Part 11: Gemini


--Mia’s house was full as everyone crowded around, trying to figure out what to do next. Anubis took control of the situation. "Hecate is more powerful than I feared. I cannot sense her presence or the Jewel’s. I think now that our search for the Sentinels was, in part, a ruse to keep us from concentrating our efforts on finding her. But she made a mistake that may benefit us—she underestimated the bond between Zane and Zoe." He looked at Zoe, inviting her closer to their planning circle.

--Zoe was still dazed by all the strange things she’d seen. And now, here she was, getting ready to help save the world. "I’ll do whatever I can, but I don’t know how much help I’ll be. With Astarte clouding his mind, Zane is unreachable. I can barely even sense him."

--"Mia and I have discussed this. You still have a strong link to the armor. If you are willing, we think our combined powers can strengthen that bond enough for us to find them. It could be dangerous to you. We are not sure what will happen."

--Zoe took a deep breath. "Let’s do it."

--Anubis gave directions for everyone to move the furniture in the room to clear a wide space. He then asked Zoe to sit on the floor and close her eyes. Mia sat in front of her and took her hands. Anubis sat behind Zoe. Mia called for her Armor of Occlusion and said, "DARK FOG RISE!" A grey mist rose around her that encompassed Zoe and Anubis.

--Anubis spoke. "Zoe. I want you to concentrate on your brother. Picture him in your mind, not as the Warrior of Tundra, but as the brother you’ve always known. Think of a time you felt particularly connected to him."

--Zoe remembered when she was a little girl and had her tonsils out. They wouldn’t let children in to the hospital to visit sick people, but he’d mentally held her hand throughout her stay—even sharing her pain and discomfort. She reached out with her mind now to share his pain. There was a wall blocking the connection, but Mia and Anubis pushed her through it. "Zane? Can you hear me?"

--"Zoe! Is it really you?! I thought… I couldn’t sense you… Oh, God, I’m so sorry."

--"It’s okay, Zane. I’m okay. Don’t even try to feel guilty—it wasn’t you." There was a moment of silence. Zoe knew he was pulling himself together.

--"I…It’s so good to hear you again, Zoe. Everything’s been numb inside my mind. I don’t know how long I can keep up this conversation before I’m pulled back under her power."

--"Don’t worry. I’ve made some new friends. We’re coming to help you, but we need to know where you are."

--"You can’t! They’ll kill you for sure this time! They’re going to cast some spell to take over the world two nights from now! You wouldn’t stand a chance."

--"These new friends of mine? Well, they can take care of themselves. Show me where you are." Zoe got an image in her mind of an ancient decrepit villa…somewhere warm…west-facing…tiny island off the coast of…Greece! Suddenly their connection snapped with such force, Zoe felt like she’d been punched. She cried out, a frosty breath escaping from her lips. She noticed that everyone was shivering violently—the temperature had dropped at least thirty degrees.

--Kento said through chattering teeth, "Hey! Next time, tell us we’re gonna need sweaters, okay?" Zoe looked upset. Kento felt like a jerk so he took her hand to help her up, giving her a friendly wink. "You okay?"

--"Yeah. Just got the wind knocked out of me for a sec, but I’m okay. Thanks."

--While everyone bundled up in blankets, Zoe, Anubis, and Mia went to look at maps to find the exact island. Thankfully the temperature was rising quickly.

--In a few minutes, Mia called them all to the kitchen table. "We’ve found it! Mirsiniklos. It’s small and barely on the map, but it’s there. Zoe’s positive it’s the one." She rubbed her eyes. "According to Zane, we’ve got two nights after this one to stop them. It’s been a long day, so I think we should all turn in now. We’ll need our strength tomorrow. I’ve got plenty of room for everybody, so don’t worry." She and Ryo went to the closet to get some extra bedding while Sai, Sage, and Rowen started setting up cots. Kento snuck off to the kitchen with Zoe to get a snack. Anubis and Trace put all the living room furniture back where it was. In no time at all, the place looked like a hostel. Everyone was so tired they went straight to bed without much conversation.