The Children of Nyx



Background:  In Greek mythology, Nyx or Night, was born from Chaos.  She had many children—most of them were vile creatures such as Moros (Doom), Deceitful Apate, and Hateful Age.  It is said that Apate was one of the evil spirits loosed from Pandora’s box.  But Nyx also bore some good children: Hypnos (Sleep), Hemera (Day), and Aether (bright upper atmosphere).  I borrowed several of her offspring for my story, Children of Nyx.  I pretty much left their classical origins alone.  I did give them Hecate as an extra sister—she was never listed as being born of Nyx in anything I could find on her.  I could find no descriptions of Moros, Age, and Apate, so I made them shadow creatures like Hecate with a strong hatred for mortals.  In my story, they became primordials—non-humanoid gods born of formless deities, embodying aspects of the universe (Night, Day, etc.).  Many of these creatures were part of, and had an affinity for, the dark, churning chaos of the universe.  As the age of man dawned, so too did such concepts as logic and order.  Humans did everything they could to drive away primal darkness and chaos.  As time went by, the primordials that embodied the darker aspects of life became so weak that many of them like Moros, Age, and Apate could no longer even enter the world of man.  These three made plans to use a human agent plucked from their brother, Thanatos’s, realm of death.  They filled Oshay’s head with hatred and bloodlust until she was ready to become the Nemesis—the avenger, the punisher.  They wanted her to create so much chaos and destruction in the world that their powers would be revived enough for them to return to earth and take over.  Then they would make the world more to their liking—a place of eternal darkness and chaos, misery and suffering.


Abilities: They, like Hecate, can shoot dark blasts of fiery energy.  They can become as insubstantial as shadows, but tangible enough to touch things.  They often make themselves appear with human-looking torsos.  Without his permission, they slipped into their brother, Hypnos’s, realm of sleep and manipulated the Sentinels through false dreams.  The dissension they caused paralyzed the team for a while, almost splitting it up.  Mia helped them all work together again and go after the Children of Nyx.  These creatures also live in another dimension where the laws of physics don’t apply.  Normal humans have a hard time maneuvering in their Palace of Voids where some rooms have no dimensions at all and others have too many.  Chaos is second nature to these three monsters and so they have no trouble.  They can also spy on the mortal world through billions of floating mirrors that show what’s happening all over the earth.  And while they occasionally argue among themselves, they always present a united front against their enemies.  They are fast and utterly ruthless in a fight.  But for all their power, they are unable to travel to earth—the one place they want to go.

This was my first attempt at a group shot. I wanted them all together, but in a way that showed the group dynamic. Stony-faced Moros at the top as the leader. Age, the hateful one, looking ready to fight. Apate, the deceitful one, looking smug and haughty. I took the ideas for the look of the characters from drawings in that "heroes and villains" book again.