Friendship Is...

Dancing Bear

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Cutting that last Granny Smith apple in half and giving your friend the bigger piece

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Going to a movie featuring that actor you can't stand (but your friend loves) and then finding something nice to say about his performance afterwards

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Logging on to talk to your friend on ICQ even though your favorite show is on TV and the TV is in the other room

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Babysitting their kids even when you had planned to be soaking in a bubble bath all night

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Buying Girl Scout cookies and church bazaar brownies even though you are on that long delayed diet

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Holiday presents, birthday cards, and Thinking-Of-You surprises that you made by hand

Dancing Bear

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Feeling comfortable enough to share your dreams and fears yet willing to accept when they don't feel like sharing theirs

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Knowing they won't mind your household clutter when they come over, but then cleaning it up anyway

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Giving blood because your blood type matches, even though you are deathly afraid of that big needle

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Turning the TV off and focusing only on your friend, looking them in the eye and opening your heart

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Laughing and crying and listening and hugging over coffee and sweet potato pie

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I'll try to be that kind of friend for you!

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