
 This section of my page is where I put my link of the month.I surf through a bunch of sailor moon sites and find one that ismy favorite and post a link and the reasons why I like it here.Ialso have an award that I give to the site.
This months winner:Silence Cult   
  One word:layout!I know,I know I really should like the content more 
than the layout but there is nothing more that I truly admire than a 
layout that shows that alot of effort has been put into it.And this site 
Sailor Saturn!My favorite senshi of all time.I really like the glowing java buttons and the edited images.The fanart was a little twisted at times 
(like Hotaru being nailed to a cross)but overall everything looked very good.I do sometimes get tired of the same black and purple color 
scheme on all the Hotaru pages but it works^_^And she even has a 
KISS section where you can download the dolls.She also has a cutesection where she tells how to draw Hotaru.The only Thing I did not like was the lack of any real information other than the same old stats everyone else has though she does say she'll have more soon.I guess the main reason I picked this site is because this page is very well 
put together and entertaining and it's on Hotaru!.May's  Winner:Troublemakers And All Things Naughty June's Winner Star