Part 17: Road Home


--Mia’s house was overcrowded, but she didn’t mind. There were the Ronins, Uli, White Blaze, the Sentinels, Anubis, and Astarte. At least she had plenty of people to help her make dinner and clean up afterwards. It was comforting having the house so full of comraderie and goodwill, but she knew it wouldn’t last. She sensed that several of them were about to leave. Astarte called for everyone’s attention.

--"You have made Gilgamesh and I feel at home among you, even though we started not as friends. I am honored to know all of you. When Trace drew on my immortal life force to help heal Gilgamesh’s mortal wounds, it changed us. Our immortality is gone. Immortality had always been a curse to Gilgamesh, but to me it was my birthright. I thought that I would miss it, but I find the feeling strangely invigorating. I wish to see the lands we walked so long ago--with mortal eyes this time. We have missed our homeland terribly. I am sure it is much changed, but we want to revisit it all the same. We have asked Trace to accompany us."

--Trace spoke. "I really want to see it, too. In a way it’s like my birthplace. Maybe more memories of that life will come back to me if I go there. I want to remember it all. But if you ever need us, we’ll be here in a heartbeat."

--Mia was glad he was going with Astarte and Gilgamesh. The three of them had become inseparable—like they’d been friends forever. Everyone took turns wishing them well, shaking hands and hugging. Then the three of them stood together, Astarte raised her hand, and they disappeared in a flash of red.


--Later that afternoon, Ryo, Mia, Sage, Sai, Rowen, and Anubis were talking in the living room when Zane and Zoe came in. Zane told everyone that he would be leaving, too. Mia turned to Zane and Zoe. After the battle was over, Zoe had rematerialized, much to Zane’s relief.

--Ryo spoke up. "That’s right. You’re supposed to be watching your uncle’s house, aren’t you?"

--Zane smiled. "Yeah, I figure it’s about time to get back there. If anything happened to his place, how would I ever explain why we weren’t there to keep an eye on it? I was at the battle, and I’m not sure about everything that happened. But if you don’t mind, Mia, Zoe would like to stick around for a while."

--Zoe said, "We both don’t need to watch the place. And to tell you the truth, there’s really nothing to do there. His house is so far away from everything! Zane’s looking forward to the peace and quiet, but I’d rather be somewhere closer to civilization and people. I was going stir crazy! Is it okay?"

--Mia was glad. She and Zoe had become fast friends. "No, I don’t mind at all. That would be great."

--Sage seemed particularly interested. "So you’re going to stay, Zoe? Maybe you’d like a proper tour of the city. If you’re not doing anything tonight, maybe you and I could…"

--Zoe was about to answer when Sai broke in. "What makes you think she’d be interested in going out with you? I was getting ready to ask her."

--Just then, Kento came into the room reeking of cologne. "Hey guys! What’s all the noise about?"

--Rowen was holding his nose. "Get a load of you! What’s the occasion?"

--"I have a date."

--Sage’s face fell. "Oh, no…"

--Sai smacked himself on the head. "Not…"

--Zoe stood up. "You ready, Kento?"

--"I’m always ready." He held out his arm for her and the two of them walked out together. Kento looked back and winked. Sage and Sai sat down on the sofa to sulk. Everyone else just laughed at them.


--Early the next morning Mia stood on the lakefront, hugging herself in the cool air. She and Anubis had already said their farewells. He was talking to the others now. Mia hated long goodbyes so she’d gone out by the lake to be alone. She heard Ryo calling her as he jogged up the beach.

--"Hey, Mia! What are you doing out here so early in the morning all by yourself?"

--"I just needed some time to think. The others woke up after you went jogging. They’re out back saying goodbye to Anubis."

--"Anubis is leaving?" Ryo couldn’t help it, but he felt a little relieved.

--Mia looked so sad. "I wish he wouldn’t go. I think he’s very lonely and we’re the only friends he has. I’ve gotten so used to having him around, too. I’ll really miss him."

--"Does he mean that much to you?"

--"Of course he does."

--"Oh." Ryo didn’t know what else to say. It was one thing when he thought Anubis was interested in Mia, but quite another to find out she was interested in him…

--Mia sighed, looking out over the lake. "His presence has been so comforting. In many ways, it was like having Grandfather here again."

--"Huh? You mean…you think of Anubis as a…a grandfather?"

--"Sure. He’s very much like him--his demeanor, his wisdom, his quiet presence. And he’s certainly old enough to be my grandfather."

--"Mia, that’s great! I mean really great!" Ryo grabbed her hand, dragging her along. "I’ve got to talk to Anubis. And Mia…there’s something I want to talk to you about. I mean...that is if you..."

--"The answer is yes, Ryo."


--"Yes, I’d love to go out with you. And it’s about time." Mia was glad Ryo was getting over his silly feelings about Anubis. "What took you so long?"

--"I’m starting to wonder that myself."

--The two of them ran around to the back of Mia’s house. The Ronins, Zoe, and Uli were trying to talk Anubis out of leaving. He just shook his head sadly. "I am grateful for your friendship—more than you will know. But I think it is time for me to move on." He turned to see Ryo and Mia behind him, still holding hands. He smiled to himself. Ryo walked towards him.

--"Anubis, please don’t go. I’ve been a real jerk. I don’t know how I can make up for that, but give me the chance to try." He looked at Mia. "We really want you to stay. Please."

--"Ryo of the Wildfire. Do you truly wish for me to stay?"

--Without hesitation, Ryo held out his hand in welcome. "Yes."

--Anubis read the sincerity in his eyes. He took Ryo’s hand. "Then I will."

--Kento let out a whoop. "Oh, yeah! You’re going to love it here, Anubis! With us as your guides, you’ll be a regular guy in no time. We’ll show you the town, take you to clubs…"

--The others started laughing. Sai said, "I don’t know if Anubis is ready for all that yet, Kento. Maybe he should take it slow."

--"Slow?! He got about a thousand years to make up for! I bet Talpa didn’t throw any cool parties in that Dynasty castle of his."

--Zoe agreed. "I think Kento’s right. He needs to jump in with both feet."

--Anubis turned to Mia and Ryo as Kento raved on. "Do you think that if I leave now, I can still make it safely away?"

--They laughed. Ryo grabbed hold of one arm and Mia took the other. "Oh, no you don’t," Ryo said. "You’re stuck with us."

--They all walked back into the house. Kento followed behind, still talking away.



The characters of Gilgamesh and Enkidu are taken directly from the ancient Sumerian epic, Gilgamesh—although I did "tweak" the story some. It is one of the oldest documented stories in human history with origins extending back to the third millenium B.C. It is a tale of friendship, loss, and acceptance that is still powerful today.