a monthly column on the life and times of the people of the silver millenium
   I am DR,Pandora Anaconda and I am an expert on moon life particularly during the silver
millenium.Each month I will be doing a column
on some aspect of moon life.This month I am doing the architecture.
   The architecture on the moon was particularly beautiful during the silver millenium.That was mainly because everyone was economically sound and could afford to build houses.One of the best architects of the era was a man named Ti Tomani,who planned the building of the moon palace.His style of  sweeping staircases,huge windows,and white color scheme dominated the architecure of this area and alot of architects emulated him.Of course,you also had 
Chiaka Sintheta whose dark colors and mirrors were also very populer with the people who could only afford smaller houses.Her use of mirrors made even the smallest house seem like a castle.I could go on and on about this,so if you want to know more about this go to your local moon library, you know where it is^_^  
d Pandora Anaconda 
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