Oshay of Clan Kataran (nemesis)



Background: Long ago Oshay was a happy young woman of the Clan Kataran.  One of the many children of the mighty Clan Chief Arkes, she was expected to do her duty and make an alliance marriage with a son of the neighboring Keo Marou.  But Oshay had fallen in love with a young man named Anubis from the Eschevon people—a group her clan had been at war with for as long as anyone could remember.  Defying her father and her people, Oshay decided to run away with Anubis.  When he did not meet her in the woods, she returned to her village to find that he’d slaughtered everyone there.  Oshay spent the next several years searching for him to exact her revenge.  She eventually died without accomplishing her goal of killing Anubis.


The foul Children of Nyx needed a human warrior to go to earth and do their dirty work for them.  They stole Oshay’s restless spirit from the land of the dead and reanimated her.  Brainwashing her into hating all mankind, the Sentinels especially, they gave her the power of the Nemesis to punish and torture humanity.  Anubis was her first target.  The Sentinels were able to free her from their evil influence eventually, nursing her mind and spirit at Mia’s home.  She refused to stay because she could not completely rid herself of all the hatred and anger she still felt towards them.  It was later discovered she was a descendant of one of Sekhmet’s sibling.  She then began a familial relationship with Sekhmet.  She and Anubis still rarely speak.


Good Traits: Oshay has been through many trials and has emerged a proud, tough person.  She is a strong-willed, focused warrior who knows how to get what she wants, always giving 110% to whatever she does.  Occasionally the others catch a glimpse of the innocent charm and warm personality that Anubis fell in love with.  Honor and integrity also mean a great deal to her.   


Bad Traits: Oshay has a tendency to get emotional where Anubis is concerned—often losing her temper.  Her pride is also very important to her and she tends to hide her more tender emotions because she does not want to appear weak.  She can also be hard-headed and stubborn, refusing to negotiate or compromise.  She does, however, have a soft spot for Sekhmet since he is her only living relative and will sometimes listen to him.


Abilities: Being a descendant of Sekhmet’s family, Oshay has inherited one of its traits--the transforming power.  She can turn her hands into fearsome lizard-like claws that are so sharp, she was able to slice through Anubis’s Armor of Chaos with them.  She has naturally quick reflexes and heightened agility, which were then enhanced by the Mask and armor of Nemesis that the Nyx gave her.  The mask was destroyed in battle against the Sentinels.  The Children of Nyx also granted her the ability to control the Spirits of Doom, but they took the power back after she refused to obey them.  She was given a naginata and a bullwhip as her weapons, often using one in each hand.  Anubis destroyed her whip with his scythe, but she still has the naginata.  Oshay will receive a replacement whip in the future (SW5: Land of H’ris).

I modeled (no tracing involved!) this picture of Oshay on a drawing I saw in a "how to" book on creating comic book characters. I had a hard time trying to make the armor and mask look metallic, but I think they turned out ok. She's better proportioned than some of my other pictures. Unfortunately, her legs and feet are too small.