Tales of the Blade
Roaming the Lands for Kindred Spirits

The young Archblade made his way into the lands of Rhydin and went in search of friends that Daemon FlameStrike had mentioned....a elven woman named Ellisa and some Edan fellow named Tarsan. The days of the first year in Rhydin were hard..and taught the young archblade many lessons. He had taken to the ways of theiving to survive and was also a mercenary, a profession some of his people shunned...and so he began to shun his own heritage....

Two years passed before fortune found Gaeleon and it came in the form of a elder Moon Elf named Caelaethus Mythrilblade. The kindly elf was travelling the lands in search of lost lore and stumbled upon the half starved and wild eye form of the young Gaeleon, now just a teenager in elven years. With a guiding hand and loving soul, Caelaethus toke Gaeleon under his wing and renewed his faith in his heritage and taught him many skills that Leon has passed down to so many others...The best being the skill of Poetry and the Bardic Arts. Caelaethus then let Leon go on his own, for the inner fire in the Saratin elf burned deep and he was a independant soul that needed his own space. So Leon left the protection of Caelaethus's home and began to search the lands again...

In the late Winter of the Year of the Singing Harp, Gaeleon stumbled upon the Red Dragon Inn, a well famous inn that the ones he seeked usually stayed at. Gaeleon had spent the last five years looking for the ones Daemon mentioned...and he had finally found them.....

The Trio of Toril
Ellisa, the Elven Maiden of El'Fkara

The young fiery woman of El'Fkara would became a close friend of Gaeleon's from the very beginning when they met on that stormy night in the Red Dragon Inn. Always one to lend a hand in battle or emotionally, the one Leon affectionately called "Sister" had close ties to the young archblade and taught him the ways of magick, and helped him hone his edge in battle and everyday life....She still travels with the Archangel when she can, that is when life premits...

Karsan, Mariner of the Seven Seas

Karsan, the long time companion and friend of Ellisa, is a large human who stands almost at the seven foot mark. He was a ex mariner of the Waterdeep Navial Fleet and became a mercenary to those who wanted his services as a solider and expert axeman. He taught Gaeleon many different types of weapons and how to be a good friend and a caring soul....Karsan is a constant companion of Leon when time permits and together, all three of them form the self called "Trio of Toril".