlaid in the locket. "I think I’d have to say it’s a beautiful woman and her foolish, stubborn soulmate."

    Buffy stared down at the tiny paintings that looked extraordinarily like her and Angel. "I think you might be right," she said quietly.

    Angel cupped her chin and tilted her face up. "What would you say if I told you that you would never have to go through that kind of pain again?"

    She smiled sadly. "I would say that you’re probably lying to me, but that I’d risk anything to be with you." Buffy nodded to herself. "We can make it work...together."

    "I’m not going to leave you again, I promise. I was wrong. Maybe you don’t need me. But I need you." Angel leaned down and kissed her tenderly. It was like a first kiss all over again—hesitant, awkward, and oh so sweet.

    "Well lookie here!" Willow squealed as she saw Angel and Buffy kissing. "Ohhhhh! Now everybody’s got a happy!" She grinned as she popped another Hershey’s kiss into her already chocolate covered mouth.

    "She’s twenty-one," Buffy said in explanation. "She’s had one too many.

    Which would be"

    Willow stuck out her wrist. "Look what Xander gave me. Friendship bracelets."

    "Pretty cheap of you, mate, if you ask me," Spike commented as he walked back up to the group.

    "Well, I didn’t. And I don’t care. It just came to me: ‘No matter what you give her, she’ll love it. ‘Cause it’s from you.’ So I thought, Hey, why not a friendship bracelet? Will used to love ‘em when we were kids."

    "How quaint," Spike murmured.

    Angel grinned.

    "Anyway," Xander said, hopping down off of the alligator he was lying on top of on top of the pool table. "I’ve got the munchies. I think I’m gonna go to McDonald’s. Anyone want anything?"

    The End

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