Part 6: Night Terrors


The Ronins and Sentinels somehow made it back to Mia’s house.  They were all exhausted.  It was pretty much a given that everyone would stay there for the night.


Mia dragged herself up to her room.  The more she moved, the heavier her limbs felt.  It was almost like she was wading through a river of molasses.  That monster hadn’t just drained away her armor’s power.  It seemed to have siphoned off some of her very life energy.  It would replenish itself, though.  Life energy always did—she just needed to sleep.  Mia flopped onto her bed, not even bothering to change clothes.  It had been sheer adrenaline and will power that had kept her going on the way home.  Now there was nothing.  She didn’t even have the strength to summon her armor if she wanted.  She closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep almost immediately.


Ryo crawled into bed with a sigh.  That monster really did a number on him.  He was wasted!  Just lifting his arm to pull the covers up around him was a chore.  Well, at least he’d get a good night’s sleep, that’s for sure!  He closed his eyes, quickly nodding off.


Mia was walking through her garden, surrounded by the perfumed aroma of beautiful flowers.  The breeze was warm and gentle, the sun bright and invigorating.  She felt a tingle.  Someone was behind her.  She smiled and turned to see Ryo standing there.  He smiled back in that boyish way that always made her feel like everything was right with the world.  He walked towards her and enfolded her in his arms, holding her close.


“I love you, Mia.”


“Oh, Ryo!  I love you, too!  Don’t let go.  It feels so good to be here.  No fighting.  No monsters.  No evil plots.  Just the two of us.  Promise me this will last forever.”


Ryo tilted her chin up so that their eyes met.  “I want it to be like this, too.  But you won’t let it.  You’re always so controlled, so tough.  Relax.  Let me in all the way for once, Mia.”


Mia heard the sound of wings—large wings beating frantically in the background.  Beware.  Beware.  But when Ryo kissed her, the sounds were gone.  Nothing else mattered.  She did as he asked and let all her defenses down.


Ryo was standing at the lake that bordered Mia’s property.  The sunlight glittered off the calm water like diamonds.  He breathed in deep, filling his lungs with fresh, clean air.  It was so much better than the city.  He heard someone behind him.  He turned to see Mia leaning against a tree, smiling at him with that fire in her eyes that made him feel so alive.  She walked towards him and put her arms around his neck.


“Ryo.  I love you so much!”


“I love you, too, Mia.  You’re the best thing that ever happened to me!  It’s quiet moments like this that we fight for.  I wish we could have a million more just like it.”


Mia looked up at him so lovingly.  “Oh, Ryo!  We can.  You always fight so hard, so much.  Just let it go—at least for a little while.  Relax your guard with me for once.  We don’t have to save the world today.”


Ryo heard something strange.  Birds?  Mia put her hand on the back of his neck and drew him to her for a passionate kiss.  The sounds were gone and he didn’t remember why they should have been important.  He relaxed against her and let all his defenses go.


Mia felt so safe in Ryo’s arms.  But…  Something wasn’t quite right.  The flapping of wings.  She could hear it again.  Why was that familiar?  A dream?  Hypnos?  She tried to pull back from Ryo, but he held her firmly against him, tightening his grip.  “Ryo?  Let me go.  Please.  Ryo!  You’re hurting me!  Stop it!”  This wasn’t real! It was a dream and she’d been tricked!  She looked up at Ryo.  No.  Not Ryo.  The creature’s face shifted.  Stygia!


“Well, human.  You do have weaknesses after all.  A fool for love is the greatest fool of all.”  Stygia’s laughter echoed through the garden, turning everything dark and twisted.


Mia struggled to pull away, to summon her armor.  Anything!


“You have something I need, girl.  And now there’s no way you can stop me from taking it.”  She grabbed Mia’s head in a vice grip, forcing the human’s eyes to meet her own.


Mia couldn’t look away, couldn’t close her eyes.  Something was happening.  THE PAIN!  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!  STOP IT!  STOP!”  Her screams pierced the air.


“One exquisite moment is all I require.”  A light swirled in Mia’s eyes.  Stygia called it forth with mystic words.  The light burst from her eyes and into Stygia’s.  Yes!  This was what she needed.  A piece of Mia’s power, essence, and soul.  Mia screamed and fell to the ground, jerking as if in the throes of a violent seizure.


Ryo circled Mia with his arms, trying to hold onto the moment.  But something kept nagging at him.  What about the bird sounds?  That was important.  “Mia?  Something isn’t right.  We need to…  Mia?”  He tried to pull out of her arms, but she held him close with a strength she’d never had before.  “Mia?”  He looked at her eyes.  They were completely black.  “You’re not Mia!”


“I am Stygia, Queen of the Night!  You have something I want.  And what I want, I take.”


Ryo fought with all his strength to break her hold, but nothing worked.  He was trapped, helpless!  The sky swirled with darkness as she laughed.


“Humans.  So stupid.  So gullible.  So fragile.”


It felt like someone was digging under his skin with hot glass—deeper, deeper.  “AAAAAAAAAAAAA!”


A light shot out of his eyes and into Stygia’s.  The second half of what she needed!  She released him.  Ryo collapsed, writhing in agony.


“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!”  Ryo woke with a start.  He tried to stand up, to run, to fight, but he fell to the floor, weak and shaking.  He couldn’t stop shaking.  He clutched his stomach, feeling bile rise in his throat.


“NO!  NO!  NO!  NO!”  Mia woke screaming.  Her eyes darted around the dark room.  She was sobbing and she couldn’t stop.


Anubis left his room as fast as he could, forcing his tired limbs to cooperate.  He almost ran into Jack, Sage, and Sai in the hallway.  Hana and Takeo were just coming up the stairs.  “Jack, Hana.  You come with me.  The rest of you check on Ryo.”


Anubis knocked on Mia’s door.  No answer.  “Mia?  What’s wrong?  Mia?”  No answer.  “We’re coming in, Mia!”  He opened the door and was shocked by what he saw.  Mia had wrapped her arms tightly around her legs, hugging them to her.  She was crying and rocking herself back and forth.


Jack walked up to her bedside.  She didn’t even look at him.  “Mia?”  He put a hand on her arm to get her attention.


She screamed and scurried away from him to the other side of the bed.  “Don’t touch me!  Don’t touch me!  Please…please don’t…”


“Mia.  It’s me.  Jack.  Don’t you recognize me?”


She looked up, really seeing him for the first time.  “Jack?  It hurts.  It hurts so bad.  Please don’t touch me.  Please.  It hurts.  It hurts.”


Jack looked up at Anubis and Hana questioning.  Anubis could only shake his head as Hana shrugged.  They had no idea what was wrong, either.


Sage knocked on Ryo’s door, but he wouldn’t answer.  They could hear sounds coming from within, though.  Sage opened the door, peering into the darkness.  When Sai turned on the light, the three of them froze at the sight before them.  Ryo was doubled over in the corner, retching. 


Takeo ran out of the room to get a bucket.  The other two knelt next to their friend.  “Ryo.  What happened?”  Sage reached out to touch his shoulder, but Ryo suddenly flinched away.  Sage wisely moved back slightly and didn’t try again.  He softened his voice even more.  “Ryo.  I’m your friend.  Talk to me.  What’s wrong?”


Ryo shook his head violently, but wouldn’t say a word.  Takeo came back just in time as Ryo vomited again.


Sage and Sai exchanged worried glances.  What was going on?