When You Wish Upon A Star

By Janelle


Carmen rolled out of bed and grabbed the sides of her head with both hands. Never before in her life had she felt such pain behind her eyes. She could see no color and she heard her mother’s voice. ‘Fat chance of that’ her mind cried. Carmen’s mother was dead. In fact, that was why she was coming to Sunnydale. The only way for her to get her inheritance was if she lived in that God-forsaken old mansion for a year. She would hate it there. Places like that were the reason she had left for college in the first place. Sunnydale was just a creepy town. There was no other way to put it.

It was happening again. ‘What’s happening?’ thought Carmen. Her mind just couldn’t recall. Everything was muddled. She saw a vampire.

Angelus whispered the wind. Find him, repay the debt you owe him.

"I don’t owe anybody anything!" screamed Carmen at the top of her lungs.

Relax, Carmen, it whispered back, *Your family wronged him many years ago.

Fix it, young one. Find the book and learn what you have always

suspected. Find Angelus and the Slayer.*

The fog evaporated and for a moment Carmen found a moment of complete clarity. Angelus and a girl were kissing in a cemetery. She saw them break-up and she saw the pain in their hearts. Carmen relived Buffy and Angel’s relationship in an instant. She knew what she had to do.

Suddenly, without warning, the vision changed. The Mayor turned into a demon before her very eyes. He drained the lives of the people around her. Then he turned and looked her deep in the eyes. It was that instant that Carmen read in his eyes how to save the world. She sat there a long while, huddled in a ball on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably while the damned whispered their tales into her ears. Suddenly, as quickly as it had come it was gone.


Carmen got out of her red Eclipse and stared in awe at the dark mansion. It had taken her a long time to get here. In the six months since her mother’s death there had been a lot of work for Carmen to get done. She’d had to reorganize her entire life just to comply with a dead woman’s wishes. Shaking her head, she forced the terrible thoughts from her mind. Her mother was dead and that meant it was up to her to keep everything in order. Carmen had moved from San Francisco just for this. She was more than willing to make the best out of a difficult situation.

She had stayed away too long. The knowledge echoed in her mind as she walked through the dark hallways. She could smell death and destruction in this place. Her mother’s mansion was ‘touched’. Evil lurked in the corners of the walls. Even the smell was wrong. It was an evil place now. Holding back a shiver, Carmen whipped out a bag and thanked God that it was the eve of a New Moon. It made whatever spells she needed to do easier.

To keep the evil out, she cleansed, protected, locked, and did whatever other spells she knew to banish evil. She even did a spell of order to rid the house of dust, grime, and anything else remotely messy. The moving truck would come in the morning, so Carmen simply headed back to her car. There was nothing more here for her tonight. She locked the door behind her and disappeared back into the shadows from whence she came.


"C’mon, Boss, what’s up with the bloody door?"

"Nothing’s up with the bloody door, Nicholas! We just can’t get passed the door, ya get me?"

"Sure, whatever you say, boss."

"Don’t ‘whatever ya say, boss’ me Nicholas. Go and see how the others are doing with the back door and windows! We gotta get in by sunrise or we’re dead!"

"Uh, Boss, I hate to state the obvious but the sun’s rising at the moment."

"Then hurry it up, you bloody fool! I don’t want to be ashes!" Screams sounded around the neighborhood as twenty-some vampires turned to dust in the rising sun.


"So, what happened to all the vampires?" asked a very confused Willow.

"I don’t know," replied Angel. "One minute they were back from hunting, the next they couldn’t get in and then suddenly they were dead. Buff and I can’t figure it out. Why wouldn’t they be able to get in?"

"Whoa, hang on a sec there, Dead Boy. Buff and you? Together at sunrise? What’s wrong with this picture?"

"Xander, is that really the most pressing thing on your mind at this moment?" asked a highly British voice. Even Giles could barely disguise his annoyance at the ‘annoying one’.

The group was lounging casually around Angel’s mansion as they attempted to discover what had happened in Sunnydale at early dawn. The whole thing made no sense. As far as they knew, no prophesy besides the Ascension was about to show up and no one new had come to Sunnydale. They thought wrong.

Across the road, an engine roared and a huge moving truck pulled into the house across the street from Angel. Seconds later, a red sports car sped up to the curb and screeched to a stop. All the mortals in the mansion rushed across the road ran out to catch a glimpse of the person, or people, moving in.

"Be careful! That’s an antique! What’s your problem? Sun too much for ya? If you break anything I’ll sue you so bad you’ll never be able to get a job doing so much as flipping burgers! Get me?" shouted Carmen. The truckers grumbled under their breath about the Californian lawyer and hurried to bring a large vase and coffee table in, without so much as chipping anything or denting a leg.

Sensing a presence behind her, Carmen turned to find herself face-to-face with a certain blond slayer and company. Their expressions were curious, nothing more, but still Carmen felt her blood run cold and her smile falter slightly. Chills ran down her spine and a cold wind blew the hair from her ears. Angelus, hissed the wind. Find him.

Personally, Carmen thought the wind had bad timing. She was just about to meet the girl from her premonition and the wind was chattering on about Angelus. Mentally shaking the thoughts away,

Carmen extended her hand, smiled and said, "Hi, I’m Carmen Calderosh, and you are?"

It was the Scooby Gang’s turn to be shocked. Calderosh, that was the name of the gypsy tribe that cursed Angel. It made no sense that another would show up, especially now, with Jenny’s death barely a year ago. "Are you a gypsy?" accused Buffy.

"Gypsy!" cried Carmen in disbelief. "Of course not! I’m a lawyer," she added, as if to prove some point about gypsies having a vendetta against lawyers.

"Then what are you doing here in Sunnydale?" inquired Willow.

"Yeah, nobody sues anybody else here," supplied Xander.

"Totally," agreed Cordy, "We don’t even have a court room!"

Holding back laughter, Carmen answered their unspoken question, "I’ll be teaching computers at Sunnydale High as of next Monday. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to moving in." With that, Carmen turned on her heel and, with a toss of her long dark hair, walked away.


"She’s teaching computers," mourned Willow. "That means I have no job!" Realizing her mistake, it wasn’t really her job, she quickly added, "Not that I care or anything, I just think I have a right to know about these things."

The others nodded but completely ignored her, as usual. All that blabbing usually lead them to ignore her comments. I mean, would you want to listen to her yap all day? I’m guessing no. Xander was busy imagining Carmen naked while Buffy and Angel were busy imagining each other naked and Giles was researching in his books. It was a normal day in Sunnydale.

Or not.

Across the street the atmosphere was anything but normal. Carmen had just discovered what the Scooby Gang had presumed after hearing her last name: she was a gypsy. Her family had split from the tribe almost a century before and had waited for the best time to fix Angel’s little curse. There was a way to make it permanent. There was also a spell to make his soulmate immortal, should they ever meet. Carmen knew then what she had to do. She had to perform the spell, and immediately. First, however, she had to tell Angelus and his clan. That last part she dreaded.


That morning, Carmen was dressed simply in a skirt and tank top. She felt, outwardly, alive and free. In fact, she looked it too. The tank top was red and the skirt was a varied assortment of colors. The total effect set off her Californian tan and dark features. Inwardly, Carmen did not feel free. Trapped was a better assessment. She had been so nervous this morning that she hadn’t eaten a thing and her inner turmoil was great. ‘How does one tell someone that they know all about them?’ Carmen wondered. While she knew all about their past, and their possible future, that didn’t mean she knew how to tell them that. Her heart was beating unevenly and her body language was that of a someone feeling extremely tense. She took a deep breath and rapped on the mansion door.

Buffy swung open the door and glared at the person behind it. Then she saw Carmen and the glare disappeared. "Did you need something?" Buffy questioned kindly. Her mother had always taught her to be kind to people who lived close by. You never knew when you were going to need their help. Buffy had added to that rule herself. Her addition was: as long as they walk around in the sun. Better safe than sorry.

"Yes, actually. I need to talk to...Angelus and his clan. I mean, his friends." Carmen had made a terrible mess of what she had wanted to say. She knew this the moment Buffy’s eyes darkened and she stepped back. Carmen clutched the large book tightly to her chest and bit her bottom lip hesitantly. She was new to her gypsy powers and wouldn’t be able to defend herself well. Perhaps that made her afraid, or perhaps it was the fact that she was about to enter a vampire’s lair. He may not take kindly to gypsies calling on him in the early morning.

"Enter if you’re able," Buffy said darkly. Without much hesitation she stepped into the mansion. As soon as she did, she had to close her eyes against the onslaught of memories. She saw Acathala, and the vampires... ‘No!’ her mind cried out. Now was not the time to see this. She had more important things to deal with, like saving the world.

"Who are you?" growled Angel as he stalked out of his bedroom to face Carmen. The others simply lounged around and glared at Carmen.

Swallowing heavily, Carmen tried to explain. "My name is Carmen Angelique Calderosh. I was born in California and my mother lived in the house across the street since she was born. She died 6 months ago." She avoided eye contact with Angel’s demon eyes and instead opted to stare at the thick Book of Shadows to gather her strength before continuing. "I was raised here, but I split the first chance I got. I never liked Sunnydale. When my mother died, her only dictate was that in order for me to receive my inheritance I had to return to Sunnydale and live in her mansion for a minimum of 12 months." Carmen swallowed heavily and looked up at the people around her.

"I’m the only Calderosh left now, " she continued, "Well, from the side that disagreed with Angelus being cursed that is. My ancestors thought it was unfair," she tacked on. "The good gypsies disappeared into the night, taking with them all knowledge of magick that the gypsies had, lest they use it for wrong again. The power on the other side was lost due to their greed and evil ways. As such, it was returned to bloodline of kinder values. Since their power disappeared, each year the next generation’s power has doubled.

I’m twice as powerful as my mother was. Until her death, I had only a minimal knowledge of magick. Now, with her death, my rightful power has been brought forth. To prevent a descendant from straying, spirits are sent to aide and to guide. Usually the spirit of the one before her." Carmen stopped to smile at the thought of her mother being with her now. Perhaps she would guide the hearts of those around her and they would see that she spoke the truth.

"I want to help. I know how to defeat the Mayor’s Ascension and I know how to make Angel’s soul permanent. I can do all this for you, if you will only trust me," Carmen finished. She turned to look at Angel, who looked as if his fondest wish had just come true. Buffy wore a similar expression, but Xander’s was cynical and disbelieving.

"You expect us to believe that load of crap?" cried Xander. "Throw her out Angel. We don’t need no gypsies ‘round here." He laughed at his own lame joke and waited for Carmen to be thrown out. The others ignored him, knowing that Carmen was indeed made of strong stuff.

"Mi...Mi...Mi..Miss Calderosh, may I s-see that book you are holding?" Carmen handed the volume over with no hesitation. She needed them to trust her. "This book isn’t in English. I can’t read a word."

"Yes it is. I can read it just fine. That line there says that this book can only be...uh oh."

"Uh oh, Miss Calderosh?"

"It says that only a person of Calderosh decent can read this. I’m afraid you’ll just have to trust me on this Mr. Giles."

"I say, how did you know my name?"

"It just popped into my head," explained Carmen. "Anyway, I’m prepared to preform the spell tonight and I can also make Buffy immortal. That spell was set aside for the eventual meeting between Angel and his soulmate."

"How did you plan on stopping the Ascension?" asked Cordelia.

"Easy. I’m going to attack his human side. He loved his dead wife, so I’m going to change myself to look like her when she was young. Then, I’ll draw him here with me, and Buffy and Angel will kill him with this." Carmen tossed into the air a pure silver sword.

"Why not just use an athame? Is that really necessary?"

"Yes," replied Carmen, "an athame would cause the evil power to move to Buffy or Angel and that would be bad. If she wants, I’m going to make her immortal, but she won’t want her power that way."

"We can stop the Ascension tonight, and cast the others tomorrow," Buffy said. "Can you do that?"

"Yes," was Carmen’s only reply.


It was dark now. The witching hour was upon the small group. Carmen was dressed in a velvet red robe and her spell was almost complete. She stirred the cauldron with a sword and said:

"I am of the Universe,

and the Universe is of Me.

The Universe is connected,

Through space and time.

From centuries before,

The time is now.

My face, though mine,

Take the form,

of the Mayor’s True Love."

Carmen then dipped a wooden cup in the water and drank. Seconds later she fell to the ground and started coughing. Willow, who was fascinated with the whole thing, stared in shock as Carmen’s dark eyes changed to a starling blue and her dark mane turned a sunshine blond and now fell to her knees.

Her face changed as well. Even her height was different now. Instead of being 5’6" she was now only 5’2", not even as tall as Buffy. The most startling of changes, however, was when Carmen took off her robe. Her clothes were not like they had been earlier. It was, instead, an old gown, the kind people a long time ago wore.

The others gasped as she looked at them. They honestly hadn’t expected that kind of dramatic change in appearance. Carmen apparently hadn’t either, because when she caught her reflection in the cauldron she gasped and jumped back. Recovering quickly, she informed the others of what to do. "When you see him, thrust the sword into the torch. It will catch flame. Then stab the sword in his heart, like you would do to a vampire. There will be some screaming, but nothing too major should happen." With that she ran off, presumably to lure the mayor to the mansion.

The others hid in the shadows with their weapons ready and their hearts in their throats.


"Wilkins," sang a beautiful voice. "Wilkins, wake up. Come and dance with me." Carmen laughed joyfully, the sound dancing itself through the wind with eerie happiness. "Come see the wondrous things, mon cher! We will dance in the wind tonight!"

Snug in his neat house, Mayor Wilkins looked in surprise in the direction of the voice. His heart constricted when he saw her. His darling Edith. She was dressed in the clothes of her youth, with the beauty to match. She stood on the patio, dancing and laughing carelessly. Her feet hardly touched the ground as she spun in circles. "Edith?" he asked, not believing his eyes.

"Oui, mon cher. Come dance with me under the stars! Just you and I. We shall see the world again. Come!" Helplessly, he abandoned his book and went after her. Upon reaching her, he moved his hand up and touched her face, to see if his hand would pass through the skin. "’Tis I, mon cher. Come!" She grabbed his hand again and pulled him with her. Her laughter rang through the streets. Reminding those who slept of a time when there had not been a care in the world.

"Where will we go, Madamoiselle Edith?" he asked, caught up in her wide-eyed happiness. "All around the town, mon cher, all around the town. Tonight, we will dance everywhere our feet take us. We will see everything." He laughed and together they danced on the streets of Sunnydale.


As they approached the Mansion, the Scooby Gang was shocked to see the happiness on the Mayor’s face. He and Carmen danced with a beautiful serenity that humbled their hearts. "Now!" cried Carmen as she broke away and ran for cover.

Buffy recovered first and attacked with her fire sword, ramming it through the Mayor’s heart. He turned the ash as he cried out in aguish, "Edith!"

Sobbing, Buffy turned to Angel for comfort. Carmen simply turned to Buffy and said, "It was his time to die. They are together now, you have done well Slayer. You’ve more than earned the immortality you will be given tomorrow night."

"Thank you, Carmen," Buffy managed finally. Angel nodded his head in agreement and thanked Carmen with his eyes as he held his love close.

"Are you going to change yourself back now?" asked Willow with enthusiasm.

Carmen looked sadly at the youngster and said, "I’m afraid there’s no way to do that. Don’t worry, I knew the risks when I did this. All is well." Her comfort was lost on Willow, who looked incredibly sad.

"Why?" she asked after a moment.

Carmen sighed and attempted to explain, "You see, if I changed myself back now I would risk damage and even death. The fabrics of time are risky enough to mess with. To do so again, needlessly I might add, would be foolish and selfish. I can’t do that."

The others nodded their understanding and turned to go. Sadly, Carmen gathered her things and went home: alone.


The next day came and went, all too quickly for Carmen and much too slowly for Buffy and Angel. They had decided to cast the spells without anyone other than Carmen there. They didn’t want anyone else to share this private moment in their lives. This was all fine by Carmen.

The witching hour was finally upon them again, only tonight it found them in front of a bonfire in Carmen’s backyard. An altar had been set up at the other end of the yard and Carmen was busily honoring the pagan gods with her sacrifices of wheat and fruit. Buffy and Angel talked in hush tones beside the bonfire. "I’m ready!" called Carmen. "Would you like to start the spell now?"

"Yes," they said in unison.

"Very well. Angel, come here." He did as he was bidden and sat on the rock Carmen had indicated. Carmen pulled out a strange mixture of ingredients she had mixed up only moments before and sprinkled half around Angel. The other half she threw into the air the moment she began chanting.


I call to thee!

The soul of this demon,

is not here to stay.

With happiness gone,

to Hell today.

I, Carmen Calderosh,

demand and pray,

that Angel’s soul,

be here to stay.

Salt of the Earth,

Incense of Fire and Air,

Water to represent,

the nectar of life.

With this sacrifice,

done with love and respect,

let my request be granted,

and this child be free."

The sacrifices she spoke of disappeared from her altar as Carmen rang the altar bell she held in her hand. Once, twice, thrice. The wind picked up and spun in circles around Angel. The herbs were picked up as well and tossed along as Carmen ended the ritual:

"Let him be free!

That which I command,

So mote it be!"

The wind stopped and Angel felt the inner torment cease inside him. Peace settled over him and his heart felt light and free. He laughed and knew, in that instant, that his soul did not have to fight to survive the demon any longer. Carmen’s gift had made his claim to the body complete. Angel was here to stay, Angelus be damned.

Buffy and Angel ran to each other and their bodies clung as they cried out their fears, frustration and love. Carmen cleared her throat and beckoned Buffy to her. "It’s time for the next spell." Reluctantly, the two lovers separated and Buffy went to Carmen.

"What should I do?"

Carmen smiled and explained, "All you have to do is sit on this rock. I do all the rest. Basically, I say an incantation and then you drink the water from the cauldron when I tell you to." Buffy nodded in understanding and did as she was told. Carmen raised her hands and began:

"Sacred Elders,

from far and near,

Gather together,

with me here.

Tonight we shall unite,

and set things right.

Tonight the stars themselves,

will bless this spell."

Carmen stuck her hand in the water and let a bit of her strength, combined with the strength of the gods, drain into the cauldron of water.

She picked up a pestle and stirred the cauldron while reciting:

"Let immortality,

Be hers to have!

That which I command,

So mote it be!"

With that the bell chimed thrice and music filled the air with it’s sweet melody. "Now!" cried Carmen. Without hesitation, Buffy dipped the wooden cup in and drank it. A searing pain went through her body and she fell to the ground in anguish. Moments later, the pain subsided and she felt stronger than ever before.

"It worked!" Buffy cried as Angel picked her up and hugged her fiercely.

"Thank you!" With that, Buffy and Angel proceeded to the mansion.

Carmen sadly put her tools away and wished she wasn’t so alone in this world. She had done her part, but she knew that there was much, much more that this world wanted her to accomplish yet.


"I love you, Buffy."

"I love you too!"

Their lips clung and their breathing was ragged and harsh as they kissed with a savage passion. Sometime during the run across the street Angel picked Buffy up and she had wrapped her legs around his waist. Not wanting to separate, he had simply smashed her up against the wall and continued to make out with her.

Their hands tore at the other’s clothing as they shredded away the garments. Lips and tongues explored as they slipped to the ground in front to the fire. His name was her mantra and her’s his. Nails clawed and the smell of blood filled the air with its scent. Separating from her lips, Angel bent his head to suck on Buffy’s neck. Her head was thrown back only a moment before their wanting became too much for them. Naked now, he entered her and savagely growled.

He thrust hard into her for long moments before their came together with the other’s name on their lips. Spent, they simply laid together, the warmth of the fire and the thundering of heartbeats their lullaby.

Eternity was only beginning, and tomorrow it started anew.

The End

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