Red Rose Set Page

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below to change the background color

B a c k g r o u n d c o l o r s

Small Roses

Medium Roses

Large Roses

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Click here to download this rose set

This rose set is zipped, the zip file name is, if you do not
know how to unzip a zip file just right click on each rose
picture and select "save picture as" or if the backgound
"save background as"......

HomePage backgrounds, animated gif's and programsPage 2 backgrounds, animated gif's and programsPage 3 backgrounds, animated gif's and programsPage 4 backgrounds, animated gif's and programsPage 5 backgrounds, animated gif's and programsPage 6 backgrounds, animated gif's and programsPage 7
backgrounds, animated gif's and programsPage 8 Page 9 Programs and linksPage 10 Apple SetPage 11 ButtonsPage 12 Africa SetPage 13 China SetPage 14
Frog SetPage 15 Regal SetPage 16 Garden SetPage 17 Chief SetPage 18 Turtle SetPage 19 Dynamite SetPage 20 Star SetPage 21
Butterfly SetPage 22 Tooth SetPage 23 Burger SetPage 24 backgrounds, animated gif's, links and programsPage 25 Doctor SetPage 26 Panda SetPage 27 Plant SetPage 28
GovernMail by Vista X SoftwarePage 29 Car SetPage 30 Lawn Chair SetPage 31 The Bare Bones Guide to HTMLPage 32 Chef SetPage 33 Leaf SetPage 34 Color ChartPage 35
Place your mouse pointer over the little box in the table to get information about that page

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