animated chain
The Official ICQ Friendship Treasure Chain!
animated chain


A Friend Is a Treasure!



A friend is a treasure
You hold up to your heart
Each one is different, to be sure
To be learned from and cherished


A friend is a charm
Like the charm on a bracelet
Each independent and unique
But still part of a whole, a chain


A friend is the smile
That creeps up on your face
When you wear that chain
And one charm shines, catches your eye


A friend is forever
Adding their link to that chain
That grows into a family-like necklace
Each charm forever against your heart

Charm bracelet


You are my treasured friend!

Thank you!


animated chain

Now, don't break the Friendship Treasure Chain!

Forward this URL on to all the friends you can.
If they send it back to you, they will be your friend forever!
By growing this Chain, you will be rewarded
with much good luck, treasure & friendship!

animated chain

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