Roads of Destiny

By: Kitty


Buffy walked slowly toward the Museum after parking her new Toyota 4 Runner in the lot, her college graduation present from Giles and her mom. Finally she had a car! A small smile curved her lips but quickly disappeared, she began to walk slower not ready to face what awaited her in that Museum office. Or rather not ready to face who didn’t await her, Willow and Xander, her best friends her last connection to a "normal" life. Not that she lost them to anything remotely Hellmouthy, just the opposite she lost them to real life.

Willow had graduated Sunnydale University vaguely dissatisfied with education she received, after much soul searching and an hour-long sob-fest with Buffy, she had decided to go for her Masters at Oxford University. Not only was she studying advanced computer technology she was assisting once of Giles’s demonology contacts, Emma Parks. She still aided Buffy and Giles with research via the Internet and very high long distance bills. Oz, still not sure on his direction in life career-wise, thought hanging out in England with Willow sounded like a good idea.

Amazingly Devon and the rest of the Dingoes thought playing clubs in England could lead them to their lucky break and had also left with Willow and Oz. Willow had her own entourage, Buffy thought that was very cool.

Xander had ended up with the life Buffy had always wanted, happily married to Anya, a nice one family home and a baby on the way. After HS Graduation he lived in his parent’s basement and took on dead end jobs. He was miserable until Anya came back to Sunnydale. Willow didn’t like nor approved of the ex-demon Anya but Buffy thought it served Xander right to fall in love with a demon after all the flack he had given her about Angel. But Anya had completely progressed to a full human being with no demonic tendencies and had changed Xander’s life, she had given him love and direction, he had joined the Army reserves and quickly worked his way up to Lieutenant. He had asked Anya to marry him when the Army transferred him to their station in Hawaii, she had said yes and now they were expecting their first child. They were living in Hawaii for about a year now. Buffy missed them both. She remembered her last conversation with Xander before he left.

"So I guess this is the end of the Scooby Gang." Buffy had playfully punched him but her eyes filled with tears.

"Buff, I wish I could change things for you." Xander had taken both of her hands in his; Buffy saw the last vestiges of his love for her in his eyes.

"You can’t and to be honest Xander I wouldn’t if I could. This is who I am."

"I just wanted you to know something. I’m sorry about how I acted about you and Angel…no let me finish this." Xander saw Buffy was about to interrupt when he mentioned Angel.

"You always accepted Anya and me, even though she was responsible for some serious damage when she was the Demon Goddess of Scorned Women, but you saw past her demon side and gave the human being a chance. That’s more than I ever did with Angel. I guess what I’m trying to say is that what you and Angel had was special and I’m sorry I wasn’t mature enough back then to realize it. I look back now on some of the things that I said to him and I want to kick myself." Xander pulled her into a hug.

"I love you Buffy Summers, be safe be happy. If you need anything just call, I’ll always be there for you."

"I love you too, Xander Harris, there was never anything to forgive. All I need from you now is for you and Anya to be very happy together and have lots and lots of children and to send me pictures." Buffy buried her face in Xander’s shoulder for a moment before taking a deep breath and stepping back. Away from her friend, away from the last link to Buffy Summers the teenager.

Willow had left the month before.

Buffy watched as the Harris’s boarded their flight hand in hand. Xander turned back once gave her his trademark goofy grin then turned away toward the boarding gate, toward his new life. Buffy knew she would never ask him or Willow to come back, they were safe now, and they had bright futures ahead of them. She cried for a very long time that night.

Her life had turned out better than she had expected but not as she had wanted. After graduating from college Giles had taken her aside, Buffy knew by the serious expression on his face that this conversation would be a major turning point in her life.

"Your not going to get on me about finding a job are you? Cause Mom is really pushing me on the subject and I think I just want to take about 2 months off to relax and hang out with Willow and Xander while there both still here." Buffy plopped herself down of Giles’s couch.

"Buffy I don’t think you getting a job is an option any longer. I put off this subject for four years now because it was my fondest desire for you to get an education, but I can’t ignore it anymore." He took a seat next to her and wearily took off his glasses rubbing his eyes.

Buffy thought she never had seen him look so old, so tired.

"What gives Giles?" She braced herself.

"You haven’t worked for the council in four years now and with both Willow and Xander…leaving… you have to consider your future. If anything should happen to me another Watcher will not be called to take my place, you will be on your own. It’s time I started training you on Watcher’s techniques. If something should happen to me you should be able to research and carry on…alone if need be." Giles watched Buffy’s face as he spoke, thus far no expression registered.

"I believe it’s best if you consider being my assistant at the Museum and under that guise we will begin your education on being a Watcher. I know that Riley still hangs around and he has some contacts within the Watcher’s Council but sooner or later he will stop trying to win back your affections, I’m afraid there’s not much depth to that boy and if you don’t return his regard he will end up leaving."

Buffy felt numb she never considered the fact that maybe one day not even Giles would be there, that she would be totally alone. It scared her to death, but sadly she saw the wisdom in what he was saying. She no longer was a rebellious teen; she was a woman and knew that a real life with a 9-5 job wasn’t going to happen. Her life would be studying ancient books and tomes, combat training, patrolling and occasionally saving the earth from totally annihilation. Giles was right she needed to prepare for the day that it would be only her. She was strong, she could do it but for one aching moment she thought back to that 15 year old girl bouncing down the steps of Hemery High. Buffy whispered goodbye to that girl and turned to look at Giles with a hardness in her eyes that was not there four years ago.

"You’re right about Riley, I think he should be giving up soon. I don’t really blame him for what happened three years ago. The council had told him Faith and I were the equivalent of "Thelma and Louise" all he had was their word to go on. I think I used the excuse of his spying to end things with him plus I never can really forgive him for tricking me that night while his friend pulled the plug on Faith. Guess the Council had the shock of their lives when the next slayer was a three-year-old." Buffy grimaced, that poor little girl had one tough road ahead of her.

"Yes, it quite foiled their plans to have a Slayer that they could not control. Now because of their interference they further alienated you and must wait for poor Linda to grow up. In his defense, once Riley did understand what was going on he left the council and has helped numerous times over the past years. But I feel his help is grounded in impressing you not saving humanity." Giles looked to see if any emotions crossed Buffy’s face when he mentioned Riley, none did, as he always suspected Buffy never did love the young man she dated briefly in college.

Giles knew Buffy went out occasionally on dates, but as far as he knew the young men she dated never progressed past second dates. It seemed that once she got older Buffy realized that having any one in her life that wasn’t already involved with demons was not only foolish but also exceptionally dangerous to both her well being and theirs. He knew back when she was 16 and insisting that she could have it all that someday she would come to the realization that she couldn’t. He didn’t have the heart to disillusion her then, now he had no choice. She had lived longer than any other Slayer, but now without her friends backing her up, his advancing years and the Council looking to take her out of the picture, she needed to know exactly what her options or lack of where to stay alive.

"Buffy I’m afraid the Council has taken it upon themselves to accelerate your demise, they want a Slayer they can control. I received some information from Emma that indicate they will start sending hit squads to…eliminate the problem." Giles felt rage and helplessness choking him, if he could kill all those stuffy, self-righteous bastard himself to save the girl he loved like a daughter he would.

"So I’m guessing these "hit squads" will be human?" Buffy felt overwhelmed for a moment, it seemed that she will finally have to cross that line from demon killer to just plain killer. She didn’t want to and she didn’t know when the time came if she could.

"Yes, unfortunately. Mislead men and women who believe that you are their enemy. Blockheads…all of them. We cannot trust anyone new, I believe even having Riley around might be a mistake, he quite possibly could be our weak link." Giles sighed in frustration; there were no demons to research this time.

"We can’t tell Will and Xander what’s going on. They’re leaving soon, but if they hear this they wont go, I want them to leave to have a normal life." Buffy didn’t want her friends involved in this fight, this one was hers alone.

"I agree with you there, they must follow their own destiny’s now. By the time they know what’s going on they’ll be entrenched in their own lives. It won’t be as easy for them to drop everything to rush back here." Giles watched the pain flash across Buffy’s face before she composed herself and stood up.

"So no corporate ladder for Buffy. We can start this Watcher training thing on Monday, and I can start giving Riley the big blow off this weekend. From now on it’s me and you."

Giles was never so proud of her as he was in that moment. She no longer dwelled on what she couldn’t change she accepted it moved on. She was an incredible person.


So the summer had gone by, Willow and Xander had left and Buffy had started her training. Funny, Buffy thought to herself, she didn’t realize that a person could actually train on "how to be alone".

Shortly after Xander had left the first attempt was made on her life; Giles had come to the rescue but had taken a bullet in the thigh. If Buffy had any qualms about taking a human life, she got over it, if they mess with Giles they were going to die. Giles wound had not healed as neatly as it should and now he walked with a slight limp. He no longer came along on patrol or active duty.

Then he had made the phone call that had Buffy now standing outside the Museum office staring in on the people who looked extremely uncomfortable and weren’t even making small talk. They were all waiting for her, but Buffy wasn’t ready to let her presence be known yet. Buffy wanted to observe them for a moment before she summoned the courage to walk in.

Giles was idly flipping through a book every so often looking at his watch and them looking at the man who was standing over her desk with the picture of her, Xander and Willow, in his hands the picture that had once graced her bedside table.

Angel. After all of these years. Angel. For one eternal second she stared at his profile wondering what he was thinking as he stared at the sixteen year old Buffy that had once loved him madly, completely, unconditionally. Buffy shook her head to clear her thoughts; old feelings weren’t the issue tonight. Angel was her past, they had both moved on. The only time she ever really thought of him was when she heard of yet another catastrophe adverted in nearby LA, she always wondered if it was Angel and crew that yet again saved the day.

It had taken Buffy years to finally get over him. She had met Riley in freshman year but had refused to date him, they became friends instead. Then on one of her weekends with Dad in LA she had broken down and went to Cordelia’s for Angel’s address. Cordy was shocked to see her and further shocked to find out that after a year and a half that Buffy wanted to see Angel. Buffy saw a sadness and compassion she never saw before in Cordelia’s eyes as Cordy told her about Kate. Angel’s girlfriend.

She had left Cordy’s apartment and wandered around LA for hours in the rain. Love may be eternal, but apparently the need for sex was immediate. She felt betrayed to her very soul. She was too destroyed to be angry. She returned to Sunnydale and never told a soul, not even Willow, what she had found out. The next time Riley had asked her out she accepted. Occasionally, Xander, Willow and even Oz had gone to LA to help Angel with difficult cases, Buffy knew they must have known about Kate but no one ever bought up the subject up to her.

Two years later she received a postcard from Las Vegas from Cordelia; she and Doyle had eloped. She planned to visit Sunnydale soon and wanted to introduce Buffy to Doyle Chase. Doyle was half demon and didn’t have a last name; he took Cordelia’s. Cordelia never had any intention of ever changing her name when she married so this suited her fine. Buffy was extremely happy for her but thought it was weird that both she and Xander ended up with demons.

Now she looked at the women that had caused her so much pain but had pushed Buffy over that threshold to adulthood. Forever was a teen-age girl’s fantasy. Buffy only dealt in harsh realities now.

Kate was tall and slender with shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. She was very beautiful. Buffy couldn’t muster the energy to hate her, she simply felt nothing. If she was here then apparently her and Angel stayed together. She actually felt OK with that, he deserved happiness. He had been through hell and from what she overhead of his heroics in LA he had done his penance. Buffy hoped he had found the peace he so desperately craved, and if he had found it with Kate, then so be it. Kate was sitting at the conference table watching Angel.

Buffy stepped into the room and heard a familiar voice; a huge smile broke out on her face.

"Get your severe demoness off my hundred dollar Kenneth Cole’s!" Cordelia elbowed her very harassed husband.

"Hundred dollars! Did I pay for those?" Doyle just shook his head, he loved his wife but apparently the word "budget" didn’t grace Mrs. Chases’s vocabulary.

"I’m so glad to know that some things never change." Buffy unnoticed until now stepped toward Cordelia, she didn’t look at Angel. She wasn’t ready yet.

"BUFFY!" Cordelia sprang away from Doyle and hurried across the room.

"Cordy, I missed you!"

The girls met at the center of the room and hugged. Cordelia remembered the last time she saw Buffy and held onto her friend a little longer.

Buffy pulled away first.

"Congratulations! How’s married life?" She peeked over Cordy’s shoulder to look at Doyle.

"It’s great!" She shot a look over to Doyle. "That doesn’t mean that you can slack off."

"You look great Buffy. Your hair looks so much better than it did in High School." Cordelia admired Buffy’s now long hair. "The dye job is so much more natural."

Buffy’s smiled only got bigger. Cordelia never changed, she loved that about her.

"So you are the infamous Buffy Summers. Your just as beautiful as An…I mean my wife said. I’m Doyle, pleasure to finally meet the Slayer." Buffy shook Doyle’s hand and smiled back.

Cordelia’s husband was nice looking with black hair and blue eyes that twinkled. There was an aire about him that reminded her of Xander, though she would never say so to Cordy.

"It’s nice to meet you Doyle." Buffy knew she couldn’t avoid it any longer she turned to face Angel.

"Angel…hi." Buffy couldn’t think of anything after that.

Angel looked up and met her gaze, a million emotions rocked through him but none showed on his face. She looked even more beautiful than ever, but her eyes were older now. They held so much more pain now. All he had ever wanted was to see her eyes shining with happiness, but now her eyes looked ancient and tired and infinitely sad. How much of that sadness was he responsible for? He hadn’t answered Buffy and knew everyone was starting to eye him funny.

"Buffy." Angel started to speak but was afraid of what would come out of his mouth, he decided to get right to business. He turned toward Giles.

"How bad is the situation?" Giles looked at Angel aghast; he had just turned his back on Buffy.

"Isn’t there someone you should introduce Buffy to?" Giles reprimanded the vampire.

"Oh..I’m sorry." Angel turned back toward Buffy and noticed that she was looking at Kate.

"Buffy, this is Kate Malley. She’s with the LAPD and since were dealing with humans not demons I thought it would be wise to have her along. Kate this is Buffy." Angel felt slightly awkward introducing the two women. His and Kate’s relationship had ended years ago but still a part of him still felt as though he had betrayed Buffy.

"It’s nice to finally meet you Buffy. Now that I’m actually meeting you I just want you to know that there are some humans out there that know of your existence and appreciate all that you do. Thank you." Kate smiled sadly at Buffy, now that she met her she realized that all of her dreams about reuniting with Angel were just that, dreams. This young girl with the sad eyes was the female equivalent of Angel. His perfect match.

Buffy didn’t want to like Kate but it was hard not to, she was open and honest and seemed to genuinely care. She should have known that someone as noble as Angel wouldn’t fall for some bimbo.

"It’s nice to meet you too Kate, and your welcome."

"Well let’s get to business shall we." Giles summoned everyone to the conference table, just as he was about to start the doors opened again.

"Buffy! You here? We need to talk." Riley’s slightly angry voice rang through the museum.

"Riley? What are you doing here? I thought we came to an understanding about you dropping by." Buffy didn’t want to humiliate Riley in front of everyone, but she had told him in no uncertain terms that his slaying duties were over.

"You came to an understanding." Riley pointed at her and his voice got angrier. It was then he noticed the other people in the room. His eyes fell on the tall, dark haired man dressed entirely in black. He knew in his gut this was Angel.

"Oh, I see now, you didn’t want me around because your ex is back in town. Gee Buff, you have no problem forgiving him for ditching you but I get my walking papers!" Riley stepped closer to Buffy anger and jealousy evident on his face.

Angel stood up from the table and went to stand behind Buffy his arms crossed.

Buffy assumed a similar position and raised an eyebrow at the advancing boy.

Riley stopped and remembered just who he was talking to, not just any ordinary girl, the Slayer. He looked to Buffy’s extremely pissed face to Angel’s. He caught his breath and retreated a step when Angel’s face changed to its demonic visage.

"Riley like I told you months ago, move on there’s nothing left for you in Sunnydale. You got your degree go do something with it." Buffy was angry at his outburst but felt sorry for him.

"You haven’t heard the last of this." Riley turned and started out the door. He turned back and looked at Angel. "You either vampire."

"Anytime. Anywhere." Angel never moved a muscle or changed his stance.

Riley stomped out of the room.

"Well, that was extremely embarrassing and unpleasant. So Giles think you jump right in with my impending death and make this night complete." Buffy took her seat; her face was bright red with embarrassment.

"You and Riley are broken up! Really?" Cordelia was so excited by the news she started shifting around in her seat like a teen-ager. She glanced at Angel but as usual he was Stoic Guy.

"We broke up two years ago. He would still help me out though, kind of like an unofficial Slayerette. But Giles and I both felt that he was becoming a liability."

"Two years ago, and he was still hanging around? Be careful Buffy that has all the classic stalking signs." Kate looked to the girl that she was already starting to like. Then she looked at Angel, most people wouldn’t have noticed but Kate having spent more hours than she cared to admit looking at him caught the look of complete joy that briefly crossed his features.

"If he comes around you Buffy, let me know. You shouldn’t have to worry about that moron with everything else you have going on." Angel wanted nothing more to do than track the little pissant down and give him the scare and the beating of his life. Nobody talked to Buffy like that. Nobody.

"Back to matters at hand." Giles brought everyone’s attention back to reason they were gathered.

"It seems that the counsel has put a contract out on Buffy’s life. They tried to create a new slayer by sending in an assassin to pull the plug on Faith’s life support system but much to their dismay the new slayer called was only three years old. Linda is now five and the council has temporary custody of her. They have come to the realization that Buffy will probably outlive us all." Giles smiled warmly at his Slayer.

"So now they have decided to end Buffy’s life to activate yet another slayer. Willow and Emma have been working on infiltrating the councils computer system and have been sending us updates as they gather information. I called you Angel because I cannot always be there to protect Buffy; my thigh injury now even prevents me from training her. She needs someone like you to watch out for her." Giles kept his gaze steady on Angel, he hoped the vampire picked up on exactly what he was saying. When it came down to the matter of Buffy’s life he trusted no one but Angel, everything else was now insignificant.

Angel stood and silently crossed the room. He turned to face Giles.

"For the past four years I’ve been running my agency and doing things my way. I’ve come a long way from our Sunnydale High School library days. There’s nothing that’s going to stop me from protecting Buffy, but you’re going to have to trust me enough to let me run this my way." Angel looked at Giles and saw the struggle on the man’s face. He knew that Angel had changed, he no longer was the pitiful vampire looking for acceptance or forgiveness. Angel was not going to take orders from Giles; he was going to protect Buffy his way.

Giles looked at the self-confidant vampire standing before him, in many ways this Angel reminded Giles of Angelus. The tormented soul that left Sunnydale four years ago was gone. Angel had done his penance and was through making excused for what he was. Giles knew it was time to hand over Buffy’s care to Angel.

"Right then. This is your show. Just remember we are dealing with humans not demons and I would prefer if Buffy didn’t have too much hand to hand combat exposure."

Angel nodded he knew it was very hard for Giles to hand over the mantle of authority.

"Excuse me. Can the helpless female have a say in anything?" Buffy had watched with wide eyes as the bizarre male saga played itself out.

"And how many pesos are you paying him to become my new master?" Buffy stood up and confronted Angel with her hands on her hips.

"Buffy this is for your own good. Calm down and hear me out." Angel took a step closer to her.

"Don’t talk to me like I’m some teen-ager and stop telling me what’s for my own good. You know you really like to do that! You leave me, it’s for my own good! You come back, it’s for my own good!" Buffy was starting to build up steam now, all the pent up emotions she felt since that fatefully day when he had turned and disappeared into the night were churning inside her.

"You know Angel. You weren’t right then, why should I believe you know! I mean where is that nice normal life you said I’d have? Where is that husband that was supposed to have sex with me? Where is all that freakin happiness that would have been mine the minute you walked out of my life without even a Goodbye! Huh Angel? Where!?" Buffy hadn’t raised her voice very much her words were delivered with a clear, even voice that was cold as ice.

"You know what I got instead? What no answer, I’ll tell you what I got instead. I got the love of my life that convinced me that we had this special –nothing- can –ever- destroy- bond, getting a new girlfriend less than a year after he leaves me. I got to watch my best friends move on with their lives and move away from me. I got to date a bunch of guys that either almost got killed or ran far away once they learned about my "specialness". I got to listen to my watcher, the man I consider my father, tell me that I can’t ever have a normal job or life because more than likely he’s going to die before me and I’m going to be left all alone without even a watcher." Buffy took a deep breath and looked directly at Angel. "You know Angel I don’t think I feel comfortable with your decisions."

The reality of Buffy’s situation so clearly outlined by Buffy herself, finally hit home to Angel. Four long wasted years had gone by while he built himself a life and tried to re-capture some of his lost self-respect and pride. The funny part was that he did it all for Buffy, every soul he saved, every life. Everytime someone looked at him with respect and awe he felt worthier of her, worthier of her love. But it had been all for nothing. While he built his life up, the women he was sworn to protect, the women who he knew was his final destiny was having her life broken down, piece by agonizing piece. If he had stayed, he would have been able to ease her way through all of the changes that had taken place, instead he was out helping strangers when he should have been helping the one person he claimed to love. In the end, his pattern of selfishness had won out. It was easier to run than to face the condemning looks of Willow, Xander, Giles, Joyce and everyone else who knew of him in Sunnydale. Angel was devastated.

"Buffy…If I had ever know things would turn out this way. I would have never left. I wanted so much for you, I loved you so much…" Buffy cut him off.

"We’ve been through this song and dance a million times before, it really doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I dumped that all on you, it was bothering me for a long time. My whole point was that Giles has been with me through thick and thin, why should I trust you to handle this with me? And please notice the use of "with me", I don’t respond well to dictatorships." Buffy waited his answer.

"I would die for you." Angel didn’t know what else he could say to convince Buffy that this time he was for real, no more skipping out on her.

Kate felt tears well in her eyes, if she ever had any left over hopes about her and Angel they died their final death. She had never witnessed two people in so much pain and so incapable of reaching out to the other.

Cordelia and Doyle held on to each other’s hand tightly. When Cordy had told Doyle the whole Buffy and Angel saga he never quite got it. So they broke up, big deal happens all the time. Now he saw what she meant, what she could never describe in words. Tortured. It was the only word that Doyle could come up with to describe the two. He held his wife’s hand a little hard, he was so happy they had the relationship they did, Cordy yelled at him he responded with one liners. They were ecstatically happy about it.

Giles wearily rubbed his eyes, if the two didn’t put their past behind them it could very well distract them from the current situation. Giles wasn’t about to let that happen.

"Enough already! I’m sure I speak for everyone here and certain people not here when I demand that both you set aside your grievances and past hurts and work together as the competent adults you both are. Buffy you have grown to be one of the most intelligent tactician I’ve seen in all my days. Angel I’m well aware of the success of your business throughout the past four years, your selflessness in saving souls. You two must learn to work together as partners. Not lovers, not friends. Push the personal aside and help each other." Giles hoped he had gotten through to them.

"Giles is right. I have no intention of dying yet, so if you still want to help me…" Buffy looked cautiously over at Angel.

"I was going to help anyway…" He caught Buffy’s sharp look "but I guess we can do it as partners."

"Well that was no fun. Let’s get to the killing." Cordelia folded her arms across her chest and stared at Angel.

The conference table phone rang, startling everyone. Giles picked it up.

"Willow! Yes, fine. How are you? Good. Hold on I’ll put you on speaker." He pressed the speakerphone button.

"Hey Buffy, I hear you got company." Willows good-natured voice sang out across the room dispelling the tension.

"Will, hi, yah got a room full of old and new faces. Should I even ask if this is a social call?"

"Sorry Buff, business but before I start is Cordelia there?"

"I’m here Willow. How are you?" Cordelia was flattered that Willow singled her out.

"I’m great, just wanted to congratulate you on your marriage. Is he a hottie?"

"Full on!" Cordelia, Buffy and Willow all giggled, everyone else just looked confused.

"Angel…you there?" Willow’s voice was hesitant when asking for the vampire.

"Yes, Willow. I’m here. I’m impressed, Oxford. Couldn’t have happened to a smarter girl." Angel smiled toward the phone, he liked Willow Rosenburg.

"Thanks Angel. That means a lot. I just wanted to say something to you…well, uh…remember high school graduation?"

"I’ll never forget that day, Will."

"What I or we did at the hospital…it was wrong…I realized too late that we were wrong. I’m sorry." Willow’s voice cracked at the end.

"There’s nothing to apologize for Willow. You were right to feel the way you did." Angel briefly closed his eyes as remembered shame flooded through him.

"Someone want to fill me in here?" Buffy knew this was probably something she didn’t want to know.

"Angel will tell you Buffy. Privately. Anyway to business…seems you guys are getting some company in about 5 days. The council is gathering it’s latest group of lackeys, some Middle East guys that specialize in explosives. Be very careful Buffy, try to get Joyce out of town these jerks are mean." Willow’s voice was deadly serious as she continued.

"I think Emma and I are onto something, seems not every council member is on the "Let’s Kill Buffy" bandwagon. Maybe we can communicate with them and see who’s really running things over there. If we can take them down from inside maybe we can stop this."

"Willow you’ve done an incredible job over there, but I don’t want you involved in anything physical OK." Buffy was afraid for her friend, if anything happened to Willow or Oz; she would never forgive herself.

"Buffy remember my motto, "Never do anything remotely resembling brave!" Willow grinned but inwardly she new she would jump right in if she had to.

"Buffy’s right, Willow, we need you over there to keep us informed. Here’s my cell phone number anything comes up let me know. Give me your number and E-Mail address, I’ll let you know in a few days what you and Emma can do next." Angel’s authoritative voice broke no argument.

On her end Willow paused, by the tone of Angel’s voice and by the very fact that Giles hadn’t counter manned him, she guessed he was in charge now. She was very, very happy about that, with Angel in charge nothing bad would happen to Buffy.

"OK Angel, I give you a couple of numbers of places I can be reached."

"Willow if these guys leave any earlier, let me or Buffy know immediately." Angel nodded over to Buffy who nodded back.

Willow gave Angel her information, said her good-byes and hung up.

Angel looked up at Kate.

"Kate I think I need you back in LA, once Willow gives me the names of these guys you can run them through the international profiles computer back at the precinct. Pictures of these guys would really help us out here." Angel pulled out a set of keys.

"Here are the keys to my car, if you feel up to it maybe you can leave tonight." He didn’t want to drive if she was too tired, but he was anxious to start helping Buffy.

"I feel fine, I’ll leave tonight. I’ll start cross referencing any Middle Eastern terrorists specializing in explosives, maybe I can find out if any had made a trip over to England lately." Kate grabbed the keys from Angel and stood up.

"Guys be careful." Kate’s look swept over the entire group then settled on Angel.

"If you need anything else…call me." She bent down and kissed him on the head, she knew it would be the last time she ever did.

"I will, be careful driving." Even as he said the words Kate noticed his attention had already shifted back to Buffy and Giles. She left the Museum with a heavy heart.

"Uh…Angel?" Cordelia’s hesitant voice claimed the vampire's attention.

"Yah Cordy." Angel looked over to where Cordelia and Doyle were seating they both looked uncomfortable.

"Not that we don’t want to help…but…Doyle and I were planning on starting a family. If either of us are shot full of holes that kinda throws a wrench in our plans." Cordelia felt conflicted, she wanted to help but she wanted her life with Doyle and children.

Buffy answered for Angel. She reached across the table and grabbed Cordelia’s hand.

"You and Doyle go back to LA and get started on those kids. You know what makes this whole slayer gig worthwhile Cordy? It’s watching the people I care most about lead normal, safe lives. It’s not worth living if the people I love are hurt because of me, because of who I am. People like me, Angel and Giles are in this for life, but it’s OK for you guys to retire now." Buffy meant every word she said her victory would be hollow if anything should happen to the people she cared most about.

"Buffy’s right. You two go back to LA and keep the agency running for me." Angel smiled at the unlikely couple, through the years they had become his best friends.

"Angel you’re the best." Cordy sprung up, moved around the table and hugged him.

"Maybe you can name your first born after me?" Angel hugged Cordelia back.

"What! Are you kidding? I wouldn’t inflict that on my children." Cordy rolled her eyes and gave him an expression of pure disgust.

"Come on Doyle, let’s get back to LA and see if we can help Kate with any research."

Angel and Buffy both looked at Cordelia.

"What? I said we didn’t want to get shot, not that we wouldn’t help at all!"

"Cordy you’re one of kind." Doyle grabbed his wife’s hand and began pulling her toward the door. "Bye everyone. Angel keep in touch."

Everyone said his or her good-byes. In the distance they could still hear Cordelia.

"Of course I’m one of kind. Don’t you ever forget that!"


"And then there were three." Buffy looked at both Giles and Angel.

"I don’t think there’s much more we can do tonight. Buffy I think Willow is right try to get your Mom out of town."

"Gee, I would Angel but I don’t think she’d go without her boyfriend, and I know for a fact he’s not going anywhere." Buffy started to grin.

"Well, maybe I can convince this guy that a vacation is in order."

"Oh you can try. Why don’t you start trying right now." Buffy looked pointedly at Giles, who had turned an interesting shade of red.

"What are you talking…" Angel trailed off. He caught on to what Buffy was implying and stared open mouthed at Giles.

"You and Buffy’s mother?" Angel couldn’t picture the two together…then he did…and quickly banished the scary visual image.

"Frightening isn’t it? Now you know just how tough these four years have been." Buffy laughed at Giles discomfort.

"Back to the subject at hand, I will try to convince Joyce to take a permanent vacation, but she is as stubborn as you Buffy and the chances of her going are very slim." Giles straightened his glasses.

"I know but we can always try. Anyway what’s the master plan?" Buffy looked at Angel.

"Looks like we got about five days, I’m going to contact some people who owe me favors and take care of a couple of things. Giles why don’t you help Emma and Willow with contacting the members of the Council that disagree with killing Buffy. Maybe we can start dissention from within. Buffy I think the best thing for you to do is lay low and train." Angel looked over at Buffy who nodded at him.

"Let’s all go and get some rest tonight. Buffy meet me at the firing range tomorrow about 10:00 am to practice. Goodnight." Giles hesitated looked at Buffy and Angel and walked toward the door.

"Nite Giles. See ya tomorrow." Buffy knew that for a split second Giles didn’t want to leave Buffy alone with Angel.

"So, where are you planning to stay tonight?" Buffy and Angel both started out the door.

"I was thinking of going to the Mansion, rest for a few hours then make some calls. Can you give me lift?" Angel belatedly remembered he gave his car to Kate.

"Sure, though it might be a little dusty, the mansion I mean. No one’s been there for about a year now." Buffy climbed into her truck and opened the door for Angel.

"A year?" Angel wondered who would possibly want to live there.

Buffy started her truck and maneuvered out the parking lot, heading east toward Crawford St.

"Spike used the place regularly before he died." Sadness flittered across Buffy’s features when she mentioned Spike’s name.

"I heard he was helping you out. I couldn’t believe it at first but Xander and Oz said he was actually doing some good." Angel was also sad that his sometimes friend, sometimes enemy no longer walked the earth.

"Yeah, he was a sarcastic pain in the ass, but I got to like him. You should have seen him when he fell for Emily! Our permanently in a bad mood vampire became so mushy! It was hysterical!" Buffy smiled at the memories.

"Then Dru came back to town and ruined everything. She forced Spike to watch her kill Emily, then she killed Spike." Buffy shook her head as she remembered her dead friends.

"But you killed Dru, you avenged them Buffy. At least their together now." Angel had heard the whole saga already, it was one of the many times he almost packed up and came to help Buffy.

"Why Angel I do believe you’re a hopeless romantic." Buffy batted her eyes at him, the longer she was in his company the more comfortable she became. It was almost like the four years they were apart never really happened.

"Nah, I’m just hopeless." Angel grinned back at Buffy, the impulse to lean across to kiss her almost overwhelmed him but he resisted.

Buffy suddenly felt the tension radiating off of his body and shifted in her seat. She promised herself she would not fall for Angel again, not after everything that had happened. She pulled up to the mansion and got out of the car.

Angel stared up at the monstrous building that had once been his home, some of the worst times in his life had happened in that building. He pushed aside his maudlin thoughts and stepped inside, he immediately noticed the white coverings over the furniture.

"I covered everything up after Spike was killed. He kept your furniture and I didn’t see any need to throw everything out. You might want to change the sheets on your bed though." Buffy rolled her eyes.

Angel looked at Buffy’s disgusted expression not understanding her comment.

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Unless you like tiger stripes you’ll see why."

Angel smiled Spike always did have a flamboyant streak.

"So what was Willow talking about on the phone earlier?" Buffy nonchalantly started to pull the coverings off Angel’s gray couch.

"It doesn’t matter, it was a long time ago. Let it rest." Angel didn’t want to say anything that would hurt Buffy’s relationship with her friends.

"OK, for now anyway." Buffy knew how fruitless it would be to try to coerce any information from Cryptic Guy.

"After your practice with Giles come over and we’ll do a little one on one." Angel snapped his mouth shut as he realized what his comment sounded like.

"I mean…combat…training." He trailed off and looked at Buffy.

"I know what you meant Angel, believe me, you don’t have to remind me that you, me and romance are a no go." Buffy opted for a teasing voice but suspected she sounded pathetic.

Angel was quiet he wondered if now would be a good time to mention that he wasn’t leaving Sunnydale after this was over. Buffy may have gotten over him and there may be nothing left to their love but he would never leave her on her own again. When Whistler had shown him Buffy he had shown him his destiny. He had neglected his destiny for too long now. Whether Buffy loved him or not, he was staying and helping her, forever this time.


"Kate seems really nice, I’m happy for you." Buffy shifted awkwardly.

"Happy for me?" Angel had no clue why Kate being nice would mean happiness for him.

"Yah, I mean she’s smart, beautiful, loyal and obviously cares about you very much. You did a better job of picking a girlfriend than I did boyfriends." Buffy tried to laugh but it sounded more like a sob.

"Girlfriend? Kate? What are you talking about? Kate isn’t my girlfriend; she’s a friend. Where did you ever get that idea?" Angel remembered now that Buffy had mentioned something about a girlfriend in the library.

"The summer after you left I came looking for you in LA. I had Cordelia’s address so I went there first. She told me you were involved with someone named Kate, I assumed this was the same Kate." Buffy wondered why Angel would deny the relationship.

"Oh…I see now." Angel began to pace he wondered how honest he should be.

"Buffy when I left you I was mess emotionally. I knew I wanted to make up for all the things I ever did and all the things I could never be. I hooked up with Doyle and together we started helping people. I never had any intention of ever having a relationship again. My goal was to help humanity. I met Kate on a case and we clicked as friends, she started to help us out and I could tell that she had feelings for me. I wont lie she’s very beautiful and it was nice to be looked at with respect, there was never any doubt in her eyes or trace of fear." Angel stopped Buffy when she tried to protest.

"If there was fear in your eyes Buffy it was because I put it there, I never blamed you. After being around human contact for so long I found it difficult to go without. One night she kissed me and I guess I just went with it, I knew I shouldn’t lead her on, my heart wasn’t mine to give but she was determined to win me. I never had a relationship with her, we kissed a few times. Back then Cordelia was only a teen-ager she assumed if two people kissed they were involved. I know Kate fell in love with me and I felt terrible about that, I didn’t love her back but she was my friend. After that I made sure I kept it on a friends only basis." Angel wondered if he should leave it there but then decided that total honesty was the best policy. God help him.

"My curse is permanent."

Buffy’s eyes widened she stared at him in shock.

"You never told me…how long now?" She felt more betrayed than ever.

"A few years, I rescued a gypsy women’s little boy and in gratitude she fixed the curse. No happiness clause."

"How nice for you." Buffy’s cold voice filled the empty silence of the last seconds and she headed for the door.

"Buffy wait." Angel grabbed her arm and spun her around. "I was going to tell you, I even came to Sunnydale to tell you."

"But what? Traffic hold you up?" Buffy felt her throat close and just wanted to get out of there before she made a fool of herself.

"I walked to your campus looking for you and saw you." Angel let her go and turned around. "You were sitting on a bench with Riley, you were laughing and talking then you kissed him. You looked so happy at that moment I couldn’t bring myself to ruin everything for you. I sped back to LA and got roaring drunk. I woke up in Kate’s bed."

"Oh." Buffy didn’t remember the incident he was referring to, she had tried so hard to be happy once she had found out about Kate. It was ironic though; she went to LA to find him and heard about Kate propelling her into her short-lived relationship with Riley. Then he comes to Sunnydale to find her and sees her with Riley propelling him into Kate’s bed.

"So I guess you two got together then." Pain ripped through Buffy. He had been with someone else, her Angel. She didn’t think there was anything left of her innocence to destroy, she found out differently.

"No!" Angel whirled back around. "It was a mistake, a mistake I didn’t repeat again. She was my friend I should have never…but I was drunk and I didn’t even remember anything. I wanted you to be the last women I was with when I died, if I ever die." Angel looked to Buffy hoping she understood.

"Well, I guess it’s safe to say that the girl I used to be, the one that loved you so hopelessly, is totally dead now. It’s late, I’m going home." Buffy started toward the door.

"No she’s not. I still see her in your eyes, hear her in your laugh. She’s not dead. Maybe she grew up and figured out that the world is a very unforgiving place but she’s still in you, I can feel her." Angel hated the hopelessness in Buffy’s voice, the cynicism. He knew that one day she would see the world through adult eyes, he was just sorry he was the one that brought it about.

"Buffy…if I could turn back time, I would. I would stay with you forever or until you told me to go. I loved you then, I love you even more now. This time apart has changed nothing for me. I’ll never leave you again." Angel knew that this was definitely the wrong time and place for this conversation, but in case he didn’t get another chance he wanted her to know how much he still adored her. Only her.

Buffy looked at Angel shock evident on her features. She had thought they were discussing everything in past tense, his declaration of love totally rocked her. She couldn’t deny the warmth that started spreading through her body, melting the ice that had formed around her heart with each disappointment and goodbye she had been forced to endure the last four years. But she didn’t want to jump right back into his arms, he had told her forever once and had walked away.

"I don’t know what you want me to say. I can’t just believe it because you said it. You promised me once that you would never leave me, yet you did. I want to believe in your words Angel, I really, really do, but…" Angel cut her off.

"I’ll prove it to you Buffy." He approached her and grabbed her hands. "I don’t expect you to love me back but at least let me help you. Don’t turn me away. Now more than ever you need me here, if not as a lover at least as a friend." Angel hoped she didn’t turn him away.

"If you want to stay, then I can’t stop you. But I can’t help but think that one day you’ll just up and leave again."

"Then I’ll guess I’ll just have to convince you." Angel knew he shouldn’t but he pulled Buffy into his embrace. She loved him once; maybe he could get her to love him again.

Buffy was overwhelmed, by the feeling of security, love and happiness she had always experienced in Angel’s arms. No else had ever made her feel so complete, so loved or so safe. She didn’t want to return the embrace but was powerless against the rush of feeling that coursed through her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest. She was home.

Angel buried his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent that was pure Buffy. He wrapped his arms tighter around her tiny waist. He knew he had a long way to go for her to trust him again, but the fact that she was allowing him to hold her was encouraging.

"I promise you Buffy Summers that you will never be alone again, not as long as I walk this earth." Angel whispered softly in her ear.

Buffy felt Angel’s body start to stir, she pulled away before he noticed that her body was starting to respond to his nearness.

"You can stay here tonight." Angel looked right into her eyes and grinned. "For safety reasons of course."

"I think I’ll try my luck with the assassins." Buffy grinned back at him. He was so sexy but much too sure of himself.

Buffy’s comment sobered Angel immediately.

"Be careful going home. Call my cell phone when you get there, so I know your OK. If I don’t hear from you in 20 minutes I’m coming to look for you." Angel was deadly serious.

"Yes, master." Buffy saluted him as she walked out the door.

Angel laughed and watched her pull out of the driveway. Eighteen minutes later she called to check in. Angel hung up with Buffy and checked his watch; he flipped his cell back open and started to dial.

"Time to collect those favors."


4 Days Later – Museum

"Well we’ve done all we can, thanks to Kate we know what 2 out of the 4 guys look like, all we can do now is watch the airport, train and bus stations." Giles was very impressed with the amount of information Kate, Cordelia, Doyle, Willow and Emma were able to collect on such short notice. He really needed to learn how to use the computer.

He glanced around at the two very tense people in the room with him. Buffy was sitting on the counter, Angel stood in front of her, they were making small talk but Giles could tell by the way there eyes stayed fixed on each other it was their hearts that were doing most of the talking. He would never totally get used to Buffy and Angel being together but the past years had taught him that Buffy’s future depended on Angel being by her side. Never again will he try to interfere with their relationship. He smiled as Angel grabbed a piece of Buffy’s hair and tickled her ear with it. Tears welled up in his eyes as her laughter rang out in the office; it had been so long since he had heard her laugh.

Angel let go of Buffy’s hair and turned to acknowledge Giles’s words.

"This leaves us with a problem, many places to enter Sunnydale and not enough us. You cannot get around like you use to and I really don’t feel comfortable splitting up with Buffy." Angel silently cursed in his head, he had thought his calls would have paid off, he guessed he was wrong. Disappoint and anger coursed through him. He would not lose Buffy to these pricks!

"Splitting up with Buffy! Haven’t you learned your lesson about trying to leave the Buffster Deadboy!" Xander Harris strode into the office wearing army fatigues and pulling some sort of cart loaded with what looked to be wooden boxes.

"Xander!" Buffy flew across the room and threw herself and her best friend, one of them anyway.

"Buffy. I missed you." Xander wrapped his arms around the petite blonde in a huge bear hug.

"Let me look at you." Xander held her at arms length. "Yep just as I thought, you have that Deadboy goo-goo eye look about you."

Buffy playfully slapped his arms away, reddening in embarrassment.

"What are you doing here?"

"I’m here to help. Someone reminded me about a debt I owed." Xander looked at Angel. "Besides why didn’t you let me know what was going on, shame, shame on you Buffy Summers."

"You called him." Buffy turned to look at Angel who nodded. "Well you shouldn’t have, his wife is about to give birth! I don’t want him hurt!"

"And I don’t want you dead!" Xander turned Buffy back towards him. " Do you really think that I would’ve been happy knowing that you were in serious trouble and died thinking that you couldn’t turn to your best friends! Come on Buffy, I not an amateur anymore! If Anya wasn’t pregnant she would be right here beside me, beside you. Once a team always a team." Xander noticed the tears that had welled in Buffy’s eyes.

"Did I just hear Xander Harris making sense!" Willow Rosenburg strode into the office.

"I think that’s a yes." Oz was right behind her.

"Will! Oh Will!" Buffy rushed up to the redhead and held on tightly to her. Willow made eye contact with Angel over her shoulder.

"Oz I’m so happy to see you." Buffy let go of Willow and went to hug Oz.

"Same here." Oz almost let an expression cross his face.

Buffy looked at her three friends she knew they shouldn’t be involved in this but right now she was so happy to see them. She knew it would be pointless to try to send them away. As pointless as it would have been to try to stop her from helping them if they needed it.

"G-Man, how’s it hanging!" Xander walked up to Giles and slapped him on the back, dislodging his glasses.

"Xander you might not be a teen-ager anymore, but you are still not allowed to call me that." Giles smiled at the exuberant young man.

"Giles!" Giles had just enough time to open his arms as one petite redhead came flying at him.

"I’ve missed you too Willow." Willow felt tears coming on and broke away from Giles.

"This is so great. It’s just like old times!" Willow made her way over to Angel.

"I want to give you a hug, but if hugging not a vampires to do list, then I understand." She shifted her feet nervously.

"I think I can pencil one in." Angel stepped toward Willow and cautiously hugged her.

Willow threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"Are we forgiven?" She whispered so Buffy wouldn’t hear.

"Never anything to forgiven." He kissed the top of Willow’s head and let her go.

Xander walked up to Angel and extended his hand. Angel shook it. No words were spoken. None were needed, whatever they’re issues were they were of the past. The only issue now was helping Buffy.

Oz quiet up to now, spoke up.

"So Angel what’s the deal, where can we help."

"Wait just one second. What’s going on?" Buffy knew they were keeping something from her and judging by the guilty looks flying around the rooms, it was something big.

"Nothing Buffy. Let it go." Angel had called Xander and Willow prepared to use their treatment of him back on Graduation Day to blackmail them into coming back to Sunnydale to help Buffy. To his relief all he had to mention was that Buffy needed them, and they were on a plane. He never had to mention the shame they heaped on him that day.

He had been prepared to stay. His near brush with death had convinced him that he needed Buffy in his life, only Buffy. When he thought he was going to die, things had become clear to him. The way Giles, Willow, Xander and Oz had all looked at him at the hospital had reversed his decision once again. The contempt he saw on all of their faces had hurt more than he could stand.

Buffy looked at each one. Giles, Xander, Willow and Oz all shifted nervously and looked guilty of something. She met Angel’s eyes; he smiled and shook his head no. Silently telling her that he and her Scooby gang had made their peace, she should leave well enough alone.

"Ok. I will." Everyone smiled in relief.

"So Xander, whatcha got in those boxes?" Buffy was curious as to what Xander had wheeled in.

"You are going to love these Buffy. I went on a shopping spree only you would appreciate!" Xander opened one of the boxes to reveal army issued automatic weapons.

"Did someone just say Shopping Spree, because I’m so in!" Cordelia walked in looking beautiful as ever.

She stopped, looked at the weapons then looked at Buffy.

"Ewww! I really need to send you the latest issue of Vogue." Hands on hips she looked next to Xander.



Xander eyed his ex-girlfriend she still looked amazing, as always but there was a new softness in her eyes. Married life must agree with her too.

"You look great. Your husband is one lucky guy." He extended his hand out to her, hoping she didn’t slap it away.

"He sure is and I don’t let him forget it for a second. Anya didn’t do too bad either in the husband department. Stop waving that thing in front of me!" Cordelia pushed his hand away from her. "You can at least give me a hug and kiss hello doofus."

Xander laughed and hugged her, only Cordelia was capable of sending out so many mixed signals.

"Cordelia you don’t have to do this, you and Doyle have done enough." Buffy was touched that Cordelia came back. "Remember babies."

"I’m going to have those babies Summers believe me, but you’re going to be around to be their godmother." Cordy walked toward Angel.

"Doyle got held up at the agency, some new cases came in. I felt it was best that I come here alone while he handled things at home. He’s wants you to know that he’s holding you responsible for my well-being." She grinned at Angel, who grinned back.

Once everyone was done catching up on each other’s lives, Angel called the meeting to order.

Giles watched in amazement as Willow, Oz, Xander, Cordelia and Buffy all sat down at the conference table in the exact spots where they had sat during they’re Sunnydale Library meetings. Oz and Willow on one side, Cordelia and Xander on the other, Buffy resting one hip at the head of the table. He noticed even Angel went to stand deeper in the shadows slightly apart from the group. Giles wondered if they were even aware of what they just did, he looked at Angel to start the meeting. Apparently the vampire forget for a moment who was in charge because he stared back at Giles without saying a word.

"Oh." Angel snapped back to the present, for a moment there he had felt he was back at the library and was waiting for Giles to start speaking, then remembered everyone was waiting for him to start speaking.

"Do you have any more room at that table?" Kate hesitantly walked in the office.

"Kate, what are you doing here?" Angel was surprised to see her.

"I have some new info. For you guys besides…" She went to stand in front of Buffy. "I couldn’t sit in LA and do nothing, you’ve saved humanity so many times now Buffy, I just…well…I want to be a part of saving you. You had to relinquish all your hopes and dreams so people like me can have their own. I think it’s time for more than just a thank you. Can I stay?" Kate looked to Buffy then to Angel.

"I’d be honored Kate." Buffy pushed off the table and hesitantly hugged her.

"I can see why he loves you so much. It’s impossible not to." Kate gave Buffy a sad smile and went to lean against the counter.

"I just got confirmation that our friends will be arriving earlier than expected, meaning in a few hours. Whatever plan you made for tomorrow, Angel we need to do now."

"We need to split into groups." Angel started pacing, trying to keep his fear under control. "Giles grab some of Xander’s artillery and stay by Joyce."

He then turned toward the table.

"Xander and Cordelia will stake out airport. Xander, we only have photos of two but keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary."

Xander and Cordelia both nodded back at him.

"Kate you take Willow and Oz and cover the bus and train stations, they’re not that far apart."

"I’ll stay here and watch Buffy." Buffy started to protest but Angel silenced her. "You’re out of this one, accept it. Xander is a US Army officer he knows what he had to do. Kate is a police officer using firearms on these guys will be second nature to her. If anybody slips through the cracks, then they have to deal with me."

Buffy knew he was right and backed down.

"Angel I don’t want to second guess you, but maybe you should go with Willow and Oz." This came from Kate.

"I’m a sharp shooter, if something goes wrong I have a better chance at protecting Buffy. You have the home court advantage out there being basically a native." She waited his answer.

Angel thought about it for a moment, he didn’t want to leave Buffy’s protection to anyone else but he had to admit Kate’s reasons had merit.

"She’s right Angel." Buffy got up and took his hands in hers. "I’ll be OK, how can I not be when I got all you guys looking out for me? I’ll be fine with Kate, I promise."

"Alright then, change of plan, I go with Willow and Oz."

Angel didn’t let go of Buffy’s hands, if something should go terribly wrong this would be the last time he got a chance to do what he wanted to do since Gile’s call.

Angel pulled Buffy to him and kissed her with all the pent-up longing and passion in his soul. He wanted to memorize every feel, every taste, every touch. He wanted to wipe away the last pointless, agonizing four years they had spent apart. His heart sang when he felt her arms go around his neck and she kissed him back with equal fervor.

"Yes…well…I guess I’ll be going to Joyce’s" Giles cleared his throat thoroughly uncomfortable with their public display of affections.

Angel and Buffy reluctantly broke apart. Buffy approached Giles.

"Take care of my mom, Giles and take care of yourself. I love you." She kissed the Watcher on the cheek and squeezed his hand.

"Buffy, be careful." Giles touched her hair. "I love you, too."

Everyone else stood up and went to retrieve their weapon of choice. Willow sidled up to Buffy.

"So are we back at the "WOW" potential category?" She was incredibly happy for her friend, after years of loneliness Buffy had a real chance at being happy.

"I think WOW would be the appropriate word." Buffy smiled at her best friend.

Xander and Cordy were the next to go, followed by Willow, Oz and Angel. Angel looked at Buffy for a timeless moment then turned and walked out the door.

Buffy felt slightly uncomfortable with Kate since Angel’s kiss, but the other blonde seemed to be genuinely happy for them. They made small talk to pass the time.


4 hours later.

Giles paced the living room at the Summer’s house while Joyce anxiously watched him from the sofa.

They both jumped when Gile’s cell phone rang.

"Emma, how are…yes I’m listening…2 days ago but…who would do such a thing…a women? My god I know who it is…thank you…I’ll contact you when it’s over." Giles disconnected the call and looked a Joyce, urgency stamped across his features.

"Come on, we’re heading to the Museum. Grab that list of numbers on the table." Giles grabbed his keys.

"Rupert! What’s going on?" Joyce knew something had gone seriously wrong.

"I’ll explain on the way, first I need to make a few calls."

Giles tried to call Buffy at the Museum but he kept getting a busy signal. His anxiety rose.

Then he remembered Cordelia never went anywhere without her mobile phone. He got the number from his list and dialed, praying that she answered.

"I don’t get it Cordy, we’ve checked every international arriving plane and no bad guys. Not even someone who even resembles a bad guy." Xander was getting a very uneasy feeling in his gut. Everything about this mission seemed wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what it was.

"I know what you mean, this is totally like a wild goose chase." Cordelia feet hurt and she was very aggravated.

"You know that’s what’s been bothering me, all of this is like one big honking goose chase. I think we should try to find Angel. Maybe he’s having better luck."

Cordelia’s cell phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Cordy hoped it was Doyle.

"Giles…hi…what gives? What! Who can it possibly…oh my god! We’ll meet you there." She turned anxiously to Xander.

"We’ve got big trouble. We have to go to the Museum now! I’ll explain on the way."

Xander had no clue what was going on but he grabbed Cordelia’s hand and began running toward his Jeep.


Riley approached the Museum and hesitated outside the office windows. He hoped Angel wasn’t in their but either way he had to talk to Buffy and Giles. One of his contacts in the council had let him know that something big was going on. He didn’t understand everything himself, but he knew it had to Buffy’s life so he hoped Giles could make sense of the information his friend had given him. He was jealous as hell about Angel, but he honestly cared for Buffy and would do anything to keep her safe.

As he approached the entrance he noticed the blonde women who had arrived with Angel standing outside the window of the Museum office. Some sixth sense told him to not betray his presence yet. He looked through the window to see what the woman was looking at and saw Buffy idly flipping through a magazine. He saw her arms come up and only then noticed the gun in her hands, she had it aimed in Buffy’s direction.

"What are you doing!" Riley’s brain didn’t register the danger when the women whirled and pointed the gun in his direction. He didn’t catch on yet to exactly what he was witnessing.

"You really should have walked away. Well, it really make no difference to me one body or two." Kate shrugged. "Walk to the back of the building…now!"

Riley turned and did as he was told. He finally figured out what was happening, he opened his mouth to scream loud enough to hopefully warn Buffy he never heard the loud crack behind him. A burning, tearing pain tore through his back, then his world went black.

Buffy jumped at she heard a strange "pop" sound come from outside, she couldn’t identify the sound so she

Settled back in her chair. She was getting jumpy, Kate had gone to the ladies room quite a while ago and she hadn’t come back yet. Buffy wasn’t use to sitting doing nothing.

//OK…Buffy, you going to sit here wringing you hands or go look into that noise?//

Well since she put it that way. Buffy rose from her seat and started out the office door; she passed the handguns and cautiously picked one up.

//I really wish you were a stake.//

Buffy didn’t want to kill anyone, but she would. She into the museum and noticed for the first time how creepy it was after dark. The statues and exhibits cast grotesque shadows on the wall. Her shoes echoed as she walked. The shadows seemed to be getting bigger, moving toward her menacing ready to reach out and grab her with they’re…

"Buffy, you really shouldn’t have left the office."

Buffy startled and looked at Kate, she seemed to have appeared from no where. She was standing on the other end of the exhibit floor with her hands behind her back and a strange smile on her face. Buffy was suddenly reminded of Darla, but pushed that distressing thought away.

"Kate, I was just coming to look for you. I heard something outside and was going to investigate."

"No need. I already took care of your annoying little friend Riley. Now it’s your turn." Kate pointed her gun in Buffy’s direction.

"Drop your gun Buffy, I’m a fast shot and a better shot, you don’t stand a chance."

Buffy was stunned she couldn’t comprehend that Kate was pointing a gun at her, prepared to kill her, then it made sense. Angel. Buffy dropped her gun.


"I don’t like this, this is all wrong." The uneasiness Angel had been experiencing for the last few hours manifested into full-blown terror. Something was wrong, he needed to get back to Buffy.

"Willow, Oz let’s head back to the Museum, I can’t shake the feeling that something is happening."

Willow and Oz knew to trust Angel’s gut especially when it came to Buffy’s well being.

They arrived back to Oz’s rental in record time.

"You’ve got to help her…" Riley stumbled out of the trees and leaned onto Oz’s car.

Angel immediately smelled the blood and knew he was hurt. He rushed up help him sit down. His hand came away covered in blood. His bloodlust rose but he firmly clamped it down.

"Riley…oh my god…what happened to you." Willow knelt down beside Angel.

"Can’t explain everything…no time…Buffy’s in trouble at the museum." He looked up at Angel. "You have to…help…her."

"What kind of trouble Riley? How many?" Angel wanted to jump up and start running but he needed to know what kind of odds he was dealing with.

"One…women…that blonde lady…I don’t know her name…she has a gun…she’s going to kill Buffy…" Riley’s voice trailed off as he slumped unconscious.

"Kate….do you think he meant Kate?" Willow looked at Angel with wide panicked eyes. He had changed into his game face.

"You two stay here and call an ambulance." Angel was enraged he knew it was Kate. Why would she betray their friendship? Then he knew why. Her twisted love for him. He wondered briefly if this was how Buffy felt when Faith had betrayed her. This mixture of denial, pain, rage and hate.

"Take my car." Oz handed Angel’s his keys. He was gone in a heartbeat.



"Why Kate?" Buffy stood frozen in place; she was trying to calculate the distance to the office doors.

"Come on Buffy, you can’t possibly be that stupid? Angel! That’s why. He’s mine dammit; I will not lose him to some skinny, bottle blonde who only ever gave him pain. I made him laugh, I helped him pull his life together after you, and I helped him when he found out about Riley! Me!" The gun shook slightly in Kate’s hand, her eyes looked wild.

"We made love." Kate loved the pain that flashed across Buffy’s features, her features then twisted. She barely looked human.

"And do you know who that bastard cried out for? Do you!" Kate was screaming now, tears running down her face. "You. He called out your name. Buffy. God I hate that name. He doesn’t even remember that night but I do. I remember ever touch, every kiss, every fucking time he moaned your name!"

"You don’t want to do this Kate. Think of your career, your family, think of Angel. How will he feel if you do this?" Buffy tried to reason with her, but she recognized the glint of madness in her eyes.

"Nothing means anything if I can’t have Angel. Besides, he’ll never know it was me, you see I contacted the Council a few days ago and volunteered my services. Those guys I said were coming…they were called off the job, but no one but me will ever know that. By the time everyone makes it back here, I’ll be kneeling over poor, little Buffy crying my eyes out. Those nasty assassins slipped by everyone and got Buffy." Kate grinned evilly and continued in her sing song voice. "Angel will be devastated, but don’t worry I’ll be there to help him pick up the pieces."

A black burr hurled itself through the Museum’s skylight. Angel landed in between Buffy and Kate in a shower of plaster and glass.

He had made it to the Museum in time to hear Kate’s insane tirade. He was saddened that she felt that this was her only option, but refused to feel guilty about things he had no control over. He sprang up to the building’s roof and hurled himself through the skylight. He stood facing Kate, his back to Buffy with his game face on.

"It’s over Kate, give me the gun and we can work something out." Angel moved to step forward, his hand outstretched. "You don’t really want to do this."

"No! No! No! You weren’t supposed to be here! This isn’t the way I planned…" Kate seemed to be lost in her own thoughts for a moment, giving Angel an opportunity to step closer.

"Don’t you dare move another inch. I know bullets can’t kill you, so I have no qualms about shooting through you to get to her." Kate waved the gun menacingly.

"Kate give me the gun. We can go back to LA together and forget any of this ever happened." Angel lowered his voice. "Just you and me."

Buffy let out a painfully gasp which Angel heard but couldn’t do anything about just them. He needed to the gun out of Kate’s hands.

"You must think I’m incredibly stupid! I caught your disgusting display with Buffy earlier, remember? No Angel this is the way it has to be." Kate’s finger started to squeeze the trigger.

Angel knew he was out of time, his only thought now was to try to save Buffy anyway he could. He turned ran over to her and wrapped his body protectively around hers. Kate’s gun exploded and Angel felt the first bullet tear into his back.

"Like I said Loverboy, I’ll shoot through you if I have to." Kate’s manic laughter rang out.

"Angel, oh god Angel, let go of me before she hurts you." Buffy started to struggle, she looked around wildly but there was no where she and Angel could duck for cover. They were out in the open like sitting ducks.

Kate’s gun began to go off at regular intervals. Buffy felt Angel’s body jerk after every sickening crack from the weapon. She began to scream, for a few seconds all that could be heard was the gun, Buffy’s screams and Kate’s crazed laughter. Then everything went quiet.

Angel no longer able to stand fell forward and collapsed on top of Buffy. Even though blood loss and pain weakened him he still try to maneuver her much smaller frame completely underneath his. He effectively trapped Buffy beneath him and passed out.

"Well as much fun as this has been it’s time to say goodbye. One more bullet left and it has your name on it Buffy." Kate stood over Angel and Buffy, only Buffy’s head could be seen the rest of her body was completely hidden beneath Angel.

Buffy had tears streaming down her cheeks, she wasn’t crying for her, she was crying for the loss of yet another missed chance at forever with Angel.

"Don’t cry Buffy, Angel will be joining you shortly. I hope you both burn in hell." Kate took aim at Buffy’s forehead. Buffy closed her eyes.

Two loud cracking sounds rang through the Museum simultaneously. Buffy expected to feel pain instead she heard a strangled gasp and opened her eyes. Kate was staring at the red stain that was rapidly spreading across her chest. She looked down at Angel and then collapsed to the floor, she was dead before she hit the ground.

Xander and Cordelia rushed up to Buffy and Angel. Xander had a gun in his hand. They pulled Buffy from beneath Angel but avoided moving Angel around too much. Buffy sat on the floor and placed Angel’s head in her lap.

Giles limped up to the group, a gun also in his hand.

"Which one of us?" Xander looked at Giles then down at Kate’s body.

"I don’t know Xander, and it doesn’t matter as long as Buffy and Angel are safe." Giles knelt down and began to look at the mess that was once Angel’s back.

Xander’s nodded, he wouldn’t feel bad about Kate she had sealed her own fate.

"Let’s move him to the table while I try to remove the bullets. Xander call Willow and have her stop at the butcher’s for blood. He’s going to need it."

Buffy was silently stroking Angel’s hair. He had protected her with his own body. He was prepared to die for her; all her lingering doubts were laid to rest.



1 week later:

"I hate saying goodbye to you Willow. At least you’re coming back on your winter break." Buffy hugged her best friend.

"I’m so excited that Xander and Anya will be bringing Jessie Harris with them." Willow was ecstatic for Xander.

A few days after they patched Angel up, Willow had received a call from Emma saying that the old council had been overthrown and those members had mysteriously "disappeared". Emma was nominated as the new chair and had taken Riley back as a Watcher’s apprentice. Riley’s heroics in helping the Slayer had not gone unrewarded from the council. Emma was also trying to entice Willow into joining the council, she hadn’t made any final decisions yet.

The new council had begged, pleaded and basically groveled until Buffy relented and joined the council once more. She had her conditions though: a substantial paycheck, medical benefits (eyes and dental too!). Her biggest condition was that not only Giles be given his job back but was also assigned an assistant. The Council had agreed to all of her terms. Giles’s new assistant would be arriving at the end of the month.

Meanwhile Anya had gone into labor and Xander had jumped on the first plane home in time to meet his son, Jessie Harris. Cordelia not to be outdone by Xander had gone home and was trying desperately to get pregnant.

Both Xander and Cordelia would have the shock of their lives eighteen-years down the road when Jessie Harris and Delia Angel Chase end up attending the same University and fall madly in love. Ah Fate!

Giles and Joyce, with Buffy and Angel’s urging, finally went on a vacation together. They were spending a month in Greece.

Willow and Oz were due to leave back to England and had gone to Angel’s mansion to say goodbye. Buffy hadn’t yet officially moved in with Angel yet, but she was there 6 nights a week.

"So everything’s OK with you and Angel. I mean about Kate." Willow looked at her friend who had never looked happier.

"He’s going to need some time to sort everything out in his mind, but he’s not blaming himself so that’s a big plus. It’s funny Will, I use to think that Angel leaving was the worst thing he could have ever done, but now I’m starting to see how much we have grown. I don’t think we would have ever had made it to this level of trust and understanding if we hadn’t spent that time apart. I hate to say it, but there was always this little doubt in the back of mind. I always wondered if I had met him too young. I think his guilt and my doubt would have ended up destroying us, being apart gave us some time to better understand ourselves. Now I feel I can commit 100% with no doubts, Angel feels the same way." Buffy smiled, like so many other circumstances in her life, the worst thing that could have happened to her yielded the best thing.

"Hello, is anyone home?" The strange voice startled both girls.

Buffy and Willow turned to see a distinguish women in her early fifties walk through Angel’s garden and into the living room, she had a dark-haired little girl clinging to her hand.

"Emma! What are you doing here?" Willow hugged the older woman.

"Well, I came to meet Buffy and introduce her to someone." Emma smiled down at the little girl who had not taken her eyes off of Buffy since she walked in.

"Emma it’s a pleasure to meet you." Buffy shook Emma’s hand then knelt down by the girl. "And who are you?"

The little girl enchanted Buffy. She had dark curly hair and big brown eyes. Buffy thought she looked amazingly like Angel.

The girl looked questioningly up at Emma.

"She speaks very little English, Buffy. Her name is Linda Pierre, and she is the other Slayer. She’s French. I have a favor to ask of you Buffy, a very big favor. It seems the old council killed her parents, she has been staying with various members of the council but she has special needs we cannot fulfill. We’ve seen what a broken home can do to Slayers, take Faith for example. Linda needs someone who will understand that she is different yet love her because of those very differences. She needs a home Buffy." Emma looked at the beautiful, blonde slayer.

Buffy caught her breath; she knew what Emma was asking of her. She never thought she would have children of her own, now she was being given that chance. Her eyes filled with tears and she looked up at Willow.

"I’d have to talk to Angel first."

"Buffy? Doesn’t Angel speak French?" For once all was right in Willow Rosenburg’s world.



6 Months Later:

"Mommy! Mommy!" Linda Pierre-Summers took a flying leap, did a double twist mid-air and landed squarely in between Buffy and Angel, who were lying in bed, thankfully only talking.

"Linda I told you a million times no acrobats in the house." Buffy grabbed her adoptive daughter and planted a kiss on her head.

"But I had another bad dream."

Angel straightened slightly and listened, he didn’t make any other moves, Linda was still getting use to him. Her five year old mind couldn’t yet grasp that he was a "good guy", her new slayer instincts rebelled everytime Angel was near. Angel and Buffy knew it would take some time before Linda felt totally comfortable around Angel.

Buffy and Linda had bonded like a true mother and daughter. Angel finally got to see the look of complete happiness in Buffy’s eyes, the one he had always wanted for her. He thanked whatever God chose to listen to him for allowing him to be the one that put it there.

"What was the dream, honey." Buffy pushed the curls on Linda’s forehead back, and listened intently. She hoped the little girl wasn’t already having slayer dreams.

"The bad men came again and took my other mommy and daddy away." Linda snuggled further into Buffy’s embrace knowing her new mommy would chase the bad men away.

"It’s Ok honey, they can’t hurt you now, they’re gone." Buffy sighed and looked at Angel.

"Do you mind if I let her sleep here tonight?"

"No, but maybe I should sleep downstairs tonight." Angel knew Linda would never be able to fall asleep beside him.

Buffy looked sad but acknowledged Angel’s words with a nod. Angel started to get out of bed.

"Where’s he going!" Linda’s panicked voice rang out.

"Angel’s going to sleep downstairs honey, you can sleep here with me." Buffy soothed the little girl.

"But he has to stay to protect us!" Linda pushed away from Buffy and went to sit on Angel’s chest. "You’re not going anywhere." Her little finger poked his shoulder.

Angel hesitated then settle back down.

"Whatever you say, miss."

Linda was satisfied she settled in between her two new parents, even though one gave her that weird feeling in her tummy, and settled herself in to sleep.

"Nite, Mommy."

"Good night, Linda. Sweet dreams." Buffy kissed her forehead.

"Nite, Daddy."

Angel felt his throat close and eyes burn, never in all of his life did he ever think that someone would call him daddy.

"Good Night, sweetheart."

Buffy heard Angel’s voice crack and fought back tears of her own. They may have traveled different roads but eventually they had found their way back to each other. Buffy met Angel’s eyes over Linda’s head.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Always."

The End.

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