Closing The Gap
Welcomes you.....please enjoy your visit
Due to unforseen cirucumstances, I will no longer be able to be actively involved with the searches. The site will remain open for people to search, however, I will no longer be posting any new registrants.
Closing the gap is a mutual consent
registry open to all members of the adoption triad. I encourage anyone who is searching to
register with the International Soundex Reunion Registry First. Please look for the link
on the left. It is listed as I.S.R.R
It is my goal to provide
you with a safe environment to register and search on this site. All information provided
is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL!! The only thing that is visible for people searching is...Date
of birth, Place of birth, Male/Female, Who is looking (adoptee, bmother,bsibling,etc.) and
Who you are looking for (adoptee, bmother, bsibling, etc.)
For those of you
searching in the UK I have added a link to the left that will take you to some pretty good
sites to aid in your search.
This is a free registry,
however, it takes a lot of time and money to keep it running efficiently so donations are
accepted and appreciated. Donations do not necessarily mean money, simply clicking on
banners located on the donations page or visiting the money makers website (listed on the
left) will help tremendously. Please note: Donations are NOT required to register
or search.