hugs.gif (22773 bytes)

elephnt2.gif (7095 bytes)  elephnt2.gif (7095 bytes)  elephnt2.gif (7095 bytes)

Hugs! Hugs! Hugs!
We're here to give you hugs!
We're here to give you a friendly squeeze!
Hugs! Hugs! Hugs!

mkydance.gif (8818 bytes)  mkydance.gif (8818 bytes)

Smile! Smile! Smile!
We're here to make you smile!
We're here to make you dance and sing!
Smile! Smile! Smile!

wormdive.gif (11942 bytes)

Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!
We're here to make you laugh!
We're to share a joke, a tickle!
Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

gopher1.gif (5861 bytes)  gopher1.gif (5861 bytes)
gopher1.gif (5861 bytes)  gopher1.gif (5861 bytes)  gopher1.gif (5861 bytes)

When you find you're down...
And you're wearing a sad frown...
Remember your good, silly friends
And watch your sorrow drown!

raccoon.gif (25832 bytes)

Hugs! Hugs! Hugs!
We're here to send you hugs!
We're here to make you dance and sing!
We're here to share a joke, a tickle!
We're here to make you smile and giggle!
Hugs! Hugs! Hugs!


elephnt2.gif (7095 bytes) Big Hugs To You! elephnt2.gif (7095 bytes)


Pass these hugs on to your friends, too!
And good, good things will come to you!

emailbutton.gif (8793 bytes)


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