Part 8: Blind Eye


Stygia twirled in the sun, cackling with laughter.  It was a strong body, a permanent body.  And it was hers.  Her laughter grew louder and contemptuous as she contemplated the future.  Those fools!  The Nameless Ones had no idea how strong she’d become!  What hidden abilities she possessed!  As they’d performed their magic around her, she’d opened all her mystical senses.  She could feel everything they’d done—what ingredients they’d used, what magics they’d woven.  She didn’t need them anymore.  With the knowledge she’d gleaned from the process, Stygia knew without a doubt that she could replicate it.  She would create new bodies for all her loyal followers.  But they would have to prove their loyalty first.  They would have to fight the Daylings for her and destroy them all in order to receive her gift.


She would cast a spell of darkness over the Shining Realm so her army could march on the Dayling Sidh.  She could’ve done so before, but to what avail?  If she had taken the throne without a day-walking body, she never would’ve been able to hold it.  Her spell of darkness would have lasted only so long before the rays of the sun burnt it away.  And that is what the sun would’ve done to her eventually when her host bodies no longer sufficed.  Now she had no such concern.  And after the fall of King Breon’s ilk, neither would the rest of the Darklings.


Obsidian watched from the shadows of the cavern, taking care not to let the light touch him.  This was wrong—all wrong!  Stygia’s madness would destroy their people.  Her ideas would do nothing but stir up old hatreds and bitterness.  Most of the Darkling Sidh had grown to love the night.  It was their domain, their beautiful place of power.  But she would make them remember their downfall.  She would incite them to relive their humiliating defeat over and over until they called out for Dayling blood.  They would forget how they’d made the night their home.  Those born after The Curse did not even know what it was like to live in the light, but Stygia would make them hunger for it.  It was all due to Stygia’s pride.  She couldn’t bear the thought of having been passed over as unfit for the throne and then being defeated in battle and exiled.  How many of their people were going to die for her wounded pride?


“Perhaps there is something you could do about that?”


Obsidian turned to see one of the wispy Nameless Ones further back in the caves, its eyes glowing blood red.


“Her power is not absolute, young prince.  If someone as strong, with the same abilities were to oppose her…  Maybe someone with a day-walking body…”


“Never!  I would never violate a human as she has done to gain such a thing!”


“A temporary body, then.”


“To steal a human’s body against his will?  To become a blood wraith in order to prolong my hold?  No better than a demon?  Stygia may find her actions justifiable, but I still follow the old ways when such things were forbidden.  I don’t know what you and your foul kind are getting out of this bargain with Stygia, but I want no part of it!”  Obsidian turned towards one of the other tunnels, prepared to leave.


“Even if it would stop a war?  Even if you could save your people from destroying themselves?”


Obsidian hesitated.


The Nameless One smiled to himself.  “What if the host were willing?  That would be ethically acceptable to you, would it not?”


“If…if the human knew…knew how important it was.  I don’t know.”


“The warriors that Stygia stole from?  They could help you stop her.  You know there is only one way this can end, don’t you?”


Obsidian stared at the cavern wall.  He had loved her once.  The long centuries of her bitterness and hatred had killed that.  For too long it had only been loyalty that made him stay.  She had shown no loyalty to him or to her people.  Why should he keep his to her?  “Yes.  I know what must be done to save the Darkling Sidh.  But only if the human is willing and only for a short time.”


“The magic that makes inhabiting a human body is limited.  You will only be able to stay in the host for a week at most, the time getting shorter with each host.  If this one does not last long enough, perhaps we should have another waiting…”


Obsidian turned with an angry snap.  “There will be only one—and only if he is willing!  Keep your cloying words to yourself.  I won’t let you use me like you’ve used her.  I’ll do this, but only because I have no choice.  I will not enjoy it.”


“Very well.  One should be enough.  The one we had in mind might need a little…modification.”  The Nameless noticed the tension grip Obsidian.  “Never fear.  This human will be more than agreeable to what we have in mind.  Come.”


Uli was near death.  He knew it.  He drifted through the land of dreams, but he kept seeing a guy with a sword watching him from a distance.  It was Death.  That was a no-brainer.  The sicker Uli got, the longer he slept.  The longer he slept, the closer the guy with the wings and sword got.  The man was standing in front of a bright light, too.  Uli figured it was the “Bright Light.  It was so bright he could hardly look at it at first.  Now it seemed almost pretty.  He liked looking at it a lot now.  It seemed like a nice place to go.  Would his parents worry?  He wondered what the guys were doing.  It would’ve been nice to be a real Ronin.


“Maybe that can still be.  The world is full of strange possibilities.”


Uli was so startled he almost fell over.  A dark, winged man had snuck up on him.  He looked liked the other one.  Uli looked over to the light to see Death still watching him.  This guy must be his twin brother.  Mia mentioned him.  What was his name…Hypnos?  He helped her out before so that made him one of the good guys.  Uli relaxed.


“You do not believe me, Uli Nakamura?”


Uli looked down at his feet.  “You’re just saying that.  I’m never gonna be a Ronin now.  I’d have to grow up first.  We both know that’s not gonna happen.”


“Be hopeful.  Things change.”


“What do you mean?”


“Wait and see, young man.  But I would give you some advice.  Do not overlook unexpected opportunities.  And when the time comes to make an important decision, follow your heart.”


“What decision?”


“You’ll know.”  The man started to walk away.  “Remember.  Follow your heart.”


Uli watched as Hypnos disappeared.  Weird.  Now he was really confused.  He plunked down in the grass to watch the pretty light.


Astarte sat across the kitchen table from Mia, trying her best to keep her voice calm.  More than anything she wanted to rush out into the world and hunt down this Stygia as if she were a mad dog.  But such a wild, angry search would take time.  Time they did not have.  Surely this Sidh woman had something planned, something evil.  It was their duty and their right to stop her.  For that, she needed Mia’s help.


“I can’t.  I can’t do this, Astarte.  That feeling…  I just can’t.”


Astarte looked to Ryo for his permission.  He stiffened under her gaze and turned away.  He could only shake his head.


“I have a way to find this creature.  But I cannot do it without your assistance.  The magic she used to steal your essence has surely left a trail.  If you allow me to see within you, I can follow it.  We must do this quickly or the trail will grow cold.”  Mia stared down at her hands, refusing to meet Astarte’s eyes.  Astarte became frustrated at Ryo and Mia’s inaction.  They were warriors.  They needed to push beyond their pain, find the strength to punish the evil Sidh who did this to them.  She grabbed Mia’s hand in a grip that was none to gentle.  “Mia!  Look at me!  Will you let this Stygia rule your emotions and your actions?  Fight to take back what is yours!”


Ryo grabbed Astarte’s arm.  His voice was even with repressed anger.  “Leave her alone.  If you need to do this, I volunteer.”  Ryo didn’t let go of Astarte’s arm until she had released Mia.


Astarte turned her attention to him, her eyes sparking green.  “Show me.”  A hazy filament rose up from Ryo’s heart and snaked it’s way out the window.  It was a thin connection, but it was enough for Astarte to follow.  Stygia could not hide from her now.


Ryo shuddered.  He couldn’t see anything different, but he could feel it.  He had that sensation of something rising up from within him and leaving his body.  It was too much like when Stygia had stolen some of his essence.  His head knew this was the best way to track down that witch, but his heart only felt like he was being violated again.  Would getting those stolen pieces back make this empty, sick feeling go away?