Part 7: Moros, God of Doom


Back at the house, Zoe tried to contact Zane. For some strange reason, she couldn’t get through to his thoughts. She could feel his presence and that of the armor, but she was blocked from access. She asked Anubis to summon the Sentinels, hoping he could reach Zane. She paced through several tense minutes, waiting to see if her brother was okay.

Anubis came out of his trance, a puzzled frown on his face. "I was able to contact everyone. Zane is fine." Zoe let out a relieved breath. "Astarte, Gilgamesh, and Trace are also well…"

Now Mia was puzzled. "I hear a ‘but’ in your voice. What’s wrong?"

"They are all fine physically, but emotionally…I don’t know. There’s something strange, an undercurrent I don’t like. I don’t know what it is, but it bothers me. Perhaps I am merely projecting my own worries over this new problem in the Dynasty. I’m sure it is nothing." He stood up and went to the window.

"Well. It will be a bit before Zane gets here since he has to drive. Astarte and the others will be here in a few minutes. Being able to teleport people has its advantages. It’s just about lunch-time, though. Want to help me make some sandwiches?"

Zoe was more than willing to find something to occupy her mind, but Anubis had other ideas. "I think I would like to meditate for a while. I am still uneasy for some reason."

"Okay. We’ll be in the kitchen."

Anubis went out onto the deck and sat down. He always found the view there calming. He closed his eyes, breathing rhythmically, slowly. Soon he was deep into a meditative trance. He had cleared his mind, hoping that the spirits of the Ancients would grant him some wisdom. But his thoughts were filled with images of the past. He couldn’t block them out. He had done many evil deeds in Talpa’s name. Conquered, destroyed, killed. The faces of his victims assaulted his senses—screaming, crying, pleading, accusing. Each word they hurled at him was like a knife that cut his soul. A woman with long green hair pleaded with him to spare her father’s life. Instead Anubis left her alive to watch as he killed her father and destroyed her entire clan. Anubis had once felt something for her, but his heart and mind had since been consumed by Talpa’s hatred and evil. He left her there among the bodies as his master’s voice called him away to another task. He thought he could atone for the past by following the ways of the Ancient, but he saw now that his sins were too great. No good deed he performed now could ease their pain or bring them back to life. Nothing could wipe away the stains of blood on his hands. He was a monster. He deserved to die. Over and over he was bombarded by his brutal past. Over and over he watched people die at his hands.

"Anubis? Anubis? Are you hungry? The others aren’t here yet. I don’t know what’s keeping them. But if you’re hungry, the sandwiches are ready." Zoe stepped out onto the deck. When Anubis turned to her, she was shocked. His eyes were so empty, his face so withdrawn. "Are you okay? You don’t look so good."

"I am fine. Do not trouble yourself with thoughts of me. I am not worth the effort."

"Don’t be silly. What are friends for? Maybe you just need a good lunch. Why don’t you come on into the kitchen." Zoe walked back into the house, but she kept looking at Anubis with worry.

Anubis muttered to himself, so quiet Zoe didn’t catch what he said. "One such as I can have no friends. I only bring death to those around me."